《Agreement of Being Gay for 30 Days [協議攪基30天]》033; "standing in the rain together"


Wang Guangning suddenly leapt out of bed and prepared to go and find Zhang Lingyi; however, his phone vibrated again. It was a text from the counsellor:

Wang Guangning glanced at the message, then his fingers flew and he responded:

Then he jumped off his bed and sprinted out of the dorm.

Outside, the sky was overcast and fine drops of rain sprinkled down. The clouds were growing heavier and heavier, as if a fierce storm was currently brewing.

Wang Guangning ignored the weather conditions and ran in one breath to Zhang Lingyi's dorm which was on the sixth floor. The door was closed, so he knocked on it loudly while shouting, "Zhang Lingyi, open the door! Zhang Lingyi, quickly open the door!"

There didn't seem to be any movement within the dorm. Zhang Lingyi had most likely already left.

Wang Guangning promptly dialled his number and called him.

Zhang Lingyi immediately picked up. "Guangning, what's the matter?"

"I have something to tell you. Where are you?"

"I just came downstairs, what's wrong—

Before Zhang Lingyi could finish speaking, Wang Guangning interrupted him. "Don't move, I'll come and find you."

Wang Guangning hung up then flew down the stairs.

The sky darkened further and the rain pounded down harder. The world seemed to be enveloped in a blanket of fog.

Wang Guangning had not brought an umbrella since his mind had been entirely filled with thoughts of Zhang Lingyi. He was so preoccupied with the chaos in his heart that he was unable to pay attention to anything else.

By the time Wang Guangning arrived on the ground floor, the rain was already extremely heavy. However, Wang Guangning didn't care about that and rushed into the downpour.

Zhang Lingyi, I want to tell you that I like you!

Zhang Lingyi, I want to tell you that I don't want things to end like this between us. To me, this isn't just a game!

What about you? How will you answer me?

From afar, Wang Guangning caught sight of Zhang Lingyi's figure. The other man was standing in the rain, an umbrella raised above him as he held onto his suitcase. Zhang Lingyi's posture was straight and he held himself with a charming grace. Despite the flood of rain, Zhang Lingyi's imposing and lofty manner was not diminished in the least.

This was Zhang Lingyi's true disposition—svelte and handsome, with an all-consuming aura of grandeur. It was as if Zhang Lingyi was an entirely different person to the one who would shamelessly seek forgiveness from Wang Guangning or wear that mischievous smile while joking around with him.

Wang Guangning's heart sank slightly, but his feet did not stop moving.

It was only when he had arrived in front of Zhang Lingyi that Wang Guangning's heart tightened.

Unexpectedly, Luo Zihui was standing next to Zhang Lingyi.

Before, Wang Guangning was quite far away so he didn't notice Luo Zihui since she was blocked by Zhang Lingyi's figure. Now, he could see her very clearly.

She was holding onto Zhang Lingyi's arm.

Wang Guangning was suddenly hit by the feeling that maybe, from the very beginning, this entire matter was not what he had thought it was.

Upon seeing Wang Guangning running over with his body half-drenched, Zhang Lingyi frowned. He couldn't give his umbrella to the other man, since Luo Zihui would be caught by the rain if he moved it away. Hence, he spoke in a displeased tone, "Guangning, how can you forget to bring an umbrella with you?"


Wang Guangning didn't answer him, his line of sight still pinned to Luo Zihui's hand around Zhang Lingyi's arm. He said hesitantly, "Zhang Lingyi, you two......"

Naturally, the 'you two' was directed towards him and Luo Zihui.

Zhang Lingyi followed Wang Guangning's gaze. The expression on his face was slightly odd. Then he laughed, "Oh, right. I forgot to tell you; I'm dating Zihui."

"Is that so?" There was a distinct sense of premonition in his heart. Wang Guangning didn't lose his self-control right then and there, but his eyes turned empty and even his speech was incomplete. "When......when did this happen?"

"Just a few days ago," responded Luo Zihui in a natural and relaxed manner. She smiled sweetly. "However, Lingyi was busy in the last couple of days so we didn't have time to make it public. He just went travelling two days ago, and I happened to have some matters that needed resolving first. That's why we've dragged it on until now. He's sending me off now."

It turned out this was the result of the three days consideration Luo Zihui had given Zhang Lingyi. On one hand, Zhang Lingyi hadn't wanted to miss out on a girl who might be most compatible with him. On the other, he realised that his thoughts were developing and heading towards an abnormal direction.

In order to sever these improper thoughts, Zhang Lingyi decided to accept Luo Zihui's proposition.

Since it had been near the end of term, they were both busy with their own affairs so they didn't have the chance to make their relationship public.

Or, it could be said that in Zhang Lingyi's case, he didn't want to make it public so early.

After all, Zhang Lingyi lived in this city. If he wanted to return home, he didn't need to leave so soon. The reason why he had decided to depart now was so he could send off Luo Zihui.

It was only now that Wang Guangning realised he was the only one who had been so absorbed in their agreement.

From beginning to end, Zhang Lingyi had played the role of a conscientious gamer.

From the amount of effort and energy he had invested, it was easy to assume that Zhang Lingyi had fallen in deep.

However, as soon as the game ended, he calmly pulled out and smiled while saying goodbye.

He had even prepared a retreat path.

"Zhang Lingyi was together with you for the past few days, right? I didn't expect that you two would have become such good friends......" Luo Zihui was still speaking.

Yet, Wang Guangning was unable to glean anything she said.

He could only hear the loud pelting of rain as it smashed the ground, and the echoing sounds of ridiculing laughter that seemed to surge up violently from around him.

