《After The Villain's Mother Fan Wears The Book (MTL) ✓》CHAPTER 29


Xian Yu Fu Qing was the second batch of competitors to jump over obstacles.

With her ability, she can easily get the first place, but isn't this too dazzling and crushes Fu Mingyue, so she plans to run and run.

Gu Yuandi's bidding gun competition is about to begin, and he and the members of the fifth group are going to prepare for the competition.

The overall score ranking of their group is currently relatively low. It is inevitable that several people in the team are dissatisfied. Seeing Gu Yuandi in a wheelchair, the bidding results will certainly not be too good. Most of them have to drag their feet. Several people gathered together and muttered: "It must be counted down this time."

Gu Yuandi was sitting in a wheelchair alone, blowing in the cold wind, listening to the complaints of his classmates, without any expression on his face.

People who are physically disabled will be ridiculed and shocked in any environment.

It has taken him a year to get used to it.

A gunshot sounded and the bidding gun started. Gu Yuandi had strong upper limbs. He was the last member of the fifth group to throw out. He had the best shooting results.

The members of the same group immediately looked at each other with admiration.

"Grass... this and this, Gu Yuandi has a long way to go."

"With his score, can we counterattack?"

"Anyway, I definitely won't be the last one." The

fifth group members discussed. One after another, the attitude towards Gu Yuandi has changed a little. The disabled, it seems that they are not that weak.

The scores of the other four group members have also come out. No one can shoot the distance more than Gu Yuandi, but the score of the boy with a black dress is one point lower than that of Gu Yuandi. If Gu Yuandi’s score is invalidated, the black The score of the boy in clothes plus the score of his partner is very likely to get the honorary title of excellent team.

The boy in black expressed dissatisfaction, "He is sitting and shooting, his posture is not standard, why should he participate?"

The students in other groups also responded.

"Yes, and he took advantage of it, and his grades are moist."

"This score can't be counted." The

fifth group members are even more upset than just now. They are not as good as a damn disabled person. Are these people still dissatisfied?

The members of the fifth group quarreled with the boys in black.

"Gu Di far is cast first, and refused to accept the simmering!"


"So fast hardware, go to the Paralympics ah."

"I say you! Will not speak ah?"

"To tell the truth how the?"

The young blood The student of, who was about to do it when he saw it, did not know who shouted: "Fuck, is she flying?"

Everyone's eyes shifted to the obstacle course.

Fu gently leaped from the first wall, running and jumping like the wind, so fast that only the afterimages could be seen.

When the other students were still over the second wall, she had already passed all five obstacles, reached the finish line easily, and achieved a good score of "45 seconds" under the whistle of the referee.

With a score of 100, it broke the record for the shortest time spent on the red box base.

"Ah, ah, pay lightly!"

"Add 100 points, the fifth group will be the first!"

"Fu lightly! Pay lightly! Pay lightly!"

Fu lightly panted slightly and walked away. When I arrived at the javelin area, I lazily looked at the members of the other four groups, and finally fixed his eyes on the black boy, disdainfully said: "I don't want to accept Gu Yuandi's first shot? I ran first, even if he shot zero points. , The number of the two of us is higher than yours."

The boy in black was embarrassed to argue with a girl, and blushed and avoided.

Gu Yuandi raised his head and stared at Fu Qingqing.

She was like an appropriate wind, and she could always appear beside him all the time.

Fu Qing picked up Gu Yuandi's red card and tied it to his own.

Red and blue, a group of □□!

The two of them are the best!

In the end, the total score came out. Fu Qingming and Gu Yuandi had the highest scores in the two-person group. The big group they belonged to also ranked first, and the second place was only three points lower than their fifth group.

In other words, if there is no super high score bonus for Fu Qing and Gu Yuandi, their fifth group will not get the first place.

The students in the fifth group cheered, "Fu Qing is great


Fu Qing : "Gu Yuandi is great !" Deng Yali in the crowd also shouted: "Great ! Fu Qing! Great! Gu Yuandi is great!"

Hmph... Just now Fu lightly rushed to protect Gu Yuandi, it's kind of irresistible, a bit like a picture in a TV series.

Lunch is eaten in the cafeteria.

After a morning of strenuous exercise, everyone was hungry and had a strong appetite.

Fu Qingming and Gu Yuandi ate at the same table, but Deng Yali couldn't find a suitable place in the crowded crowd, and she also sat next to her.


