《Agreement of Being Gay for 30 Days [協議攪基30天]》016; "choosing a different hairstyle for each other..."


For the hair salon named 'Tony Boy' which was situated near F University, today was their most glorious day ever since they had first opened. This hair salon had gathered many stylists who had exaggerated hairstyles, piercings, heavy make-up and wore flamboyant clothes. All the customers who had visited here were people with very peculiar tastes. And today, the two xiao cao who represented men from F University with the best taste, appeared at Tony Boy simultaneously.

Tony, the manager of Tony Boy, had his face streaked with tears as he smiled widely. Ah, today was the most historic of Tony Boy ever since they had first entered the premises of F University's high-end society!

Wearing Chinese heavy metal styled clothes that could often be found from villages in the countryside, Tony trembled in excitement form head to feet. He decided to personally create a hairstyle for these two xiao cao which was rich with 'Tony Style' and would astonish of all F University.

At this moment, Wang Guangning's mood contrasted starkly with Tony's intense elation and excitement. Instead...he felt an unparalleled pain in his balls¹.

蛋疼: in figurative terms, it means one is either extremely bored, or very agitated and anxious. Guess which one Wang Guangning feels right now 😂

"Zhang Lingyi, are you certain you want to get our hair done here?" Ever since Zhang Lingyi had come looking for him early in the morning with a smirk on his face, Wang Guangning had felt apprehensive. However, he had never imagined that Zhang Lingyi's taste would actually be this heavy.

This store Tony Boy, which was situated on the grounds of F University had a similar reputation to Sister Furong² from the fashion circles. Wang Guangning suspected that this was Zhang Lingyi's revenge against him for forgetting to promptly send the other a gift yesterday.

芙蓉姐: Sister Furong, also known as Sister Lotus. She was from Wugong, China and received worldwide notoriety in 2005 for the posts she uploaded onto the internet. (More information can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sister_Furong)

"Shou shou." Zhang Lingyi stared resolutely at Wang Guangning. His sincere expression caused Wang Guangning to feel doubtful, as if he was adopting a suspicious attitude without proper justifications³. "Did you know, ever since the first time I met you, I had hoped that there would be a day when you could come to this place and change your hairstyle for once!"

以小人之心度君子之腹: to gauge the heart of a gentleman with one's own mean of measure. I found a few examples of how to translate this in different contexts, and finally decided on the one I used above.

Zhang Lingyi didn't lie to Wang Guangning. When he had first met Wang Guangning, he had thought that this person looked very unpleasant. Hence, when he discovered this wonderful hair salon, Tony Boy, he had always wished for a day when Wang Guangning could come here and have his hair done.

He didn't expect that his wish which he had thought to be impossible would actually be achieved today!

This world shouldn't be so beautiful!

Wang Guangning silently watched Zhang Lingyi's expression of eagerness and wide smile. In his heart, he thought quietly —— did you forget? Regarding this matter of changing hairstyles, it goes both ways. You're trying to play me, how could I not retaliate?

Wang Guangning didn't know why the four words of a 'love and hate relationship' appeared in his heart. Immediately afterwards, he sighed with sorrow.

Fuck, this was just the result of him being imperceptibly influenced by Zhang Lingyi, alright?


The two of them sat in front of a large mirror and stared at the heavy metal style. With a red coiffure, Tony held a pair of scissors and walked towards them slowly. Inwardly, a distorted feeling of excitement actually erupted in Wang Guangning.

Then, let us just act recklessly together⁴. We'll see who loses more face than the other at the end!

奇葩: used to describe someone or something that is very odd or unusual; someone who behaves outside of social norms.

"Have these two customers decided upon what kind of hairstyles you would like? Or would you like me to create one?" Tony's eyes shone brightly as he gazed hungrily and Zhang Lingyi and Wang Guangning's hair. "The hairstyles that we design are completely for free, and we're very good at the Japanese or Hallyu styles. The two of you are so handsome, if that's coupled that with the hairstyle customised for you both by Tony Boy, then you'll definitely look incredibly cool. It will immediately attract all the female students at F University..."

