《Agreement of Being Gay for 30 Days [協議攪基30天]》014; "you brazen fellow, quickly let go of my shou shou"


Zhang Lingyi thought that there was something not quite right with Wang Guangning today.

He knew that despite having a high intelligence, Wang Guangning was not a genius. Instead, he was like the God of Studying; basically, if he wanted to be a top student, he would strive for it with great effort.

Therefore, Wang Guangning had always been more positive during the revision period near the end of the term.

Yet, today Wang Guangning had actually rejected his offer to go to the library together. There was indeed something not quite right.

Hence, for the first time ever, Zhang Lingyi woke up early and ran over to Wang Guangning's dormitory. In the end, he received a piece of shocking news from Sun Siyang.

Wang Guangning did not return to the dormitory last night at all!

When Wang Guangning and himself arrived back at campus yesterday, they had obviously parted below the stairs in the dormitory building. Could it be that Wang Guangning left again once they had separated ways?

Zhang Lingyi became very confused.

He was a straight-forward person, so since he harboured doubt in his heart, Zhang Lingyi directly called the other person.

Wang Guangning picked up the call.

"Shou shou, Sun Siyang said you didn't return to the dormitory last night, where did you go?"

Wang Guangning's voice hinted at exhaustion and he gave an irrelevant answer, "I'm fine, you don't need to worry."

He sneezed after saying the last word then quickly hung up the phone call.

Still feeling uneasy in his heart, Zhang Lingyi once again found Sun Siyang to ask, "When Wang Guangning's mood is unwell, where does he go?"

Su Siyang was unable to fathom anything, how come Zhang Lingyi's words right now sounded like he cared about Wang Guangning?

Fuck, this was unscientific!

Although he was inwardly feeling extremely curious, the colour of Zhang Lingyi's face was not too good so Sun Siyang didn't inquire any further and told the other truthfully, "He would usually go to the self-study hall. If he's not at the self-study hall, then it might be Moon Lake."

In actuality, Sun Siyang himself was not very certain when he spoke those words. The main point was, he had rarely seen Wang Guangning's mood not good in the three years he had known him. Usually during this period of revision time before the final exam, every one's state of mind was quite irritable. Wang Guangning would often bury himself in the self-study hall, frantically reviewing.

There was only once when Wang Guangning's mood was genuinely not good. When the forums on F Xing Ren held a voting competition for the best sweetheart in F University, Wang Guangning had lost by one vote to Zhang Lingyi. He didn't return to the dorm for that entire night; and it was only afterwards that Sun Siyang found out Wang Guangning had gone to Moon lake to watch the stars.

Indeed, just like a dilettante.

The distance between the self-study hall in F University and Moon lake was considerably far. In fact, with Zhang Lingyi's intelligence, if he just thought about how Wang Guangning's sneeze over the phone had carried some vibration, then it was most likely that Wang Guangning was at Moon Lake and had caught a cold. However, the normally cool-headed Zhang xiao cao had in this moment, become worried to the point his mind was in disarray. As a result, he subconsciously dashed towards the self-study hall.

The students were very cruel near the of the term, with all the seats in the self-study hall completely filled so early in the morning. Zhang Lingyi carefully scanned the entire hall for Wang Guangning but didn't see him, so he then sprinted towards Moon lake without stopping.


Zhang Lingyi finally arrived after great difficulty; the exercise causing him to gasp for breath repeatedly. Not waiting for his breath to catch, Zhang Lingyi once again began to scan for Wang Guangning's figure along the shore of the lake.

Moon Lake was a quite famous lake of F University, and it covered a substantial amount of area. Only after scouring half the lake did Zhang Lingyi finally see Wang Guangning lying in a 呈 shape on the grass by the shore.

At this moment, the first glimmer of dawn appeared at the horizon, suffusing the skies with the bright light. The morning wind carried with it the chill of winter, yet Wang Guangning was just wearing his coat and lying on the ground. However, that was not enough for a winter night.

Zhang Lingyi recalled his sneeze over the phone and his brows wrinkled subconsciously.

From afar, Zhang Lingyi could see the tiredness on his face, probably from not having slept well last night. It seemed that at this moment, he was finally unable to withstand his sleepiness and had closed his eyes.

