《Agreement of Being Gay for 30 Days [協議攪基30天]》037; "hence, anyone want a short sex¹ clip?"


The next day, Wang Guangning received a call from David just when he was about to meet a client after the conclusion of a conference with his colleagues at Fumaokaisi.

"Hey, Ning. I have some good news to tell you." David's voice sounded extremely excited, "After a discussion with our team, we have decided that you are very suitable for our company. When you're free, come and greet our HR manager; everything is basically already set."

Wang Guangning laughed, "David, thank you for your acknowledgment and appreciation. I quite admire Huidi, however, I'm afraid that I will not be able to work for you."

"Why do you say that?" David's tone sank. "Is Lao² Zhou retaining you?"

老: Basically translates to 'old' Zhou. It's use to indicate affection/familiarity, or to refer to someone who is venerable/experience/of long standing.

Lao Zhou was the honorific that people in the industry used to refer to Fumaokaisi's boss.

"No," Wang Guangning refuted. "It's just that I met the love of my life³ at Huidi. In order to prevent the occurrence of an office romance, I believe that it is necessary to give up this opportunity."

我一生的摯愛: literally translates to 'my true love of an entire lifetime'.

In truth, Wang Guangning felt slightly guilty when he said this since he didn't have the intention to work at Huidi from the very beginning.

David was shocked upon hearing Wang Guangning's declaration. If Wang Guangning said that Lao Zhou had given him a salary increase, then he could still attempt to convince the other. However, after Wang Guangning suddenly brought out his personal feelings, David didn't know how to respond. "The person that you're speaking about is......"

"I still haven't caught them yet!" Wang Guangning replied. "Please keep this a secret for the time being. After I have successfully pursued them, I will invite you out for a drink."

Since it had been explained like this, David didn't have anything else to say. He could only sigh in regret. "Alright then. I wish you well in winning her heart⁴ soon."

抱得美人歸: to win the heart of a beauty (and live happily together).

"Thank you." Wang Guangning said.

David appeared quite calm during the phone call, but it was an entirely different case when he hung up. He slammed his hand down on the desk heavily, "This Ning is truly too ridiculous. He actually went as far as to say that he'd fallen in love with someone at our company and wouldn't consider the opportunity we've given him."

David had immediately phoned Wang Guangning after the conclusion of a team meeting. Thus, everyone else was still present during the call and were watching him.

After hearing David's words, a flash of light streaked past their eyes. After all, they had met too many people who'd given up a job opportunity at the last moment. At the most, Ning was just a bit more elegant and refined compared to others; there wasn't anything exceptional about him. However, to their surprise, his reason for doing so was very different and stood out from the masses.

Everyone's urge to gossip suddenly ignited, but they couldn't be too obvious about it in the presence of their director. Feigning calm, they asked, "Oh. Did he say who?"

David shook his head, still in a fit of anger. "He just returned to the mainland; how could he have come into contact with one of our company staff? It's definitely just an excuse."


And a clumsy excuse at that. He must not be forgiven!

"Ah, that's not necessarily true~" A woman interjected. She was dressed in a professional suit and exuded the aura of an elite. "Didn't he come to our company for an interview? Maybe he met someone then......"

"The only two people he came into contact with that day were Yingchu and I." David said, panting with rage.

"Oh~" When they heard this, realisation hit and everyone murmured meaningfully. "Xia Yingchu......"

It was well-known knowledge that Xia Yingchu was reputed to be the goddess of Huidi International's southern branch. Her ability to attract the other sex was obvious to all. If this was the case, then everything made sense.

Hence, the rumour that Fumaokaisi's marketing director, Ning, fell in love at first sight with Xia Yingchu spread around the entirety of Huidi International before half a day had even passed.

It truly was very exciting!