What Japanese or Hallyu styles? This was obviously the style of that famous band from Vietnam, alright?

Wang Guangning silently ridiculed.

Then, as if in response to his ridicule, Zhang Lingyi spoke to Tony with a particularly serious expression, "No, I've already decided what hairstyle to do. You just have to follow this." As he spoke, he pulled out a printed piece of paper in colour from his pocket and handed it to Tony.

Wang Guangning stretched his neck and peeked at it, then instantly jolted as his scalp tingled. He almost felt like turning tail and escaping.

Damn, it really was that popular group from Vietnam, HKT!

On the coloured piece of paper that Zhang Lingyi had printed, was evidently a picture from Weibo of the Vietnam band HKT.

Initially, when Tony heard that Zhang Lingyi had already thought of what hairstyle he wanted, he was unhappy since it meant he would be unable to exhibit his creativity. Then, upon being given the picture, his eyes shone and he beamed with joy.

"I didn't expect that this handsome brother would also have such good taste. HKT's style has recently been or flagship product, it's both stylish and domineering. In particular, it has the style of a superstar, especially this one..." Tony pointed his finger, the long nail landing on the 'superstar' with the fringe who was standing in the middle of the picture, "Many handsome guys are following the trend and imitating his hairstyle. Choosing this hairstyle is perfect!"

Ah, of course it's the right choice! Zhang Lingyi expressed his satisfaction at Tony's explanation. He just knew that he should come and find Tony to do this hairstyle, only he could style it like the original!

At the side, Zhang Lingyi nodded his head then quickly pointed at Wang Guangning in an accurate move, "No, not me. He is the one who wants this hairstyle."

A chill splashed down Wang Guangning's spine. As he watched Tony turn his passionate gaze shift towards his own body, Wang Guangning suddenly had the impulse to kill Zhang Lingyi.

However, as a man, he would do as he said.

Although the incarnation of a snarling deity had already emerged in his heart, Wang Guangning still summoned up his courage and nodded his head with a twisted expression, "Yes, I want this hairstyle."

Zhang Lingyi, you dare let me become a HKT brother. ⁵

The sentence that follows this is 我就敢讓你縱橫金鏈夾角拖鞋界, does anyone know how to translate this? All I understand is that Wang Guangning is threatening Zhang Lingyi in his mind, saying he will also dare to 'do something'. TT - TT


Tony then once again enthusiastically told Wang Guangning that in all of G city, only he could reproduce the original intensity of HKT's hairstyle. He assured that even the length of the hair on his temples would be exactly the same, and that Wang Guangning would be able to smile proudly once he stepped into the campus.

As a result, Wang Guangning became even more worried.

After completely tyrannising Wang Guangning's spirit, Tony turned and asked Zhang Lingyi, his eyes bright, "And what does this handsome brother prefer as his hairstyle."

Thinking that there was absolutely no hairstyle in the world that could surpass HKT, Zhang Lingyi calmly faced Wang Guangning and said, "I'll ask him."

Wang Guangning sharply swept his gaze over Zhang Lingyi, distressed to find that he really could not think of any hairstyle which existed that was beyond HKT's style. Hence, he turned around in an especially mischievous manner, "Bald!"

Tony: "......"

Zhang Lingyi: "......"

Tony laughed, "Is this handsome guy just joking?"

Wang Guangning replied in a firm tone, "No, I'm serious. I have always thought that being bald was the symbol of an iron-blooded man! Zhang Lingyi, what do you think?" That last sentence clearly carried the hint of a threat.

Zhang Lingyi hesitated in his heart, should he continue this love and hate relationship with Wang Guangning, or just give up and compromise? To a xiao cao who highly valued his appearance, he'd rather die than have to swagger into the city with a bald head...however, it seemed Wang Guangning had really become the embodiment of a sha ma te⁶!


殺馬特: 'shā mǎ tè' (loanword from 'smart') refers to the Chinese subculture of young urban migrants- usually of low education, with exaggerated hairstyles, heavy make-up, flamboyant costumes, piercings and so on.

