《Salty Book Review》Getting Started


I won't keep you all for long as I'm sure a lot of you just want to get your book reviewed already.

Anywho, I'm just getting started on this official review thing but I've done personally requested reviews before. I know as first-time writers or those dealing with anxiety, like myself, we sometimes feel nervous or defensive when we feel that our reviewer is being rude. Rest assured, that the severity of my critique will be solely based on you!

I'll submit a form and I'll have a critique scale where you get to choose the level of harshness/kindness you'll receive. I'll also have a scale of one to ten for each reviewed aspect. (Title, Genre, Blurb, Characters, Character Development, Plot, and Overall Impact I felt with the book) The password for the review is your Favorite animal plus your favorite beverage. I only read books in English, and I won't accept anime or fanfiction. DM me any questions or concerns.

Please read at least five pages of Moose and Goose. Leave genuine comments at least three times on each page so I know that you read them, also vote when you're done, because why not?

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