《After The Villain's Mother Fan Wears The Book (MTL) ✓》CHAPTER 33


Of course Fu Qing wanted to see the stars with Gu Yuandi, but if Chu Xuelin was really the brother, she also wanted to see him.

The elder brother is a relative.

Gu Yuandi could see that Fu Qingming was very embarrassed, maybe he wanted to see it with others.

He doesn't like being difficult.

Gu Yuandi lowered his head to adjust the direction of the wheelchair, and muttered, "Goodbye."

Fu gently pulled Gu Yuandi's sleeve, "Hey! You wait..."

Gu Yuandi stopped and looked at her.

Fu Qingqing asked him: "Did you give the insecticide? And that cute little yellow duck doll."

Gu Yuandi blinked, "Do you want to see the stars?"

Fu nodded gently, "Yes, I I want to go with you, but I have a little important thing. You can wait until I'm done to look for you, okay?"

Gu Yuandi pressed the corner of his mouth that was about to cock up, "Okay."

She promised to follow him. Dated.

Gu Yuandi pointed to a place and said, "I'll be waiting for you." After

Fu Qingqing and Gu Yuandi parted, the phone rang again, and a new text message sent an address to her, asking her to go to the south of the stargazing room. Waiting for him in the area.

Fu Qingming knew that Chu Xuelin would definitely be inconvenient to show his face and wander around, so he replied briefly with the word "good" and quietly went south.

She found the two dead trees that the other party said in the text message that were almost close together.

Fu turned lightly, but he didn't see any figure.

She dialed the phone and the bell rang behind her. With the light of the stargazing room, she looked back and found that the person who came was Yue Xianwan.


Qingqing : "Why are you?" Yue Xianwan was a little bit ashamed, and she didn't know where it was done, she said angrily: "Who do you think it is?"


Qingming's attitude became colder : "What's the matter?" Yue Xianwan lost her temper when she saw that Fu Qing was so indifferent, "I'm here to save you, what's your attitude!"

Fu gently lifted his eyelids and glanced over. "You put bugs in my room to save me?"

Yue Xianwan: "...how do you know? Gu Yuandi told you?"

She was shocked when she thought of Gu Yuandi's behavior. That's right, Gu Yuan Di deliberately punished her just for Fu Qingqing.

When Fu Qing heard Yue Xianwan's words, he was even more sure that the insecticide and the doll were sent by Gu Yuandi.


Yue Xianwan laughed and said: "Are you still happy? He is a pervert. Did you know that he touched my safety rope today and he almost wanted to kill me."

Fu Qingqing: "I see you Life is good."

Yue Xianwan was anxious and frustrated: "He is a murderer!"


Qingming: " I'll talk about it when you die." Yue Xianwan: "..."

Fu Qingming: "Okay , nothing else I'm leaving. If you dare to send text messages to lie to me, I will tell Gu

Yuandi ." Yue Xianwan: "..."

She came in vain today, and Fu Qing was an accomplice of Gu Yuandi !

Yue Xianwan was so angry that she stomped away.

Fu lightly looked at the bright lights in the stargazing room, and fell into deep thought.

Did Di Zai begin to...have it darkened.

However, he didn't really do anything to Yue Xianwan. With his ability, if he really wanted to do anything to Yue Xianwan, there was not a trace of evidence left in the Red Box Base.

She felt that this was just Di Zai's helpless move to protect her.

"..." After

the calf, his mind turned to the South Pole!

Fu gently rang the phone, another strange phone.

It was definitely not Yue Xianwan's this time.

Fu gently connected the phone, her breathing became shallow, "Hello?" A

familiar male voice came from the other end: "Where are you now?" It

was Chu Xuelin.

Fu's blood boiled lightly, it's the older brother! ! ! It's brother! ! !

She wanted to say that there were too many things to ask. She didn’t know where to ask for a while, so she simply answered Chu Xuelin’s question: “I’m on the south side of the stargazing room. There are two trees growing together here. The wind is strong, so there are few people. You, you, you, you come wearing masks, you should be fine."

Chu Xuelin smiled: "Well, I have a lot of people here, it is not convenient to talk, I will come right away. Wait for me."

Fu gently squeezed My heart beats with my phone.

Why did my brother come here together! And why is his acting so good? What's the matter?

Fu Qing waited for five minutes, and Chu Xuelin came over. He changed into casual clothes, wearing a hat and a mask. At first glance, he looked like a student.

Fu gently heard the footsteps and looked at it. Chu Xuelin's strange face, which was completely different from that of her brother, made her a little timid, and she didn't dare to step forward to recognize him.