Zhang Lingyi was at a loss for a while, but ultimately his love for his appearance was unable to resist his wish to see Wang Guangning become a sha ma te. In the end, Zhang Lingyi said with a serious expression, "Yes, that's right. I particularly want a very manly and domineering bald head. Master⁷, please get started!"

師傅: in this case, it's used to refer to a qualified worker.

Tony's expression was as if he had just eaten shit, and he was lifeless for half a day before finally swinging his hips towards Wang Guangning. At the same time, he directed a shout into the back of the store, "Eric, Eric...quickly come and out and shave off all the hair for this handsome brother..."

He waited for a long time, but no one responded. Tony's expression sunk and he put his hands on his hips before shouting again, "Li Guodong, you dead person! Did you not hear me? There's customers out here, you better roll out quickly!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming..." They saw a young man staggering out, dressed quite similar to a gelatin dessert. While running, he replied in an embarrassed voice, "I'm still not used to using this English name..."

At this point in time, both Wang Guangning and Zhang Lingyi felt a kind of vague anxiousness.


The evening was cold, and a chilling wind rustled in the air. Various kinds of dead leaves littered the street, just like a classical scene shot from one of Wu Yu Sen's⁸ films. It seemed as if white doves could also be faintly seen, fluttering in the breeze.

吳宇森: director and screenwriter form Hong Kong, his English name is John Woo Yu-Sen.

During this moment, there should have been one or two tall and fierce looking men wearing black coats with high collars and white scarves. They should appear at the end of the street near the horizon, with grim expressions as they bit a toothpick between their teeth...

Yes, just like the plot in those films, the silhouettes of two tall men did indeed appear at the end of the street where the horizon was. Their features were refined, and they carried a handsome and elegant aura. Their expressions were even comparable to a male lead who acted as a murderer in a film.

Only, why were their hairstyles so horrifying?

One of them had a hairstyle reminiscent of those heavy metal styles from a countryside village. His hair was fluffy and stood up high, and his fringe drooped down across his forehead in alternating colours of white and purple. With this, the currently most respected fashion trend in Vietnam was manifested.

As opposed to his complicated hairstyle, the other man's hairstyle was extremely simple—— he had no hair.

His smooth and bare head was exposed to the cold wind, causing him to shiver involuntarily.

That's right, they were the two xiao cao of F University—Wang Guangning and Zhang Lingyi—who were popular with a multitude of girls and were the representatives of having good tastes, causing people to fall over each other in their eagerness to imitate their style.

After going through four hours of having their hair washed, cut, blown, ironed and dyed, they had finally been able to give a hairstyle to each other that they were both satisfied with. Of course, they were also completely grieving and lamenting over their own hairstyles.

Wang Guangning's face was not thick enough, and walking down the road with such a hairstyle made him feel very uncomfortable. Fortunately, there were very few people on the street and they didn't meet anyone they knew. Otherwise, he really would feel the urge to kill.

"Zhang Lingyi, how long do I have to endure this hairstyle?" Wang Guangning couldn't help but touch the tip of his hair that towered above. He felt that Tony really was quite an formidable hairdresser. His own hair was obviously not even that long, so how could it end up reaching so high after experiencing his skills?

This appearance was too sinister!

Although Zhang Lingyi's bald head was also very unsightly, it couldn't be compared to Wang Guangning's very stylish sha me te kind of hairstyle. Feeling pleased with himself, he said, "Wait until my hair grows out again!"

"As if!" Wang Guangning replied angrily, "Laozi will go and shave off my tomorrow!"

"Ah, don't, shou shou!" Zhang Lingyi slung his arm across Wang Guangning's shoulder, "I think your hairstyle looks particularly great, just like that of a famous star!"

"Hmph!" Wang Guangning threw off Zhang Lingyi's arm, "If you like it so much, then you can get one too when your hair grows back!"

