《Agreement of Being Gay for 30 Days [協議攪基30天]》010; "drinking from the same glass, did you already spit inside it?"


literally translates to 'our family'.

After sending the last message, Wang Guangning turned off his phone then went to sleep.

Seeing Wang Guangning's reply, Zhang Lingyi was overjoyed. How could he have thought in the past that Wang Guangning was particularly arrogant or annoying? Obviously he was very amusing!

Holding a brilliant smile on his face, Zhang Lingyi then received a text from Luo Zihui.

Zhang Lingyi replied in passing:

Early the next morning, when Zhang Lingyi walked downstairs with bleary eyes, Luo Zihui had already bought breakfast and was waiting for him.

Smoothly taking the breakfast, Zhang Lingyi walked with her while yawning, "Ah, why are we going so early. This young master is exhausted."

Luo Zihui smiled and said, "It's not early, if we were any later then there'll be no seats left."

Zhang Lingyi yawned listlessly again.

Luo Zihui held her books while watching Zhang Lingyi eat. The almost as she was just asking inadvertently, she said, "Oh, that's right. How come recently you're not bringing up Yu Haining anymore?"

Stiffening for a moment, Zhang Lingyi swallowed, "Nothing, I just suddenly thought she doesn't suit me."

As a very self-restrained xiao cao, Zhang Lingyi insisted on not speaking wrongly of women even though he completely despised people liked Yu Haining.

Hearing this, Luo Zihui's eyes brightened. Her lips lifted up into a smile and she said, "Then...what kind of girl do you think suits you?"

Glancing up, Zhang Lingyi pretended to seriously consider it before saying, "Ah, this question is very profound. I have to first think about it for a while."

Luo Zihui knew that Zhang Lingyi was deliberately evading her question. Since he was avoiding it, that demonstrated that Zhang Lingyi already understood her thoughts towards him. However, knowing Zhang Lingyi's personality, he didn't reject her even though he obviously already knew.

Therefore, that meant she had a chance.

Although she didn't know every single person acquainted with Zhang Lingyi, she was confident that there would not appear anyone more suitable for him than herself.

So, what she needed was just patience.

Patiently wait for Zhang Lingyi to realise that in his heart, he actually did like her.

Arriving at the library, they finally found two seats next to each other in the large crowd of people with great difficulty. Placing his books down, Zhang Lingyi immediately lied down on the table and sighed, "This young master is so tired. I'll sleep for a bit first."

Luo Zihui smiled then reached for his notebook. Just like in the past, she earnestly wrote down the main points and filled in any missing notes.

Although Zhang Lingyi received high grades, he actually did not like studying. He would often skip classes, and even if he did attend class, he would usually be very absent-minded. In the last two years, his notes and summaries have always been done for him by Luo Zihui.

Luo Zihui's handwriting was very beautiful and she was very dedicated. At a glance, it made other people feel very comfortable.

As she was writing, Luo Zihui suddenly saw that a picture of a crooked little head had been drawn on a page of Zhang Lingyi's book which had always been clean. The expression of the little person's face was fierce and the hair had completely exploded. There were three words written on the side — exploding hair² shou.


means 'fried hair' in literal terms, but refers to a person losing their calm after being angered.

After staring at it for a while, Luo Zihui was unable to understand. Not taking it to heart, she then continued taking the notes.

It was nearly noon when Zhang Lingyi finally woke up. Stretching himself, he said, "Ah, so comfortable."

Grinning, Luo Zihui handed him back his notebook, "I've finished writing the main points and the notes are all completed."

"Oh, thank you." Zhang Lingyi took his book back. Towards this kind of thing, he and Luo Zihui both had a tacit understanding so they didn't need to say much.

"You're always like this, not listening in class. If one day I can't write notes for you anymore, what will you do?" said Luo Zihui as if it would come true.

"Tsk, that won't be a big deal. There are many girls willing to fight to write notes for this young master," Zhang Lingyi said as his lips curled up.

Luo Zihui's eyes which had been filled with expectations dimmed and her smile stiffened. However, she was a person who knew when to advance and when to retreat so she still smiled strongly, "Ah, of course. How could I forget that our Zhang xiao cao is F University's public lover?"

"But, it will be hard to find someone who writes better notes than you," He praised sincerely as he looked at her neat and clear writing. His words caused Luo Zihui's complexion to brighten up.

Zhang Lingyi clearly didn't discover the undulations in Luo Zihui's heart. Instead, he picked up his things and said, "Let's go and eat lunch."

"You're not coming in the afternoon?" Luo Zihui watched him take his things and couldn't help but ask.

It was difficult to find a seat in the library near the end of the term so many people wouldn't take their things when leaving for lunch.

"I have something in the afternoon, so I won't be coming back." As he said this, Zhang Lingyi's tone carried a faint excitement.

En, it seemed he recently loved doing this little play of pretending to be gay.

Since he had already said this, Luo Zihui didn't pursue any further.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Lingyi appeared at the library café with his textbooks. He only ordered a glass of lemonade and sat by the window and read his books.

Having done a few days of acting gay with Wang Guangning, he knew very clearly that the other was a very punctual person. He wouldn't arrive early or arrive late.