Fortunately nothing unexpected had happened.

Zhang Lingyi sighed in relief and was just about to head over when he saw a person appear seemingly out of nowhere, walking towards Wang Guangning.

He stared at the other man and realised that it turned out to be Wang Guangning's dormmate, Li Sihong.

How come Li Sihong came here?

Zhang Lingyi was puzzled and he subconsciously stopped, waiting to see what would next.

Wang Guangning woke up just as Li Sihong was approaching.

He didn't think that Li Sihong would actually appear here and was suddenly a little embarrassed. Sitting up, he spoke stiffly, "Hi¹."

Originally spoken in English.

Li Sihong crouched in front of him with a slightly unnatural expression on his face. He pondered for a long time then said, "I'm sorry."

Wang Guangning hurriedly waved his hand, "Don't worry, don't worry. You don't need to apologise to me."

All men would have the urge to masturbate, that wasn't such a big deal.

At least, as long as you don't use my picture while doing so again in the future.

Wang Guangning sweated silently.

Upon facing Wang Guangning's embarrassed expression, but not identifying any disgust or prejudice, Li Sihong was greatly relieved. There was another long silence, before he gathered up his courage and said, "You have already seen last night, so I don't need to hide this any longer. The truth is, that I am gay."

As he finally spoke the secret buried in his heart to the person he liked, Li Sihong sighed in relief. Yet, he also felt a kind of tenseness that he was unable to express.

He didn't know how Wang Guangning would react, but as long as he didn't hate him and was still willing to be friends, then Li Sihong would be contented.

When he first entered the university, he fell in love at first sight with Wang Guangning's outstanding temperament. However, he also knew that Wang Guangning was straight. As he was afraid to be discriminated against for holding these feelings that were not readily accepted by society, he could only hide them silently in his heart. In order not to let them to be found out, Li Sihong deliberately acted as if he did not like Wang Guangning, when it was actually just that he was afraid of exposing his feelings if they interacted too much.

Today, the balloon had been punctured and everything had burst out as he released his true sentiments. No matter what the result was, Li Sihong believed he would not feel any regret.


Wang Guangning didn't expect that Li Sihong was here to confess to him and couldn't help but freeze in stupefaction. It was only due to his fine upbringing that he quickly recovered and showed an understanding smile, "Everyone has their own choices, you don't have to be too concerned with the beliefs of others."

The underlying meaning was: if you want to be gay then be gay, you don't have to care about my opinion.

However, the way Li Sihong understood his words deviated from this. He regarded the words spoken by Wang Guangning as his agreement, and his eyes suddenly filled with gratitude and tenderness.

Upon seeing this, Wang Guangning felt his body erupt fiercely with goosebumps.

"Then, are you willing to...accept me?" Li Sihong spoke cautiously, yet the light in his eyes were enough to blind Wang Guangning.

Wang Guangning froze, how could Li Sihong say such terrifying words?

The nerves in his brain twitched violently, yet Wang Guangning did not show his feelings of 囧囧 onto his face. Instead, he smiled faintly, "I apologise, but I like girls."

Li Sihong's eyes momentarily turned bleak and he did not speak for a long time.

"Then...I'll leave first." Wang Guangning felt that he was simply unable to look directly at Li Sihong. As the other was not moving, he thought that he should take action instead. As he spoke, he prepared to get up.

"Don't go." Li Sihong suddenly shouted, then pounced onto Wang Guangning with lighting speed. He was tall and quite sturdy, so he caused the exhausted Wang Guangning who had not slept for the entire night to fall onto the ground.

"Guangning, I really do like you." Li Sihong's eyes stared at him as they flushed red, "Please give me a chance, I will definitely treat you well."

Wang Guangning saw stars and he was temporarily unable to react as a result of being pushed to the ground. Then, he suddenly exploded in anger, he had actually been pressed under a man! Both hands fiercely pushing Li Sihong away, he said, "Fuck, leave me alone."

Wang Guangning was originally quite tall as well and he even had four sexy abdominal muscles, therefore his strength wasn't small. Regrettably, Li Sihong had also launched a ruthless attack, regardless of whether Wang Guangning approved. For a moment, Wang Guangning was unable to push him away.

