《Soul Bonded [Claude De Alger Obelia x reader ]》40. Changing Feelings
Finally done! You slammed the report on the table. Freaking old man always giving me extra work.
Roman raised an eyebrow, adjusting his glasses as he eyed the stack of paper with a skeptical look. "Done already? Are you sure you didn't skip? I'll double your work if there is a single error in there."
You rolled your eyes. "Double-checked it. Even if you wore magnifying glasses you won't find a single mistake in there. I even list out the knight's name who need extra care and those who are unfit for war. And I made a different list for the knights I healed. Here you go!"
Roman nodded satisfied but much to your rising exhaustion he added. "Tomorrow I need you to join others and do a checkup on the third squadron. The Captain requested to check on them first since they need to prepare for the war."
"Great, more work." You groaned. The upcoming war preparation has increased your work. Checking on knights. Making sure they were ready for the war. Scheduling their training regimen. God, it was hectic. You were thankful you weren't chosen to accompany the knights on the battlefield. Having healers and magicians on the battlefield, and backing up the knights would increase the chances of winning.
But you seriously weren't ready to see bloodshed.
"I'm taking my leave now."
Roman didn't look up, busy making the list of healthy knights. You quickly left before Roman could give you more work. It was break time, you didn't want to miss the time to breathe and not run around tearing your hair out.
The moment you left the tower the sight before you momentarily froze you.
"Penelope." You called out in surprise. No matter how many times you see her it was still a bit unsettling.
"Hello, sister. Shall we go?" She asked sweetly, covering her face with her purple fan that matched her purple dress.
"Yeah." You broke out of your stupor and followed her awkwardly.
It's been three days since she arrived and has been staying here for reason unknown to you. She had persistently followed you, coming to your workplace to greet you, joining your break time with Claude and Felix, and even some days coming to your room unannounced.
She was trying her best to get close to you. Being friendly and kind with a charming smile.
You didn't know whether to be annoyed or creeped out. But you were leaning more over being annoyed.
The girl who didn't go out of her way to greet you when you were in Judith Monor was suddenly behaving like a clingy octopus, acting like you were attached at hips.
And no, you double-checked your hips were still single.
"How was your day, little sister? I hope no one troubled you."
Here we go again. You sighed mentally at her mundane enquiry.
"It was usual. And no, no one troubles me." You can't trouble the troublemaker.
She smiled sweetly. "I'm glad. Don't be afraid to tell me if someone troubles you. I'll gladly help you."
You didn't answer. You didn't need her help. You could kick ass yourself.
Her acting like a big sister was putting you off. Sometimes you felt like performing an exorcism on her to see if she was possessed by some imposter demon.
You reached the lobby and immediately your eyes lit up with joy when you see Claude who as usual had removed his extravagant coat and was relaxing in his blue undershirt.
It's been 2 days since you saw him. He was busy with the war too since he was the second prince. It was quite disappointing that you had to postpone your training too.
You ran happily to him. He was seated on the sofa, his back to you. Wrapping your arms around his neck and you cuddled him from behind.
"Careful now. You'll drop my drink." Was the first words he said as he closed his eyes exhaling as you snuggled on his head like a touch-starved kitty.
Getting used to your random hugs was tough but he was pretty used to it now. So you weren't sent flying over his head.
"Sorry. I'm happy to see you." You said, got on your toes and bent your neck to look into his pretty blue eyes.
He looked blankly at your upside-down grinning face, your weighting pressing on him. His nose twitched as your strands brushed against his forehead while his soft hair tickled your nose so that you almost sneezed.
"I've been gone only for 2 days."
You nodded and almost lost your balance. "I know. But it feels like decades. I'm so used to your presence that it feels weird when you're not there."
His ears turned pink and he coughed. "I'm here now. So take your fill and stop saying embarrassing stuff."
You giggled at his flustered state before, getting back on your feet and looking around. "Where is Felix?"
"He's busy with training. Won't make it."
You frowned. "Aren't they being a little too strict? At this rate, all knights would fall sick."
"I don't think the Emperor cares as long as he gets what he wants." Claude put down the cup with a solid clank.
Your frown deepened as you uncoiled your arms and let him go. You were worried for Felix. What if he overworked himself and got sick?
"He will be alright. Don't underestimate him." As if reading your mind, Claude assured you.
"I'm not. I know Felix has the will of steel but still, he is a human. He needs rest too."
You plopped beside him with a heavy sigh. Claude didn't answer, you took his silence as agreement to your statement.
"Greetings, your Highness." Penelope's voice made you turn around with a sheepish grin. You totally forgot about her!
Claude's face became colder as his eyes dipped into an emotionless glare.
"Lady Penelope." His curt reply made you want to facepalm. You forgot just how allergic he was to other people. Was he upset that Penelope tagged along with you?
Well, at least he was not ignoring her, entirely. You awkwardly sat beside him.
Penelope smiled, seeming pleased at not being ignored. She went to sit beside you but your cat Ether was already present there, munching on a chocolate chip cookie.
As soon as she saw him glaring at her, she did a U-turn and sat as far away as possible from him.
