《Agreement of Being Gay for 30 Days [協議攪基30天]》015; "every devoted gong must unconditionally forgive their proud shou!"


After this battle, Wang Guangning's vigour was greatly devoured. He originally wanted to go back to his dormitory to have a good sleep, but upon entering the room he was once again reminded of a certain disharmonious scene from last night. Hence, he hesistated to go in.

Zhang Lingyi saw his hesitation and realised the reason after thinking deeply about it. Thus, he magnanimously patted Wang Guangning's shoulder and said, "Shou shou, since we're a gay couple; as your xiao gong, I sincerely invite you to sleep in my bed at my dormitory."

The corner of Wang Guangning's mouth couldn't help but twitch. Although he knew that Zhang Lingyi had good intentions, but these words somehow sounded quite awkward!

But now, anywhere was better than staying at this dormitory so he followed Zhang Lingyi to his dorm after elbowing him.

Regarding Zhang Lingyi's bed, Wang Guangning had already slept in it once that time when they watched the movie together. Therefore, he was very familiar with it and took off his coat then climbed into the bed directly.

Zhang Lingyi sat below and read his textbooks.

Zhang xiao cao originally was not a very diligent person, so once he started reading, many of his bad habits were exposed.

For example, he played on his phone, graffitied in his book, looked around aimlessly and even daydreamed. Then he saw that Wang Guangning's coat which was hanging in the closet...had blood on the collar.

Wang Guangning and him both placed heavy importance on their presentation, so it was impossible that those stains were caused by him. It must've been left behind by Li Sihong just then.

Zhang Lingyi recalled how Li Sihong had been bleeding from his nose and wrinkled his brows in revulsion. Then he lifted his head and glanced up at the bed.

Wang Guangning was indeed quite tired and had fallen into a deep sleep. Gently picking up the coat, Zhang Lingyi carried it to the balcony. Proceeding to fill up a basin with water, he then began to wash the coat.

These kind of coats should have originally just been thrown into the washing machine, but Zhang Lingyi was afraid that the washing machine would be noisy and end up waking Wang Guangning. Hence, the Zhang xiao cao who normally did not even bother to wash his own clothes started washing Wang Guangning's coat. It was as if this was caused by the work of demons or gods¹.

unexplained event crying out for a supernatural explanation; a curious coincidence.

While washing the coat, Zhang Lingyi thought that he himself must have been possessed by some strange thing to be doing this.

Wang Guangning slept heavily and only woke up when it was already in the evening. Ready and waiting, Zhang Lingyi said, "Shou shou, you've finally woken up. Quickly go and freshen up then we'll go to eat."

Wang Guangning was still half-asleep so he was quite confused. However, he hadn't eaten for the entire day so he was truly very hungry. He got out of bed to put on his coat, only to find Zhang Lingyi handing his own jacket over to him instead, "I've already washed your coat, it's drying outside so wear mine for now."

Wang Guangning paused, "You washed my coat for me?"

Zhang Lingyi shrugged, "Wasn't your coat stained by blood? It was really dirty."

Wang Guangning was silent. Of course he knew that his coat had been stained a little by Li Sihong's blood. He just hadn't expected that Zhang Lingyi would actually wash it for him.


Speaking of this, ever since their idiotic 'agreement' was set up by Zhang Lingyi, the two of them had continuously clashed. On the surface, it seemed that he had compromised with a lack of better options. However, in actuality, apart from persisting stubbornly with their gay policy, Zhang Lingyi had yielded to him more and more throughout their interactions.

In his heart, Wang Guangning felt a bit complicated.

Prior to being 'gay', he and Zhang Lingyi could definitely be described as being incompatible like fire and water.

Although their rivalry seemed to be quite unfathomable, but in reality, Wang Guangning and Zhang Lingyi's competitions with each other did look like that.

He had once thought that their rivalry would continue until the day they graduated; he had never thought that there would be a day that Zhang Lingyi would wash his coat for him.

Therefore, life would always be beyond our expectations.

Wang Guangning sighed quietly then accepted the jacket from Zhang Lingyi.

The two people ate some fried noodles from a stall in the streets near the campus then went to study together in the self-study hall afterwards.

Zhang Lingyi had wanted to ask Wang Guangning to continue sleeping in his dorm for the night, but Wang Guangning directly rejected him.

After all, he couldn't always stay in Zhang Lingyi's dorm.

In the end, Wang Guangning returned to his own dorm, however Zhang Lingyi urged him repeatedly that if Li Sihong dared to do anything to him, he must loudly shout for help. Zhang Lingyi would then be like Superman and instantly put on his red underwear to fly over and save him.

Wang Guangning was thunderstruck to the point of death and directly ignored him.

It turned out that Li Sihong's face was thinner than they imagined and he had soon moved out, causing Wang Guangning to sigh in relief.

If Li Sihong had not moved out, then Wang Guangning would have found an excuse to instead.

The following day was a Monday and Wang Guangning had a lecture he needed to attend to draw key points from. Early in the morning, he left to go to the classroom with Sun Siyang.

