《Salty Book Review》Review #6


Sorry for the terrible cropping. As you can see, I'm on the phone with my boyfriend. He practically dragged me out of bed, motivating me to continue with my reviews. Anywho, you asked for a brutally honest review so here goes...

Your title is very mysterious. For some reason, when I read it, I imagine myself on the beach with your book in hand. I love it! My only issue is that I don't see how it correlates to the plot of the story. That's what a title is supposed to do after all.


Your genre choice was a perfect fit and I find no fault in this whatsoever.


Your description was poorly written to the point where I questioned if it was written by someone in middle school. You mixed a lot of beginner words and sentences with advanced words that don't fit right with the genre. This is a YA book so it's best to upgrade your vocabulary to reel the reader in.

E.g: Instead of writing, "Nichole Woods is a cynic, and doesn't believe herself to be a good person."

I'd change that to, "Nichole Woods' paranoia towards others has caused her to question her own morality."

Instead of, "After a traumatic event Nichole is kicked out of her public school and placed in a prestigious private school by her wealthy father."

I'd change that to, "After a traumatic event at her public school, Nichole was transferred to a more prestigious private school with the help of her wealthy father."

"She has ill feelings towards her past and Nichole struggles with it." Change that to, "She holds resentment towards her past trauma and she struggles to cope."


There's plenty to choose from but not much information is given for me to conduct an opinion. I'll be reading on but for now, I'll just review Nichole.


(Nichole) I see a lot of my past self in her. She's quiet unless spoken to and she pushes her pain away to deal with the burdens of family drama. At first, I was gonna say how annoying she is but after rereading the blurb, I was able to sympathize with her.


I haven't read far enough to see anything so I'll leave this blank.


I want to see more of her life outside of school. What does she like to do(besides vandalizing her journals) and how does she deal with her mother's alcoholism? How did her father acquire his wealth?


This book has been on my mind for a long time now. Mainly Nichole. I'm gonna keep this in my library for future reading.


You chose three so this section will most likely be longer than the others.

(Characters) All of the characters seem too nice and for no reason. I've never been to a school where there aren't at least five stuck-up girls or three womanizing boys.

(Plot) Already completed.

(Writing Style) Your writing style is poor. I've noticed a lot of writers tend to tell instead of show and that can push some readers away.

E.g. "I go to my room." That's considered telling.

"The clicking of my shoes radiates around me as I walk to my room." That's showing. Also, your punctuation is poor throughout the story. May I suggest you trying out Grammarly? I'm gonna place screenshots that I captured while reading. These are to show you exactly what I saw as an issue.

That doesn't flow correctly in my opinion. I'd change it to, "As I lean against the kitchen island, the cold tiles send chills running up my spine despite my flesh being covered with stockings."


This portion was choppy but I'll show you examples of how I'd rewrite it in the same format as how you wrote it.

"Her hand is cold to the touch."

"'Come on," I murmur as I lay her arm over my shoulder, tugging her to her feet. 'Let's get you to bed.'"

"As I guide her to her bedroom, she rests her head against my shoulder and she gives my arm a gentle squeeze."

"'You're so sweet,' she coos from adoration, her words stretching out longer than necessary."

Thank you for sending me your book! I look forward to reading another one of your works and recommend me to your friends if you're pleased with this review.

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