You sweat-dropped. Ether was quite famous for tearing every new dress Penelope brought. Of course, she wouldn't want to be anywhere near him.
Penelope opposite you, smiling. You had no choice but to smile back at her.
Thankfully before your cheeks could start hurting from all the awkward smiling, Lady Robane came in with refreshments and lots of delicious-looking desserts. Your mouth watered at the sight.
"Please enjoy yourself."
You eyed her in concern as she set down everything on the table, she looked pale. You were not the only one who took notice of her sick complexion.
"You should rest, Nanny. Don't overwork yourself. It won't do anyone good if you fell sick."
Lady Robane smiled motherly. "You're too kind, your highness. I'll make sure to take my time to rest."
She left with a smile.
"Hmm~? What to choose? What to choose?" You mused with drool. You had to stop your cat from pouncing on your delicacies. Stop, it's mine. You had your share!
Your cat growled, his claws coming out. You paled. Okay, okay don't threaten me with your claws. I'll give it to you!
"Are you going to eat all of it?" Penelope said as she sipped her lavender tea she asked a maid to bring as she eyed you and Ether wrestling. "It's not good for you to eat so many sweets."
Why do I hear the silent judgment in her voice? You gave Ether a big chuck of your favourite cake very reluctantly. Bad kitty, very bad kitty. That was my favourite. You're no longer cute to me! No more cuddles for you!
"Why not?" Claude surprisingly spoke up startling you who has yet to stop lamenting over the loss of your favourite cake.
Penelope flushed under his scathing gaze, shyly looking into his eyes. "Well, sweets are not good for the skin. Her debutante is this year. She should avoid anything that would ruin her beauty."
"You're overthinking, Penelope. The debute is still months away. I can still eat my favourite sweets." You laughed trying to ignore her subtle jab at your looks.
"You're wrong, (Y/n). A girl's debut is the biggest day of her life. This is the day she gets to flaunt her beauty and maybe find herself suitors. As it is you're plain. You don't put much effort into keeping yourself healthy. As your sister, I'm worried about your future."
Several arrows pierced your insecure heart. You cried out mentally, clutching your bleeding heart. Damn, that cut deep. She sure knows how to break someone's confidence with her sharp tongue.
"Penelope! I'm still too young to think about marriage. I'm not leaving my solo status anytime soon. So stop worrying. You've yourself to look after, don't you think?"
"But you're my sister. Worrying for your future is only natural for me." Penelope insisted and you stifled an annoyed groan.
"You're wrong." Claude's sudden low voice made you turn to him. He didn't look up, calmly gazing at his half-filled cup.
"She won't have problems finding herself suitors."
Penelope opened her mouth to argue but she didn't get the chance.
Claude continued, annoyance clear in his voice as he glared at Penelope. "She might be not standard beautiful but she's cute in her way. I like the way she is now. She doesn't need to force herself to change."
Your breath hitched and you flushed crimson red. Your heart skipped several beats and butterflies fluttered wildly in your stomach.
"And she's too young to think about marriage so stop filling her mind with useless stuff."
"Of course." Penelope agreed begrudgingly. It was stupid to go against someone of higher status than you. So she quietly finished her tea, accepting defeat.
Claude wasn't done yet as he mercilessly continued. "You don't need to worry about her future. You should look after yours, Lady Penelope."
Penelope flushed in humiliation at the subtle insult laced in the words directed towards her.
You didn't notice her humiliation and turned to Claude. Bashfully you tried to deny those overwhelming words.
"Claude, don't you think you went a little overboard? Not that I'm complaining of course. I mean I know I'm a bit plain though cute but--" You started embarrassed with his indirect compliment which was a rare thing but Claude cut you off.
"I don't do lip service nor sugarcoat words. I say things the way it is, (Y/n)."
You smiled at him, scratching your cheeks bashfully. "I know. Buttering someone up isn't in your dictionary."
"Exactly." Claude nodded arrogantly as if he was given the biggest compliment.
You had bit your lips to stop the wide smile that was threatening to break free. His brutal honesty never failed to catch you off guard. Like right now. He didn't sugarcoat any of his words yet they felt like the sweetest thing ever.
Claude's eyes flickered at you and were calm as he stared at you. Normally his emotionless glare made him seem like he was a second away from killing someone. But when his eyes soften, his whole look changes. Making him otherworldly handsome and approachable.
And right now you could feel yourself being ensnared by his bewitching blue eyes that had a soft look in his eyes.
"Stop ogling me, you creep." He flicked your forehead with a smirk.
You stuttered in embarrassment. "I-I wasn't!"
"Yes. Totally believe you." He rolled his eyes and you pouted looking away still embarrassed.
Penelope couldn't hide her frustration. It wasn't the first time she was secluded from the conversation. She had noticed that whenever both of you got together it was like a bubble formed around you both, keeping others out. Even her. Someday she had to pop that bubble and enter it, even if it meant using force.
Penelope sternly narrowed her eyes, her face sour. "Y/n. You shouldn't address his highness, so casually. He's the second prince, show some respect."