It was only when Zhang Lingyi patted his shoulder, that Wang Guangning recovered his thoughts. He stared at Zhang Lingyi, his face pale.

The rain was so heavy now that drops of it fell into his eyes before flowing out again, leaving him barely capable of keeping them open.

Zhang Lingyi's face was blurred, yet it appeared so clearly in his heart.

"Didn't you say you needed to tell me something? What is it?" Zhang Lingyi felt extremely anxious as he watched Wang Guangning standing in the rain. He wanted to just pull the other man under the umbrella as well.


Wang Guangning struggled to open his eyes, then revealed a natural and charming smile bordering on perfection. He grinned, "Nothing. I saw that it was raining when I woke up, and thought of how we still haven't completed one task yet. This is a good chance to make up for it."

Luo Zihui was present, so Wang Guangning didn't explicitly state what exactly the task was. However, Zhang Lingui understood immediately.

Stand together in the rain.

He laughed. "It's already so late, and you're mentioning it now?"

"Of course!" Wang Guangning replied, "It's already too late." He gave a self-deprecating smile then said, "Well, I don't have much else to say. I won't stall you both any longer!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Guangning turned around and walked away.

"What kind of riddles are you two speaking?" Luo Zihui glanced at Wang Guangning's back in confusion.

"Don't worry about it." Zhang Lingyi told her, abruptly pacing the umbrella into Luo Zihui's grasp. "Give me a minute."

Then he ran into the rain.

"Guangning." Zhang Lingyi caught up to Wang Guangning, and tugged at the other's arm.

Wang Guangning stiffened, then moved to face him. He was completely soaked, and cut a sorry figure.

"What is it?" Wang Guangning frowned as the droplets of rain splashed over Zhang Lingyi.

"Didn't you say 'stand together in the rain'? Well, in any case, I'll stand underneath it for a while." Zhang Lingyi chuckled, his body already half-wet.

Wang Guangning gave him a light punch and feigned a casual attitude. "Forget it."

"Alright, then, I'm going to go now." Zhang Lingyi hesitated for a moment, then finally turned and walked away.

Wang Guangning stared after him in a daze. Then he tilted his face upwards.

Fortunately, it was raining so Zhang Lingyi wouldn't be able to see his tears.

Zhang Lingyi arrived back at Luo Zihui's side. She moved the umbrella over to cover him, then took out a paper towel and wiped his face. With an expression of disapproval, she said, "How can you just suddenly run into the rain for no reason?"

Zhang Lingyi only smiled, and didn't reply. He stared at Wang Guangning's figure in the distance, immobile. A tear suddenly escaped the corner of his eye.

Fortunately, Luo Zihui didn't notice.

He didn't know why he suddenly remembered a line from The Love of Siam. Although he had fallen asleep while watching it with Wang Guangning, he had later viewed the film again in his own time. He couldn't remember much of the movie, but there was a sentence which was etched clearly in his mind at this moment——

Although I can't be your boyfriend, it doesn't mean I do not love you.

When Wang Guangning returned back to his dormitory, he felt as if his entire person had been hollowed out. He refused to change his clothes and just sat blankly on a chair.

He was unable to think of anything, and could only stare expressionlessly as his partly cleaned desk (which was usually very messy).

On the surface of the table was Wang Dafa and a small bottle of white vinegar.

The white vinegar had been previously given to him by Zhang Lingyi when they needed to complete day twenty's task—eating vinegar¹ for the other person.

吃醋: means 'to feel jealous'.

Wang Guangning unconsciously blinked, tears trickling down his face. He wasn't really aware of it when he picked up the bottle of white vinegar, opened it, then threw his head back and gulped the liquid down.

"Kekeke......" The heartbreaking sound of his coughs resounded in the empty room.

Wang Guangning's face was completely flushed as he choked. He pounded at his chest, trying to stop the incessant coughs.

The strong bitter and sour taste invaded all of his senses, irritating his gut and stomach.

His throat felt as if it was burning, and his head was struck violently by vertigo. Tears continued to pour down.

Wang Guangning squatted on the ground, and it took quite a while before he finally managed to recover.

"Kekeke......" The sounds of his coughs softened, mingling with a few indistinct sobs. Wang Guangning threw away the bottle of vinegar, then tilted his head up and leaned against his closet.

At this moment, everything had ended.

He didn't know how long after it was when his phone vibrated. It was the counsellor calling him.

The counsellor's anxious tone could be clearly heard as Wang Guangning accepted the call, "Guangning, what did you mean by that text? You don't want to go to Taiwan anymore?"

Wang Guangning's voice was hoarse. It took a while until it became normal again. "I apologise, teacher. I accidentally sent you the wrong message."

"Wrong?" The counsellor's voice relaxed. "So you're still going to Taiwan then?"

"En." Wang Guangning replied. "Teacher, I'd like to go a bit earlier and familiarise myself with the environment first."

"Okay, sure." The counsellor was excited. As long as Wang Guangning followed the original plan and went to Taiwan, then everything else could be easily discussed. "When would you like to go?"

"The sooner, the better."

Hanging up the call, Wang Guangning looked at his phone. The wallpaper was still Zhang Lingyi's photo, and his password was still Zhang Lingyi's birthday.

Wang Guangning considered for a moment, then changed his wallpaper back to the original picture and chose a new password.

Since it had ended, then everything should just go back to how it was originally.


No matter how many times I read this chapter, I still feel that phantom stab in my chest (╥﹏╥)

I should be revising for my SAT tomorrow, but I didn't want to leave you all waiting on that cliffhanger. The next update should be in about a week or maybe a bit more, since I have several other SATS/SACS that I need to study for (╯︵╰,)

*waves my box of tissues* Anyone need one?

translator: k i a i

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