For the entire time, Sun Siyang dawdled and did not say anything.

Wang Guangning waited for half a day, but Sun Siyang still did not manage to find the right words to express himself. Unable to endure any longer, he directly questioned, "Exactly what do you want to say?"

Seeing Wang Guangning speak first, Sun Siyang knew that if he hesitated any more it would seem too exaggerated so he asked carefully, "Yesterday, Zhang Lingyi came to find you early in the morning..."

"En, I know."

"Did he come to find you because he wanted to have a fight?" Apart from fighting, Sun Siyang could not think of any other reason Zhang Lingyi would go and find Wang Guangning for.

"......" How did he come to such a formidable conclusion?

Noticing that Wang Guangning was silent, Sun Siyang thought he was confirming it, thus revealed an expression of fear, "Well, even though Zhang Lingyi is not very good as a person, you haven't reached the point that you need to fight with him, right?"

If it was before and Wang Guangning had heard people say Zhang Lingyi wasn't much, he would have felt so refreshed to the point of having an internal injury. However, he now felt a faint discontent and replied in a sour tone, "You're thinking too much. He was only looking for me to go and self-study together."


Sun Siyang nearly choked to death and replied with an expression of extreme shock, "You self-study with him?" This was more horrifying than the two of them killing themselves together.

Wang Guangning glanced at him, "We've already shaken hands and made peace!"

Sun Siyang: "......"

The rest of the journey was spent in silence.

Wang Guangning felt that there was no need to explain. Although Sun Siyang was considerate and wanted to thoroughly understand, however he was helpless and was unable to ask. Obviously a few days ago Wang Guangning and Zhang Lingyi were irreconcilable adversaries and had even duelled at the welcoming party. Yet, now they were shaking hands and making peace with each other? The world was changing too fast!

He simple could not keep up to pace with Wang Guangning, alright?

The path of being the dormitory roommate of the campus xiao cao was filled with tears of blood².

symbol of extreme suffering; blood and tears

Sun Siyang silently wiped his face.

As they were here to revise the main points of the subject, every one listened very seriously during the lecture. The teacher was influenced by the students' high spirits and was excited to the point that they nearly didn't review the entire textbook.

Sun Siyang had taken notes until his face was dripping with tears. Rushing up to lean on Wang Guangning's shoulders, he cried, "Brother Ning, I'll be depending on you for the exam this time!"

Wang Guangning's phone lit up and he calmly pushed away Sun Siyang before opening it. It turned out to be a message from a courier.

"?" Wang Guangning was puzzled. He didn't have a habit of shopping online and did not have any need for the service of express delivery during this period. How could he have a message from a courier?

Doubtful and suspicious, Wang Guangning directly headed over to Kang Kang Supermarket at the specified time after his class finished and received a large box.

Back at his dormitory, Wang Guangning was suddenly shocked as he opened the box.

It was a set of SpongeBob SquarePants pyjamas!

They were made from glistening yellow wool the colour of coral, with specks of green reminiscent of fungi. There was even a very forceful cartoon picture of the character itself.

Wang Guangning stared in 囧囧 at the set of pyjamas in front of him. He was very fond of SpongeBob SquarePants, however as a fresh³ xiao cao, it was not suitable for the image of the extremely yellow and violent character to appear on his body. Therefore, even though he really liked SpongeBob SquarePants and had even had the impulsive urge to buy a set of those clothes, he had never acted upon that desire.

has several meanings, but it basically refers to teenagers or young adults who try to appear stylish or artistic. (mentioned previously in chapter fourteen)

In the end, who was it that understood his heart so deeply and had even sent him this set?

Wang Guangning had many female suitors and had received countless gifts from them ever since he was young. They included chocolate, couple mugs, potted plants and so on. However, it was his first time receiving such a tasteful gift.

Wang Guangning was unable to make sense of who would send this to him.

It was reasonable to say that since his external presentation was quite good, no female student should know that he liked SpongeBob SquarePants.

Just as Wang Guangning was speculating, he received Zhang Lingyi's phone call, "Shou shou, I've found that you've signed the acceptance for the package from the express delivery. Did you receive my gift?"

"The express delivery was from you?" Wang Guangning was slightly perturbed.

"Ah, yes!" Zhang Lingyi said proudly, "Well? Do you like it?"

Wang Guangning felt quite complexed in his heart. He was confused for half a day before finally indifferently answering, "I like it."

"Ha ha ha——" Zhang Lingyi laughed, "I just knew that you would like it! I've long found out your tastes..." He clicked his tongue.

The moving feeling in Wang Guangning's heart instantly dissipated and he said threateningly, "What kind of taste do I have?"

"Of course it's that your taste is so good that I have nothing to say," Zhang Lingyi had interacted with Wang Guangning for a long time so he had gradually come to understand his temper. At this kind of moment, he should follow by coaxing him, then nothing could go wrong. As expected, Wang Guangning's aura quickly became harmonious again when he finished speaking. Laughing mischievously, Zhang Lingyi said, "Shou shou, where's my gift?"

