《A Writer and A Serial Killer》About


This book is dedicated to leo4365 who basically just yelled at me untill I agreed to published it and always UwUed at my chapters.

I'm just going to update this randomly, so it might be slow going.

This story was insfired by quite a few things; first off I really wanted to write something a little abstract. I have an incredible amount of stress when editing my other two stories; I am aware that I am not a very good writer, hence me editing the heck out of everything I post. Secondly, I saw this on Pinterest early December and could not stop thinking about it:

Lastly, "The Familiar Taste of Poison" by Halestorm was one of the driving inspirations for this story, and it became a theme song of sorts when I was writing. I would recommend listening to it, it's a great song and will give you a feel for the tone of the story.

I did give this story a mature rating, there will diffidently be some graphic violence so if that is not for you, precede with caution.

I hope you enjoy!

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