The gossip became more and more rampant; and by the time it reached Zhang Lingyi's ears, the story was that Wang Guangning and Xia Yingchu had already known each other since many years ago. Afterwards, for the sake of their studies, they reluctantly parted. However, Wang Guangning was unable to forget Xia Yingchu during the entire period of his stay in Taiwan. Consequently, he did his utmost to find a way back to the mainland. He wanted to reunite⁵ with Xia Yingchu and ignite their flames of loves once again.

破鏡重圓: a shattered mirror put back together (idiom); (of marriage) to pick up the pieces and start anew; for a separated couple to reconcile and reunite.

Considering that Wang Guangning was young, handsome and successful, he had become a highly eligible bachelor in G city's business community not long after returning. Thus, Xia Yingchu immediately became the person who inspired the most envy and hate in Huidi International.

As he had once been Wang Guangning's classmate and gay partner, Zhang Lingyi knew for certain that the gossip was not true. Yet, he still couldn't help but feel slightly out of sorts.

Hence, he pasted on a blank expression and asked Xia Yingchu in feigned casualness. "Yingchu, did you receive Wang Guangning when he arrived for the interview?"

That day, Xia Yingchu had not exchanged many words with Wang Guangning and had originally felt a bit awkward. Who knew that an opportunity would unexpectedly present itself. To Xia Yingchu's surprise, she heard that Wang Guangning had fallen in love at first sight with her and even let go of a work offer at Huidi International. She had long felt restless, but Xia Yingchu knew that she couldn't be too proud of herself in front of her immediate superior. Therefore, she revealed a bashful face and said, "Yes."

"En, and what do you think of him?" Zhang Lingyi continued to question her expressionlessly. Inside, he repeated to himself: act natural, act natural!

Xia Yingchu's cheeks flushed lightly. "Mr Wang is very good, he has extreme poise."

Of course he does!

When Wang Guangning had discovered Yu Haining's true face all those years ago, he was still able to go over and show consideration when she was drunk!

Zhang Lingyi didn't expect that even after all these years, this aspect hadn't changed a bit.

In his heart, Zhang Lingyi was fiercely ridiculing her. Yet, his outer appearance was indifferent.

Xia Yingchu felt as if there was something not quite right. Zhang Lingyi was a man who drew very distinct lines between one's public and private lives, and had never inquired about other people's private affairs during working hours. Today, he seemed a bit strange.


As a result, Xia Yingchu asked cautiously, "Manager, for you to question me about this......is something the matter?"

"En. I have a task for you to complete!" Zhang Lingyi said. As a professional manager who knew the clear divide between public and private concerns, he would obviously not use his authority over his subordinates to retaliate. But......

Zhang Lingyi stood up then picked up a box containing waste paper that was originally placed in a corner. He handed it to Xia Yingchu and said, "Take this and shred it."

Indeed, he was particularly childish!

Xia Yingchu stared at the box of waste paper with wide eyes. It would take until tomorrow to finish shredding this, right?

She took the box, her emotions in disarray. As a beautiful assistant, her job had always been to receive visiting clients and guests. Why did she also have to do something like shredding paper?!

While angrily feeding paper into the shredder one by one, Xia Yingchu fiercely daydreamed in her mind.

Hmph! After she married Wang Guangning, she would definitely hand in her resignation letter on Zhang Lingyi's desk with a noble and indifferent manner. She would lift her nose into the air and say, "This lady⁶ is now a wife⁷, I am no longer willing to work for you!"

老娘: basically translates to 'I, this old woman'.

少奶奶: used to refer to the young lady of the house; wife of the young master.

Wow, haha, a future similar to those of an idol drama's female lead was currently unfolding for her.

After oppressing Xia Yingchu, Zhang Lingyi's mood was slightly better. Of course, the main reason for this change was because of what he was going to do after work——helping Wang Guangning move into his house.

In order to expand Fumaokaisi into southern China's market, Wang Guangning was staying in G city permanently this time. According to the original plan, he should be living in the apartment allocated to him by the company. However, since Zhang Lingyi had said that he was renting out his house, Wang Guangning decided to ignore the benefit provided to him by the company.