"Guangning, I am serious. Please give me a chance."

"Give your sister!" Being pressed upon, Wang Guangning became impatient and he suddenly punched out. His fist landed directly on Li Sihong's nose and two lines of blood flowed down from his nose, dripping onto Wang Guangning's coat.

Li Sihong was initially dizzy after being hit, then the beast inside him awoke, stirred by the smell of blood. His eyes became red and the expression with which he looked at Wang Guangning also changed to something more dangerous.

"Guangning, you will accept me." Li Sihong's voice was no longer hysteric, however his tone dropped, causing Wang Guangning to involuntarily shudder.

"Fuck, you pervert! Even if we have to perish together, laozi will not let you touch me." As soon as he spoke, Wang Guangning prepared to fight back.

Zhang Lingyi stared at them from a distance, watching everything plummet down. How come Li Sihong had pushed Wang Guangning onto the ground and was even rubbing his head in Wang Guangning's neck? Wasn't this like the scenes on TV that were often shown of young women being pressed down and had lewd things done to them?

Unable to restrain himself any further, Zhang Lingyi bolted wildly towards them.

"You brazen fellow, quickly let go of my shou shou!"

Wang Guangning and Li Sihong who were struggling with each other involuntarily halted their actions, shocked by Zhang Lingyi's voice and the words he spoke. Li Sihong even lifted up his head to look at Zhang Lingyi, only to meet with Zhang Lingyi's foot and be kicked away.

"Ah——" Li Sihong rolled over to the side as a result of the kick, unable to get up from the ground because of the pain.

"Shou shou, are you alright?" Zhang Lingyi squatted down by Wang Guangning's side and held onto his shoulder, supporting the other as he stood up. He felt particularly like as if he was the main actor in an idol drama.

He really was a brilliant xiao gong; a hero who saved the damsel in distress!

As a result of Zhang Lingyi's words, Wang Guangning pursed his lips and said, "How come you're here? I could have solved this myself."

The words he spoke were not just him pretending to be brave. Even though Li Sihong was powerful, however Wang Guangning was also a member of the basketball team. If they were really to go at it, then at the most they would both be hurt. Wang Guangning certainly would not be easy to take advantage of.

Yet, Zhang Lingyi at this moment had completely immersed himself in his role of being the main actor of an idol drama. Giving a domineering and mighty stare at Li Sihong, he said, "Li Sihong, you shameless fellow. You even dared to lay a hand on our shou shou? Are you tired of living?"

Li Sihong had just turned over with great difficulty and staggered up, only to be shocked by Zhang Lingyi's words.

Our shou shou?

What was this situation?

With a complicated gaze, he looked at Zhang Lingyi's...hand that was on Wang Guangning's shoulder.

"You two..." Li Sihong's face changed unpredictably. Everything he saw in front of him was subverting all he knew, however, his subconscious told him that this was impossible.

On the first day of university, he saw that Wang Guangning was a straight man. Afterwards, he had pursued Yu Haining, confirming this fact. And even just then, he had said he liked girls...

This should all just be a misunderstanding.

But then why would Zhang Lingyi appear at this moment and even help Wang Guangning? Were they both not the famous pair who never got along?

Wang Guangning looked at Li Sihong's eyes and knew that he had misunderstood. He wanted to opened his mouth and explain, but expectedly Zhang Lingyi took the lead. Hugging him tightly, Zhang Lingyi lifted his head in a domineering manner and said, "Yes, Guangning and I are a gay couple. Do you have any objections?"

In some cases, when a confession was too unbelievable, it made others speechless.

At this moment, Li Sihong was unable to speak.

Wang Guangning's entire face was flushed red—he was ashamed! You're thinking too much, of course he was actually red because of anger.

Zhang Lingyi was definitely here to bring chaos to the world!

As if he was afraid that he hadn't brought enough chaos, he once again added oil to the fire, "Li Sihong, the only one suitable for Wang Guangning in F University is me. Don't even think about trying to chase after him, you're not worthy². If there's nothing else, then quickly leave.³"

translates directly to 'a toad wishing to eat swan meat', which means to crave for what one is not worthy of.

literally translates to 'go wash up and sleep', however its meaning is similar to something like: 'there's nothing left that should concern us and there's nothing we can change, so we can leave.' Depending on the context, the meaning can vary quite a bit. In this scenario, Zhang Lingyi is basically asking Li Sihong to just leave since there's nothing else that concerns him.

