《A Writer and A Serial Killer》The Writer


what is she doing?

she doesn't know him

he is a mystery

a beautiful mystery

she must be insane to want him so badly

but if this is insanity

she finds herself enjoying it

she thinks about him at the oddest moments

and she can feel the smile tugging at her cheekbones

jess raised her eyebrows and asked

there was a second date then?

her coworkers look at her with envy

and for once she understands what they are thinking

they're jealous


she looks like a girl in love

her book is flourishing

it's slowly blooming into a bouquet of black roses

there is inspiration at her fingertips

words are pooling in her mind

she is sitting with him

her apartment this time

two empty Udon bowls in front of them

there is a pen tucked behind her ear

she can feel his eyes on her face

she pushes the scribbled pages toward him

do you think you could kill someone this way?

he shrugs and smiles no

ask me tomorrow

so she does

and there is something dark in his eyes as he tells her

it wouldn't be easy but



hope this makes u feel a bit better girl....

U know who u r


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