Zhang Lingyi coughed. Undeterred, he once again laid his arm across Wang Guangning's shoulder, "Don't be like this, haven't I also shaved my hair to become bald? As men, we must courageously face any peculiar stares thrown at us!"

Wang Guangning realised that trying to establish logic with Zhang Lingyi was nothing but a dead end road.

Hence, he arrogantly gave Zhang Lingyi a jab then scuttled back to his dorm at the speed of lightning.

As if he would keep loitering outside with such a hairstyle.

He had already lost face too many times in these past few days with Zhang Lingyi.


Wang Guangning observed his own odd hairstyle for an entire afternoon, then strongly decided that he could definitely not go to public places like the self-study hall anymore. He should just lay low and study in his dorm.

He then sent a text to Sun Siyang asking the other to bring him take-away for dinner.

That night, when Sun Siyang returned to the dormitory, he placed the take-away on Wang Guangning's chair just like he usually did. As a result, he found a purple and white fluffy head nestled there.

"Fuck, are you trying to scare this daddy?" Sun Siyang who had always been quite timid was caught unaware and became frightened. He retreated suddenly, "Where did this demon come from? Why are you here in my dorm?"

Sun Siyang's voice had just spoken when that fluffy ball slowly turned towards him. He was astonished to find that he was facing Wang Guangning's expression of bitterness.

"......" Sun Siyang stared in a daze for a while, before he finally croaked out a few words from his brain, "Guangning, did you...receive Tony Boy's endorsement fee yet?"

Wang Guangning wasn't in the mood to explain the matter to Sun Siyang. He reached out a hand dispiritedly and grabbed the take-away, immersing himself in gobbling up the food in an attempt to borrow his appetite to escape the pain caused by his hairstyle.

"Guangning, what happened to you?" Sun Siyang worried incessantly. He knew that the number one species which Wang Guangning despised was sha ma te, so why would he get such a hairstyle for no reason?

"Nothing happened." Wang Guangning stared deeply into the distance, then slowly spat out a few words, "It's just that I suddenly...became HKT's fan...that's all..."

Ah, heavens! Please send a lightning bolt and strike him to death!

However, the thunderbolt did not hack him, but split apart Sun Siyang instead.

That night, F Xing Ren exploded with a piece of serious news——the two xiao cao Wang Guangning and Zhang Lingyi were suspected to have been wounded in their heart and thus abandoned themselves to despair by both getting unusual hairstyles.

As soon as Wang Guangning was told this news by Sun Siyang, he instantly opened the forum. At this moment in time, the posts on the forum were spreading like wildfire. Weibo was also already updating the news in perfect synchronous.

Fellow students and alumnus expressed in profusion that the reason behind this must be because 2012 had almost arrived.

Many young women had posted n number of crying faces in succession, saying that they were tired and felt that they would no longer love again!

"How did this happen?" Wang Guangning stared at an extremely clear picture of his very 'stylish' hairstyle and Zhang Lingyi's bald head which had appeared online. He suddenly had a feeling of wanting to cry, but not having the tears to do so. Obviously he had chosen to go at a time when people were scarcely about, and he definitely remembered that they hadn't come across anyone on their way back. So how could this news have been spread out?

Sun Siyang was clearly in the mood to gossip and he said, "I heard that apparently Tony Boy's manager was very excited since it's rare for you and Zhang Lingyi to be customers there together. So he secretly took a photo of you both, uploaded it onto Weibo, then..."

Tears streaked down Wang Guangning's face.

However, the point that Sun Siyang cared about was different to Wang Guangning. At the side, he asked cautiously, "But Guangning, how come you appeared in Tony Boy at the same time as Zhang Lingyi? And how come he also has such an...unusual hairstyle?"

Sun Siyang felt that something fishy was going on.

At the beginning, when Wang Guangning and Zhang lingyi had worn the same outfit and appeared in the same café, he had only thought that it was a coincidence. After all, they had both hated each other for a long time. As Wang Guangning's dormmate and best friend, he had also personally witnessed how Wang Guangning ridiculed Zhang Lingyi.

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