As Chu Xuelin got closer, his smile became more and more obvious.



Qingming asked in disbelief, "You are my brother!" Chu Xuelin hooked the mask with a finger and smiled: "A Qing."

Yes! ! !

Only people she knew before would call her Ah Qing.

Fu flew gently into Chu Xuelin's arms, and clasped his neck tightly.

Chu Xuelin staggered and almost didn't fall.

He patted Fu gently on the back, rubbed her hair again, and asked her, "Why did you come?"

Fu Qing was puzzled: "I've been here waiting for you just now."

Chu Xuelin didn't rush to explain.

After rejoicing, Fu lightly whimpered with tears, pulled Chu Xuelin's sleeve to wipe the tears, and asked: "Brother, why are you here too?"

Chu Xuelin told Fu Qing what happened when he came.

Fu Qingqing died suddenly in the employee dormitory.

The company notified Chu Xuelin, the only person with a family tag in her mobile phone. Chu Xuelin finally sorted out her belongings and saw the novel "The Runaway Wife" in her mobile phone.

In the interface, the novel almost saw the end and missed it. Chu Xuelin also tried to read the novel. When he saw Chu Xuelin appear on the stage, his eyes were black and he was wearing it.

But he wore it earlier. He has been here for three full years, honed his acting skills and gained a firm foothold.

Fu Qing was shocked after listening.

Three years of honed acting skills.

"Brother, this can be considered an extraordinary talent!"

Chu Xuelin didn't tell Fu Qingming, acting was just his hobby, and he didn't expect that he would be able to engage in a profession he likes after he got in.

There was a thunder, and the weather changed suddenly.

Chu Xuelin glanced at the time on the phone and said, "It's getting late, the students in the stargazing room should be leaving. Didn't you say that you want to see the stars before, take you to see the stars."

Fu Qing recalled Chu Xuelin's mind was caught by Chu Xuelin from the previous bit by bit.

She wants to watch the stars with her brother.

The two of them went to the stargazing room, and there really wasn't anyone in the room. There were several astronomical telescopes, two of which were empty.

Chu Xuelin picked one, followed the operating instructions, and let Fu gently climb up to see the stars.

Fu lightly looked for a long time, and said, "I can't see, there are no stars anymore."

Chu Xuelin leaned over and looked at it. Perhaps because of the bad weather, the equipment here is not top-notch enough, and there are indeed no bright stars.

Fu murmured softly, "No wonder there are no more people." I

can't see the stars, so let's go.

Chu Xuelin adjusted in front of the telescope for a long time and finally found a brighter star. He stretched out his palm to support the back of Fu Qing's head, brought her to the telescope, and said, "Look at this one."

Fu gently moved over, a bright star.

Shining things always make her feel beautiful, not to mention watching them with her family.

It seems to have realized the dream that the two had before eating steamed buns and drinking mineral water together.

"Brother, it's so beautiful!"

"Well, I'll take you to see more beautiful ones in the future."

This tossing passed in half an hour, and the students on the mountain were really scattered.

Fu Qingqing said to Chu Xuelin: "Brother, I, I have something to do now, you go back first, and I will contact you tomorrow."

Chu Xuelin pressed down the brim of his hat and left the stargazing room with Fu gently. Said: "Okay, contact tomorrow. The number that is calling you is my private number, and the social software is the same number, so you can find me as

soon as you have something to do." Fu lightly focused his head and parted with Chu Xuelin.

Chu Xuelin's assistant was waiting for him in the distance. He gave Fu Qing the umbrella and went back to the hotel with the assistant.

The sky was drizzling, and Fu lightly worried that Gu Yuandi didn't bring an umbrella, and ran to the agreed place to find him.

When she arrived, the light rain turned into a pouring rain, and Gu Yuandi was gone.

Gu Yuandi waited for half an hour at the agreed location. The weather forecast said that it would rain tonight. If Fu Qing came late and couldn’t see the stars, he used his mobile phone to take pictures of the stars. Of course, he couldn’t take pictures clearly, but it’s not. Completely invisible.

After taking a lot of pictures, he didn't pay much attention after the low battery warning on the phone, and kept taking pictures until it turned off automatically.

Then it rained, and Fu Qing, who had agreed to watch the stars together, did not come.

The girls nearby said that they were all looking for Chu Xuelin.

Tonight, no girl wants to meet Chu Xuelin by chance.

He didn't know whether Fu Qingqing was one of them.

However, she clearly agreed to watch the stars with him.

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