Having the plot change so much, Li Sihong was unable to accept it. Flushing from being ridiculed by Zhang Lingyi, Li Sihong turned to Wang Guangning, his heart stilling unwilling, "Guangning, you and him..."

Wang Guangning knew that he had already jumped in the Yellow River and could not be washed clean; therefore, he decided to give up any hope and acted reckless⁴.

the literal translation is 'to smash a pot to pieces just because it's cracked'.

Rolling his eyes, he said, "Correct, I am together with Zhang Lingyi."

Looking at Li Sihong's expression as if he had swallowed a fly, Wang Guangning unkindly felt a faint feeling of being refreshed.

Ah, this was the feeling of retaliating against society!

Li Sihong still didn't believe him, "Didn't you say you like girls though?"

Seeing that he still did not seem to be giving up, Zhang Lingyi's voice soured, "Could it be that you still can't tell that Guangning just doesn't want to hurt you? Or could it be you just want him to tell you directly that you're too ugly for him?"

"Enough!" Wang Guangning realised that Zhang Lingyi's words were becoming more outrageous the more he spoke and quickly stopped him from continuing.

However, it was already impossible to save Li Sihong's heart which had shattered like glass.

Li Sihong stared at the two who had completely confirmed their status as a couple and did not say anything for a period of time.

Eventually, he just turned around and walked away, step after step.

Watching Li Sihong moving further away, Wang Guangning sighed in relief. Then he scolded Zhang Lingyi and said, "In the future, don't speak such nonsense."

Zhang Lingyi gazed indifferently up at the sky, "Ah, when did I speak nonsense? It's true that we are currently a gay couple~"

Wang Guangning was too tired to argue such with Zhang Lingyi on such boring matters and he yawned while asking, "How come you came here?"

Zhang Lingyi didn't answer the question and instead moved closer to him, "Was Li Sihong the reason you didn't go to back to the dorm and sleep?"

Wang Guangning pursed his lips, suddenly showing an expression of heartlessness, "I just suddenly wanted to watch the stars, alright? The stars at Moon Lake at very beautiful."

Zhang Lingyi's lips twitched, "Well, I'm not that fresh⁵."

has several meanings, but it basically refers to teenagers or young adults who try to appear stylish or artistic.

This was too ironic!

Wang Guangning was keenly aware that Zhang Lingyi was mocking him so he turned around and directed a harsh glare at the other, "You are fresh, your whole is family fresh!"

It was only upon seeing that Wang Guangning was lively again that he finally stopped being worried. Patting him on the shoulder, Zhang Lingyi said, "Actually, I think that even though Li Sihong's looks aren't much, but being liked by him is an acknowledgement to your charms. You don't have to be so annoyed."

Zhang Lingyi's words were definitely belittling Li Sihong. In truth, Li Sihong's features were quite good. However, Zhang idiot was used to comparing others using himself and Wang Guangning as the standard. So in his eyes, there was no other handsome male student at F University except for Wang Guangning.

Giving a stretch, Wang Guangning said, "I wasn't annoyed because of this."

Zhang Lingyi had never comforted someone before, so he didn't know what else to say. In the end, he could only pat his shoulder again, said, "If you ever see Li Sihong again, just walk away. After all, he is still once one of your suitors. As long as something like before doesn't happen again, then it's fine."

Wang Guangning shot him a look of disdain, "The one who laid a heavy hand just then was you!"

Zhang Lingyi shamelessly replied, "I did that for you."

Wang Guangning: "......"

No wonder the saying that shameless people were invincible was true!

Even though the words Zhang Lingyi spoke were shameless, his eyes were scanning Wang Guangning's slightly pale face. His right hand was hesitating indecisively at the buttons of his jacket. Ultimately, he decided that taking off his jacket and giving it to Wang Guangning would seem as if he was feminising and belittling the other.

Hence, in the end he just dragged Wang Guangning by the arm and said, "Alright, alright. Go back and sleep."


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