You looked at her still pouting at being called out by him. You blinked and before you could retort, Claude sharply turned to her.
"I don't mind it." His eyes pierced Penelope's green eyes. "She is allowed to call me by my first name. Only her and no one else."
Again you felt your heart soar at his words. Goddammit, was he planning to make your heart explode today?! You patted your cheeks, low-key trying to calm the overheating before your face explode into red flames.
Penelope was taken aback, her green eyes flitting to you with a strange emotion. "My apologies. I didn't realize your highness and my little sister are this closes. You must be really good friends, yes?"
"We are."
Did he just friend-zoned me? You thought as you munched on a strawberry pastry after calming down relatively. That stings!
The rest of the break went in awkward silence. The only person comfortable was Claude and of course, your cat Ether who occasionally sent Penelope evil eyes to which you had to pull his ear to stop him.
That still didn't stop him from threateningly licking his claws as he looked at her while she watched him with disdainful and fearful green eyes.
You sweat-dropped at their stare off. Feeling like you were missing something. Did they really hate each other to this extent?
That silence didn't last long as a guard barged in. You shuddered when the temperature dropped as Claude gave the guard a cold glare.
"Have you forgotten your manners?" Claude's dangerously dipping voice made the guard sweat.
The guard hastily bowed deeply. "I apologize. I was in a hurry. It won't happen again, Second Prince."
Claude didn't drop his cold glare. "State your business."
"His majesty has requested your presence, Second Prince and you too, Lady Penelope."
You were confused. Did you hear right? Claude and Penelope summoned together? But for what?
You turned to look at Penelope. But much to your surprise she wasn't confused. No, she looked like she was waiting for the summon which puzzled you even more.
It was impossible to read Claude whose poker face revealed nothing.
Both of them got up and you too followed.
Claude turned to you with a frown and grabbed your wrist making you jump at the contact. "You don't have to leave. Finish the sweets and take a rest."
"Ah, no. My break time is almost over. I think I'll get going too. And I don't want to eat alone." You shrugged, feeling his warm fingers against your skin, your flushed a light shade of pink.
You started freaking out as to why you were freaking out! He was just holding your hand, nothing biggie! You had done it millions of times but your stubborn heart seem to accelerate even more.
Why was it when you touch him, it's not a big deal but when he initiates contact why does your heart threaten to jump out of your body?!
Claude begrudgingly didn't object but the sour expression displayed his displeasure.
You had to clear your throat when he still had a firm hold on your wrist. Claude's cheek turned pink as he glanced at it and he hurriedly let go of your wrist, turning away flustered.
You watched as they made their way to the imperial palace. You had an uneasy feeling about this summons. But you decided to shrug it off. You would ask Claude once he returns.
Claude's previous words came to your mind and you smiled ear to ear, uncontrollably. Tracing your smile that was filled with joy, in a daze, you glanced at his small barely visible silhouette. Geez that guy, seriously does he even know what he does to me?
Is he trying to make you fall in love with him?! Not that he needs to try anything, but you'd still fall in love with his adorableness.
You shook your head rapidly, scolding yourself. Stop daydreaming! It would be too cliche to become a part of the 'I fell in love with my best friend' troupe!
You looked at the white tower in exhaustion. "Time to slave and take my mind off stupid things."
- In Serial148 Chapters
The Stormcrow Cycle
Once a powerful and lauded witch, Ba'an salu-Ba'an now lives alone in a cave in the desert, waiting to die. When she rescues an outlander from certain death she becomes embroiled in a deadly game of politics and empire, of heart and soul, but worst of all--of hope and love and a chance at a peaceful future. Can a disgraced witch find a reason to live her life again--and if so, what price must she pay? The Stormcrow Cycle is a trilogy comprising of The Exile, The Lion, and Abomination. Tags or genres for each book: The Exile: romance, slice-of-life The Lion: romance, slice-of-life, politics Abomination: tragedy, high/epic fantasy (aka "Everything is on fire!") Updates once a week whenever I have time. Cross-posted on Wattpad and Scribble Hub. The CBMokedi cover will return! Excerpt: She looked down at him again. Young. Healthy, from what she could see, except for the wound that was killing him. He was handsome in a way that suggested a life of wealth and plenty. She did not think he had ever starved. Someone important. Her shadow fell across him, and he frowned. Blearily, he opened his eyes. They were amber and bright, even as he lay dying in the dirt. She could feel his soul, blazing inside of him like a fire refusing to die even as his body began to fail. He met her gaze, eyes widening in what she guessed was surprise—or shock. But he never looked away, staring up at her as though transfixed. Ba’an made her decision. She raised her hand and covered his eyes. In another moment, a murder of crows cawed as they took wing. The man and woman were gone from the road, leaving only the dead staring up into the sky. Note: This is a high-fantasy set in a low-magic world. The first book is largely character-driven and we really only hit the real plot in Book II, so if you're not fond of long epic yarns you ought to skip this one. I also don't include trigger warnings, but mind the "traumatizing content" tag--all societies minus one practice slavery and the world is indeed, rather grim!
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