As Wang Guangning didn't have his own means of transport, Zhang Lingyi drove his low-profile four-wheel drive to pick up the other man from Fumaokaisi. Afterwards, they would go together to Wang Guangning's hotel and collect his luggage.

Fumaokaisi's branch in G city hadn't been established for very long, so the staff were all quite young. There were even a few recent graduates, to the overall atmosphere was energetic and lively.

Wang Guangning had been sent here to expand into the mainland market, so he was extremely busy every day. When Zhang Lingyi arrived, Wang Guangning was still in a conference. Thus, he casually asked the administrative girl to receive him.

The girl was a part-time intern, and her youthfulness was unparalleled. Upon smiling, her two maxillary canines were revealed. Her eyes lit up when she saw Zhang Lingyi, and she led him to the reception with a grin. Handing him a glass of water, she said, "Mr Zhang, Ning ge⁸ is currently in a conference. He'd like you to please take a rest here, and he'll come to find you in a while."

哥: means 'elder/older brother', but isn't only reserved for those one is related to; can be used to show familiarity/respect etc.

The employees at Fumaokaisi's G city branch were not very old, so they spoke quite casually. They called everyone who was around or over Wang Guangning's age ge.

Since he didn't have much to do anyway, Zhang Lingyi gestured at the administrative girl, "Do you have time right now? If you do, let's talk for a bit."

The girl had initially just finished work, but there was a super attractive man wanting to converse with her, so she hastily nodded and sat down. "Mr Zhang, what would you like to talk about?"

Zhang Lingyi laughed. "You don't have to keep referring to me as Mr Zhang. I used to be a classmate of your Ning ge, so it's fine to just call me Zhang ge."

The administrative girl smiled and nodded.

Zhang Lingyi asked, "When was your Ning ge assigned to come here?"

The girl looked blank, "I'm not too sure about this. According to the company procedure, it should have been proposed around six months prior; however, the matter of actually moving here should be about two weeks ago."

In other words, Wang Guangning knew that he was returning to G city since six months ago. Yet, he had never thought about contacting him.

If it wasn't because Zhang Lingyi managed to coincidentally meet him at the interview, was Wang Guangning planning to never tell him?

Zhang Lingyi was so entangled in his thoughts that he didn't notice the brightening in the administrative girl's eyes.

"Ah, so what is Zhang ge coming to find Wang ge for?" The desire for gossip ignited in the girl.

Generally, very few people would come to the company if it wasn't because of some work related issue. On the other hand, if it was a matter concerning work, then Wang Guangning would definitely not have her receive the guest while he held a conference.

Zhang Lingyi smiled, "To move in together."

Move in together? Why did this answer sound so ambiguous?!

The administrative girl continued chatting with Zhang Lingyi; at the same time, she fished out her phone and opened QQ. She tapped on a group named >

That's right! The administrative girl was one of the legendary rotten women!

瓶邪: (píng xié) pretty sure this is a gay pairing/ship in the novel 盜墓筆記.


Black lines covered the administrative girl's face as she stared down at the orderly troops in the group chat. She deeply felt as if she had just dug herself a hole and jumped into it; sweating heavily, she withdrew from the chat.

At that precise moment, Wang Guangning knocked on the door and strode in.

"Ning ge." The administrative girl stood up quickly. "You're finished with the conference?"

Wang Guangning nodded, then said to Zhang Lingyi, "Let's go."

Side by side, they both exited the room. As she watched their tall and straight figures walk away, the administrative girl became momentarily muddled and completely collapsed. Hence, she once again entered the QQ group chat.

...Think what you will... ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌


@AdorableDeityIlluminatedByTheHeavens I want to read that 10, 000 word piece too~ (' ∀ ' *)/

H: has several translations, but basically means sex/making love/intimate relations etc.

—two men fighting over their son~ ( ̄ロ ̄lll)

translator: k i a i

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