《After The Villain's Mother Fan Wears The Book (MTL) ✓》LAST CHAPTER


Fu Qing was going to be a bodyguard next to Chu Xuelin. Chu Xuelin agreed, but Chu Xuelin was filming in the Golden Triangle area recently. If Fu Qing had to follow him, he would not be able to return to China for at least three months.

Fu Qing agreed, only three months, Gu Yuandi is now an awesome existence-whether in real life or in an oasis, she can leave with confidence.

Maybe when she comes back, Gu Yuandi will have more happy events to inform her.

The news that Fu Qing was about to leave first only told her family and Deng Yali. Gu Yuandi was participating in a closed robot competition. Anyway, he couldn't receive the message to him. She didn't rush to tell him, and waited for him to finish. , She won't be too late.

On the day when the family paid to Fu Qing to practice, Fu Mingyue asked Fu Qing calmly: "Have you ever told Gu Yuandi about this?"

"Which one? I'm going to the Golden Triangle?"

"Of course ." Ah, you're going to go for more than three months, he didn't keep you?"

"I haven't told him yet, he is busy in the game, and Gu's company has also launched a new robot. It is estimated that he will have to help. I don't have time. . eating farewell dinner with me, and so I landed again told him "

to pay the moon kept wondering for a moment, smiled, and told to pay gently said:." I take the time to send you "

pay gently not suspected him, Fu Mingyue was told about the time and schedule.

Gu Yuandi was originally participating in the competition. In order to prevent cheating, the smart device was handed in a long time ago. There was a rare free time in the team, and everyone used it for leisure. However, he was anxious to contact Fu Qing to report the progress. For two years, he used to tell her everything about him. Even if his sentences were simple, Fu Qing could not understand them all, but she always listened carefully and he liked to share them with her.

But Gu Yuandi received Zhang Jiaping's call first.

Zhang Jiaping hurriedly said on the phone: "Master, the madam is gone, do you want to come back? The master and the old man meant that you better come back."

Gu Yuandi was blank for a moment, and Luo Chuanrou died.

He frowned, and his tone was flat: "How did you die?"

Zhang Jiaping hesitated and said, "Actually, I don't know. Are you coming back?"

Gu Yuandi has walked out of the darkness, and his legs are like normal people. It's almost there. As long as you don't exercise vigorously, you can walk at will. That dark life is sealed deep in his memory. Luo Chuanrou's death opened his memory. It is not happy, but it is not very sad.

"I'll go back."

Gu Yuandi didn't know why, there was a place in his heart, always touched by the successful family life in his childhood, let him draw a close to his past by himself.

Gu Yuandi returned to Gu's house.

Luo Chuanrou drank too much and fell to death while drunk. It is said that...she also used controlled drugs.

The Gu family has been helping her over the years, but she seems to be addicted to the past, unable to reconcile with herself, has been unsatisfactory, and died very unexpectedly.


In the entire Gu family, Xiao An cried the most.

Xiao An grew up. Although the Gu family deliberately avoided him from contacting Luo Chuanrou, Luo Chuanrou was the mother of Xiao An after all, and they were not qualified to deprive Luo Chuanrou of the right to visit Xiao An.

Xiao An’s feelings for Luo Chuanrou are different from that of Gu Yuandi. In his eyes, it was his brother who caused his mother to be kicked out of Gu’s house. His mother was the one who indulged and loved him the most, and his mother died unexpectedly because of grief. Things are responsible.

Seeing Gu Yuandi, Xiao An yelled, insulted, punched and kicked Gu Yuandi in his arms.

Children's emotional catharsis is very straightforward and weak.

Gu Zhangde couldn't bear to scold Xiao An. He asked Xiao An to be taken away. Xiao An yelled: "Murder! You killed mother! Bad guy!"

Gu Yuandi raised his head, and there was a moment of doubt in his eyes.

Gu Zhangde frowned and said to Gu Yuandi: "Xiao Di, it's not your fault, it's your father's responsibility. Don't take Xiao An's words to your heart."

Gu Yuandi nodded, but he was a little awkward, he couldn't say yes. What kind of abnormal feeling made him feel like a throat.

Luo Chuanrou and Gu Zhangde were divorced a long time ago. Luo Chuanrou’s funeral was handled very simply and low-key, but the Luo family refused to agree. They came to the house and threatened to invite reporters to expose Gu's behavior to the world. Gu Zhangde refused to accept the move, and they aimed their spearhead at Gu Yuandi, who was related to them by blood.

It took the Gu family a lot of effort to suppress this incident, but Gu Yuandi had already been scolded.

Gu Yuandi will not be knocked down by others' insults. If he feels uncomfortable, it is only because he has cracks.

He had to admit that Luo Chuanrou did not perform the responsibility of a mother on him, but he was not soft-hearted to Luo Chuanrou either.

Indirectly killing his own mother, once this charge is crowned with oneself, there is an unspeakable pain in his heart-this is a torture that is completely out of his control.

□□ cannot be completely separated from the soul, but his □□ comes from his mother, and he has spent more than ten years with his mother. He is only in his twenties this year, and those ten years have taken up his life. He couldn't forget part of the time.

Gu Yuandi, who was suffering from insomnia, was puzzled. He obviously abandoned his mother, but I don't know why. After the death of his mother, he had a brief thought flashing, and it was him who was abandoned.

In the evening of the next day, Gu Yuandi received a strange call, but he was familiar with the voice on the other end of the call.

Fu Mingyue asked him over there, "Is it Gu Yuandi? I'm the gentle sister Fu Mingyue."

Gu Yuandi's voice was hoarse: "It's me."

Fu Mingyue hated iron and said: "Don't talk about me. This elder sister doesn’t take care of the two of you, she wants to go abroad gently, and won’t be back in a short time, you know?”