Deng Yali is not as capable of accepting Gu Yuandi as Fu Qingming. She looks like she is in a state of preparation, nervous, and deliberately keeping a distance from Gu Yuandi.

Gu Yuandi didn't seem to see it.

Fu Qing didn't offend Gu Yuandi too much when seeing Deng Yali, nor did he speak.

There were three people at the table. Gu Yuandi didn't like to talk. He just bowed his head to eat. Fu Qingming didn't know what he was thinking about. The atmosphere was a little weird.

Deng Yali suddenly said, "The cafeteria here is quite delicious. This carrot stewed chicken has a special taste."

Fu frowned slightly and ate several pieces of chicken.

It's really special...very familiar, reminding her of her days in the orphanage.

The orphanage she is in is very good. The dean’s mother is very gentle and kind. She and the children in the yard are very close and familiar, just like her own relatives.

There is only one person, which makes her feel like family.

He was three years older than her. When he was young, he lost with his sister. His sister died on the way. He survived and was sent to the orphanage. Because she had a mole on her face like his sister, he took her Treated as his sister.

After more than ten years of getting along, they are indeed as close as brothers and sisters.

Coming to another world, the only thing Fu Qing missed was his brother.

My brother doesn't like carrot chicken, but like carrot chicken stew. With special seasonings and techniques, the taste is very delicious.

Just the same as she is eating now.

Fu Qing was pulled back into the old memories, and he was depressed.

I don’t know how my elder brother is now... I count the days, she hasn’t contacted her elder brother for a long time. Although elder brother usually doesn’t contact her often, but in that world, it should be approaching Mid-Autumn Festival, elder brother will definitely find her for dinner, elder brother After discovering that she has disappeared, she will and will be sad.

Fu lightly ate his dinner and talked unintentionally.

After dinner, everyone had to go back to the hotel in the base to rest. Fu Qing was arranged on the first floor, next to Gu Yuandi.

Before the baggage was put away, Yue Xianwan came.

"Gentlely, can I change a room with you? I'm on the third floor. It's a bit inconvenient for me to climb the stairs."


Fu gently closed the door, ignoring Yue Xianwan.

Yue Xianwan ate closed doors, gritted her teeth, and went out.

There are many trees and snakes in the Red Box Base. Snakes, insects, rats and ants appear in the hotel, right?

Yue Xianwan was not afraid of insects. She used the chicken that she ate at noon to trap a few insects, and threw them into Fu Qiang's room from the outside window.

Gu Yuandi curled his lips coldly behind the curtain in the next room.

Rock climbing competition in the afternoon.

After Fu Qingming's lunch break, she took the number plate and went to the competition venue to find Gu Yuandi, but Xie Anming was waiting for her.

Xie Anmingcan greeted Fu Qing with a smile, and told her: "Gu Yuandi gave me your number plate, mine gave him, and we were in pairs in the afternoon."

Fu Qing said: "How is it possible?" "


Xie Anming pointed to the distance, Gu Yuandi and Yue Xianwan were a pair.

Fu lightly darkened his face, Di Zai, what are your eyes! She would rather go with Yue Xianwan than with me.

Forget it... The cub has his own ideas when he is older, so let him take a good look at what kind of person Qing Yue Xianwan is.

Fu Qing was sulking, but she still didn't believe that Gu Yuandi would exchange the number plates with Xie Anming. She looked at Xie Anming.

Xie Anming blushed and said, "Ahem, okay, he is not the number plate that he exchanged with me. I saw him exchange with someone, so I exchanged with the other person."

Fu Qingming: "..."

It's almost the same.

But it's also very annoying, will Xie Anming drag her back!

The game enters the preparatory stage.

Not everyone knows or dares to climb, so they work in teams of two, with one person in charge of the logistics part and one person in charge of the competition.

Xie Anming put on the equipment himself and said with a smile: "I will definitely not let girls do dangerous things, let me do it!"

Fu gently walked to Xie Anming, checked his equipment, and tied him a slipknot.

She is fluent and proficient. Xie Anming asked in surprise, "You can?"

Fu Qingming : "Is it difficult?"

She turned her head and couldn't help looking at Gu Yuandi's side.

Gu Yuandi is also helping Yue Xianwan prepare equipment.


Soon you will find out that I am better.

Fu Qing thought so.

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