《Salty Book Review》Review #5


You asked for a brutally honest review so I'll be writing this as raw and real as I can.

Your title is eye-catching – amazing honestly. It doesn't overshare the plot of the story and it's far from plain. It's unique and just as captivating as the cover is. The font is a brilliant choice for this specific book and I felt like the color was also a perfect match. I can't find any faults whatsoever.


Fantasy doesn't really seem like it should fit the story in my personal opinion. I mean, I looked it up and your story is considered fantasy, but it doesn't feel right. I'll just blame it on the fact that I've hardly seen any fantasy books on here.

: 9.5/10

Your summary is way too long and I couldn't sit long enough to read it. It's spoiling the good qualities that your story has, and a lot of it could be added to the prologue. Shorten it so it won't push the readers away.


Each character is more unique from the others which is good. My only issue is that their personalities/lives seem like it revolves around the mystical realm. That's a problem that a lot of writers encounter – not giving their characters lives outside of the main plot. I'll be reading on but I really think that you should pay attention to that aspect.

I haven't read far enough to see anything, so I won't critique you on this.


You seem like you've written it out well but your first few pages are boring. There's no world-building or descriptions of the characters. As writers, we tend to add pictures of everything and forget to describe the scenes; we fall back on the visual image that's right there. So there's a party going on, right? Tell me more. How well decorated is the place and where is the event being held? In your two-story house or in your one-story flat? Also Grammarly is the best tool any writer could ask for. I'd recommend installing it so it can find those errors that you don't see.



This book will be on my mind for a while. It has the potential to be more than what it currently is, but it needs a lot of glossing over.


Thank you for sending me your book! I look forward to reading another one of your works and recommend me to your friends if you're pleased with this review.

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