"Yours?" Wang Guangning was obviously quite confused. Could it be that Zhang Lingyi had not only given him the gift so suddenly, but also wanted him to reciprocate and prepare one for the other as well?

From Wang Guangning's tone, Zhang Lingyi detected that something wasn't quite right. His voice instantly dropped, "Shou shou, could it be that you haven't prepared a gift for me?"

Wang Guangning finally couldn't restrain himself and said, "You didn't tell me that I needed to get you a gift, how would I know..."

"Shou shou, how could this matter be something that I need to remind you of? You're not attentively being gay with me. Did you forget what we needed to do today?"

The implied meaning of Zhang Lingyi's words were brimming with complaint. All that was missing was that he didn't appear in front of Wang Guangning then point his finger at the other's forehead and rain curses on him for betraying their love.

Attentively being gay...what they needed to do today...

Wang Guangning's brain as a top student worked at high speed as a result of Zhang xiao cao's accusations. Finally, he recalled the twelve article on their agreement of being gay which was...

The 囧 in Wang Guangning's heart was incapable of increasing any further. To him, this piece of agreement had always just been a game. He hadn't planned to seriously implement the things said on it. However, these few days, he had been dragged along this journey by Zhang Lingyi, and he had already decided that it would be enough to just complete everything in a perfunctory manner.

However, Zhang Lingyi's dedication often exceeded his own expectations.

If it was before, he would certainly just scoff and buy something to appease Zhang Lingyi.

But maybe Zhang Lingyi's seriousness influenced him, or maybe Zhang Lingyi's actions yesterday of helping him made him unable to just brush everything away. Hence, a faint sense of guilt seemed to give birth in his heart and his voice became softer, "Sorry, I really did forget. What do you want? I'll go and buy it for you now."

Wang Guangning's words this time were genuine and sincere, yet Zhang Lingyi felt upset upon hearing them. On the other side of the phone, he said in a sour tone, "Shou shou, I know that you like SpongeBob SquarePants."

"En." Wang Guangning didn't know the reason why he suddenly mentioned thus. However, for Zhang Lingyi to actually know his preference for this matter caused him to unexpectedly feel slightly touched.

"Yet you don't even know what I like..." Zhang Lingyi felt very wronged.

"Uh......" Wang Guangning choked for a second. After all, they were still life or death enemies a few days earlier. Wasn't it quite normal for him not to know Zhang Lingyi's preference? However, since Zhang Lingyi had already sent him his favourite SpongeBob SquarePants, Wang Guangning was unable to retort.

Although Zhang Lingyi's magnanimity was not to the state of being able to support a ship, he was still quite indulgent towards Wang Guangning. While Wang Guangning was still trying to think of ways to appease Zhang Lingyi, the one on the other side of the phone call had already laughed in a carefree manner, "Forget it. Every devoted gong must unconditionally forgive their proud shou!"

"......" Wang Guangning took a deep breath and felt that he was the one who needed to be comforted.

"......I just knew that you would definitely not care about what I like!" Zhang Lingyi didn't pay attention to the fact that Wang Guangning's three values⁴ had been completely destroyed by him unintentionally. He single-mindedly continued speaking, "I've already chosen a gift. I'll send the link to you, and all you have to do is pay for it!"

is apparently Chinese internet slang that means one's three fundamental values (world view, values of worth and philosophy on life) have been subverted. It's a humorous way of telling other people that you're is shocked.

Wang Guangning: "......"

Ah, Zhang Lingyi really was a very meticulous xiao gong. To think that he had even helped him to complete the world's most difficult task of choosing a gift.

Zhang Lingyi did as he said so when Wang Guangning logged onto his computer and entered **⁵, a link was sent to him from the other. Opening it, Wang Guangning discovered that it was actually a small pot of Crassula ovata⁶.

Was originally left blank by the author, but I'm guessing that since it's two 'words', the website Wang Guangning went on is probably Taobao or something similar.

translates literally to 'money tree', however, I used the scientific term for this plant. Other common names for Crassula ovata are: Jade Plant, Friendship Tree, Lucky Plant, Money Tree, Penny Plant, Dollar Plant and Tree of Happiness.

Ah, so it turns out you like Money Trees...

in this context, it apparently means something similar to the Japanese usage of 'sama'. I've just kept it in pinyin form, although there are other ways of translating it.

(#‵′)凸 I knew you would be like this, proud shou's all have no conscience!

o(╯□╰)o What did I do?


I've paid for it, you should be able to receive it now.

I'm angry right now, don't talk to me.


Alright, then I'll leave first ( ^_^ )/~~ Goodbye~~


Just like this, Zhang Lingyi helplessly watched Wang Guangning go offline as his weak heart broke into pieces and turned into debris.


Shou shou, are you online?

O_O You are?

(╰_╯)# Shou shou, how can you not even recognise your own xiao gong gong!

How come you changed your name?

Ah, because you're SpongeBob SquarePants!

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