At two forty-five, Zhang Lingyi asked the waitress for a glass of Blue Sky and two straws.

At two fifty-five, the Blu Sky drink was carried over.

At three o'clock, Wang Guangning appeared right on time at the entrance of the café.

Zhang Lingyi waved cheerfully at him.

Wang Guangning stared at the glass of bright blue drink in front of him and the...two straws inside the glass and couldn't help but sweat again.

As soon as Wang Guangning sat down, Zhang Lingyi immediately pushed the glass filled with blue liquid towards him and said, "You've finally come."


"Did you wait long?" Wang Guangning glanced at the book in his hand. In his heart, a faint flash of pleasure passed through which even he himself did not realise.

"Ah, yes. I thought the environment here wasn't too bad so I decided to just read here too."

The café was usually not full of people due to the fact they had to pay. However, people who couldn't find seats in the library would still often come to this place and buy a drink then sit at a table and review lessons.

Wang Guangning nodded then scanned their surroundings. Since it was near the end of the semester, the café which was nearly always deserted now had many customers, and he couldn't help but feel embarrassed, "It seems there a little more people than usual, and we'll be in their full view..."

Zhang Lingyi frowned, "Why are you afraid of being seen? Isn't the reason we're pretending to be gay so other people can see? Besides, didn't you already say that reputation would be no longer relevant after graduating from university?"

After thinking about it, Wang Guangning also thought that seemed about right.

Speaking of this, he had initially come up with such a foolish idea because he never wanted to believe in love again and had wanted to surprise the girls. However, after a few days of implementing their plan, his anger towards Yu Haining had become more and more subdued. His intention of getting revenge against society had also lessened, and he was gradually becoming aware of how inappropriate this decision was.

There were also several times when he had the impulse to stop everything. Yet, Zhang Lingyi had been so enthusiastic so he couldn't speak out his words of refusal.

This idea was his, so just patting his own ass and leaving after pulling the other into the water wasn't his style.

Besides, it was only for a month. Wang Guangning would just treat it as a boring game; at the most, he would have to compensate for having such thick-skin.

Rubbing his eyebrows, he started the official business, "Then let's get this over and done as quick as possible."

Hearing this, Zhang Lingyi was dissatisfied, "How can you say such a thing? We are a couple! Couple!"

"Alright, I understand," Wang Guangning consoled him, stopping the other from continuing further.

Only then did Zhang Lingyi pick up his straw and suck at it happily.

Wang Guangning hesitated for a moment before proceeding to suck from the other straw.

Afterwards, there was indeed continuous sounds of air being persistently drawn out from the straws which they did not manage to succeed in suppressing.

Truly...they had thrown away their face.

Wang Guangning closed his eyes, ears and heart, pretending as if he didn't hear anything.

Zhang Lingyi deliberately provoked him. Biting his straw then leaning over, he whispered, "I can see the girl who asked you out to eat dinner from the student union sitting right behind you."

As he was biting the straw, some of Zhang Lingyi's words were unclear but Wang Guangning could still understand.

His head exploded and his face reddened.

Although he had decided to throw away his face, for Wang Guangning who had previously always been arrogant, losing his face in front of someone who liked him was something he absolutely could not bear.

Hatefully glaring at Zhang Lingyi, Wang Guangning simply turned his head away and ignored him.

Watching him losing his calm and his expression of being unable to endure any further, Zhang Lingyi once again felt refreshed.

"She must be heartbroken!" Zhang Lingyi's expression was especially exaggerated.

After a while, the height of the drink still did not change.

Wang Guangning couldn't help but frown and said, "Hey, did you spit inside here? How come it's not reducing at all?"

Angered, Zhang Lingyi said, "You were the one who spat in it!"

The two people stared silently at the glass before unanimously saying, "Fuck, I didn't drink."

After all, it was their first time sharing a drink with someone else and both these people who would always shamelessly show off their good looks had slight mysophobia. It was inevitable there would be a psychological impediment thus no matter how much they bit at the straw, they didn't drink.

"No, we haven't finished drinking this so our task isn't complete," Zhang Lingyi said. However, they had both bitten their straws and they couldn't tell who had drank and who had not. After thinking about it, he pulled out a pen then drew a mark at different heights on the glass.

"Come, let's play Morra. The person who loses must drink to the point where a mark is made."

Although Wang Guangning thought it was very...idiotic, however, he didn't have any other ideas hence they agreed.

As a result, another spectacle once again appeared at the café in F University's library. The two xiao cao were sitting inside the café and fiercely playing...Morra.

Then, the person who lost particularly painfully...drank from the legendary blueberry flavoured beverage, Blue Sky.

Could it be that the harmonious scene that they just saw of Wang Guangning and Zhang Lingyi drinking together was actually an illusion?

Could it be that a special ingredient had been added into the glass that made it very unpleasant to drink?

Could it be that this was in fact, an alternative showdown?

The students in F University felt that they couldn't understand the world more and more.


These two just can't do anything without arguing at least once (*'▽'*)

If you see any spelling mistakes, feel free to comment next to it. I usually edit and proofread as I translate but there's always a few words that I miss > .

Shou shou, did you spit in the drink? How come after half a day it hasn't lessened?

I did, why?

No wonder it tastes so good!

translator: k i a i

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