Gu Yuandi was inexplicably empty in his heart. The news of Fu Qing’s departure seemed to make him even more frightened. Somewhat helplessly, he asked, "Where is she going?"


Fu Qingnian did not say a word to him.

Fu Mingyue said: "Go to the Golden Triangle. Do you know Chu Xuelin? Gently go to his side to protect him. After she protects you, I have to change someone to protect."

Gu Yuandi was dumb, perhaps Fu Mingyue was too straightforward. Instead, he was stunned. What does it mean to change someone to protect?

Fu Mingyue is in a hurry, why is Gu Yuandi dumb!

She angrily said: "Don't fight for it, be careful when others fight for it!"

Gu Yuandi choked with difficulty in his throat, with a tingling sensation.

Fu Mingyue said angrily: "Tonight's plane! We're going to the airport in a while, don't love come! Don't let me and you stare at you when your family wants to marry me in the future!"

She informed Gu Yuandi of the line and hung up the phone, then turned off, cheated Fu Qing's cell phone away, turned off the phone and returned it to her.

Fu lightly packed his things and was in a hurry, no matter where the phone was turned on or not.

Fu Mingyue was afraid that Chu Xuelin might also show up there, so she called and said, "Xuelin, don't drop the chain, you know?"

Chu Xuelin's gentle voice sounded on the other end: "I see. Your menstrual period is approaching, so be careful not to catch cold."

Fu Mingyue frowned: "I see, it's really long-winded."

Chu Xuelin smiled.

Gu Yuandi left the house without saying a word. He was afraid of missing Fu Qing's car, so he called all the drivers in the family to drive after him.

On the way, he couldn't reach Fu Qingtian, for fear of missing her flight, and the whole person was enveloped in a gloomy and gloomy temperament.

The airport was built in a deserted place. Before the airport, Fu Qing's cars were blocked by people. Cars came around one after another. She felt that she had offended someone and wanted to be malicious. Revenge.

The driver parked the car to the side of the road and got off gently to check the situation. Only Gu Yuandi got off from the second generation of LSL. Because he had socialized with relatives during the day, he was still wearing a decent suit, and the lines outline him. Very cold and hard.

Fu Qingming didn't know what was going on, and asked unexpectedly, "Aren't you participating in the competition? Why are you back now?" The

night light was dim, and Gu Yuandi's eyes were red, but he was holding back the pain. He suppressed his blood. The part that made him almost madly out of control, hung his head, and took a heavy step, cuddling Fu gently and ruthlessly into his arms.

Fu lightly felt that his bones were about to break.

She couldn't breathe, pushed Gu Yuandi away, blushing and asked, "Di...What's wrong with Gu Yuandi?" What

responded to her were the hot tears in the neck of her neck and his hoarse and desperate voice: "Gently , Do you even want to abandon me?"

Fu Qing was puzzled, just instinctively, she hugged Gu Yuandi, stroked his stiff back, and said softly: "I don't abandon you, I don't always Are you all here?” It’s

strange. When he cried, she also felt uncomfortable, as if the two were a symbiosis of the same spirit, but it was definitely not brotherhood, but you are in you, and you are in me. A sense of fusion with each other.

Gu Yuandi's eyelashes trembled lightly, "Gently, she is dead. When I was dreaming, she stared at me."

Fu Qing was surprised for a moment, and quickly realized that Luo Chuanrou died. In the original... Luo Chuanrou died at the hands of Gu Yuandi, but after Gu Yuandi killed her, he harmed herself again, and was tortured by paranoia and contradictions. he. Now it was definitely not Gu Yuandi who killed Luo Chuanrou, but Luo Chuanrou was still dead, and Gu Yuandi was also tortured.

Fu Qing said nothing but one sentence: "I was going to the Golden Triangle to be my brother's bodyguard-you understand that it is okay to be my brother-in-law's bodyguard, but I decided not to go now. I will continue to protect you!"

Gu Yuandi was stunned, brother-in-law's bodyguard?

...Fu Mingyue lied to him!

However, good deception.

Gu Yuandi suddenly understood his intentions. He was obviously not a gentle person. He clearly wanted to keep her by his side. He obviously had an uncontrollable possessiveness and love.

Gu Yuandi's cold kiss fell on Fu Qing's lips.


Fu lightly widened his eyes, so direct, so fast?

The Gu family officially proposed to the Fu family.

Fu Qingming had reached the legal age for marriage a long time ago, and the two families are old acquaintances. Seeing Fu Qingyi's agreement, Fu Quanyi and his wife fully agreed.

It took six months for the two weddings to prepare for the wedding. Not only was it grand and lively in real life, but also in the oasis. "Mr. Q" ran out of gold coins and caused a global carnival.

Deng Yali fainted after eating sweets. It turned out that "Mr. Q" was fucking "Mr. Light"!

How can she be so slow!

People regard their wedding as a veritable grand wedding.

Fu Qing always remembered that she was standing on the stairs of the ice castle in a wedding dress that day, and the prince in a white suit led her all the way, and walked into the hall with him amid the blessings of thousands of people.

The global live broadcast of this wedding in Oasis, when Fu lightly turned back to watch the recording, he exclaimed, it was so dreamy and fulfilled all her fantasies as a bride!

Gu Yuandi had just returned home from Gu's company and hadn't seen his newlywed wife for a week. He pressed her under him like a wolf, raising his eyebrows and smiling: "There is something cooler."

Fu Qingqing: "...?"

Da During the day, it's not good.

Gu Yuandi is not a workaholic. After taking over the Gu family, he spends half of his time working and researching his favorite fields, and half of his time accompanying Fu Qingqing.

After that world carnival, the ID of "Mr. Q" disappeared.

Gu Yuandi is now called

-You win Guangming.

——End of full text——

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