《Gems》3: Amethyst


This poem is for IStoleTheNoodles, who has helped me believe in myself as a writer.

When I have the desire to delete

All of my stories,

From the drafts, raw and ugly,

To the published, for all to see...

Your messages reverberate

Suddenly begin to play

In my mind, bringing on a smile

And the writer in me once more feels alive.

When the life of the ink of my pen

Is about to reach its end,

Through your words, it is revived;

Thanks to you, it has survived.

You have helped my eyes to perceive

Writing as a God-given ability

That should never be wasted;

To you I am forever indebted.

If I ever gain a lot of recognition,

And fans ask me, 'Who is your inspiration?'

You would immediately come to mind;

And I would say, 'An angel I merely met online.'

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