《Reign: The Diary of A Princess》Votings


The party is over, so I have to pick which one of them deserves my love and can handle their responsibilities as my partner. I decided that I would not be the only one who chooses and decides. I asked my family—King Charles, Queen Mary, Queen Catherine, and Princess Claude—to help me, as they also talked to some of them. I recommended tallying to be the method of voting.

We started with the brothers—Prince Carter and Charles of the Netherlands. Five votes for Carter and one for Charles from Catherine.

"He's dashing and strong. He'll make a good husband." Catherine said

"But it's unfair, you voted for Carter as well..." I said

"I like them both."

Next is Prince Miguel of Portugal. 3 votes from Queen Mary, Queen Catherine, and Princess Claude.

"I think there's something in him that he's hiding. I don't like him." I explained

"Ah! I thought I was the only one who thought of that. " I was backed up by the King.

Third, the Prince of Australia—Prince Thomas.

"Hmm, he's nice."

"He's a proper gentleman."

"His devotion to his country is actually good."

"I like him."

Four votes for Thomas from us, girls.

Next is Prince George of Poland. He was definitely liked by Charles, Catherine, and mother.

"I heard many things about his achievements. My investigators said that he's quite a good man when it comes to being a prince and maybe as a partner too." King Charles said

"I bet he's good for you, my granddaughter."

And, of course, Prince Markus of Navarre. Actually, I do kind of like to know him, not as a husband or partner so I voted for him the same as Claude.

"Well, what changed your mind, Alex?" Charles asked.


"I thought you didn't like him." Mother said

"That's new. He's a Bourbon. You know what their family did to your father and to this family. " Catherine disagreed.

"I want to know him as a friend, not as a husband or what." I made it clear.

"I'm with Alex," Claude said.

"He may be a Bourbon, but he's his own man. He can and may be different than Antoine or even Louis." my mother seemed convinced.

Next is Prince Magnus of Greece. All of us actually voted for him.

"He's handsome"

"His papers said that he's a good man and intelligent and even puts his men's lives first than his."

"He's got an accent and bright blue eyes. I find him very lovely. "

"Can I have him?"

"In case you forgot, sister, you're already married."

The next one is my desperate cousin, Prince Tomas of Spain. Nobody actually voted for him because we all know that it's not allowed unless he's a bastard or illegitimate.

"How about Prince Carlos of Germany?"

"I really love his whole structure; his face and his body."

"He's very dashing"

"Germany would make a lot of help to Scotland"

"He is good-looking and very polite. I think he'll love you. "

So the five of us agreed to give all of our votes to him. Next one is Prince David of Switzerland.

"He's fine but I don't like him that much"

Only Queen Catherine and King Charles voted for him. Okay, so save the best for last, King Marco of Italy.

"Oh, yes, Marco. I really do love him for you. "

"He's your old best friend, my close friend, and he is very good, so why not?"

"He loves you!"

"Italy is a great ally of France, even for Scotland, and mind you, he is a king already. If you marry him, you'll be Queen Consort of Italy. "


"I don't want to marry yet, just a fiancé. I'm not ready to leave Scotland and my mother as well, especially with Lord Darnley. "

"But you know, if you marry him soon, you can do anything. You'll be the queen consort of another powerful country. It might as well be better if he would give you the crown matrimonial and consider the Queen to be his equal. "

"But I don't want him or any of them for power"

"That's only a part of it and if it is only needed"

We continued the rest of the votings and decided to eat after a long list of voting and tallying. The tallying list of suitors are done.


Prince Carter of Netherlands - |||||

Prince Charles of Netherlands - |

Prince Miguel of Portugal - |||

Prince Thomas of Australia - ||||

Prince George of Poland - |||

Prince Markus of Navarre - ||

Prince Magnus of Greece - |||||

Prince Tomas of Spain - none

Prince Casper of Sweden - already engaged

King Marco of Italy - |||||

Prince Carlos of Germany - |||||

Prince David of Switzerland - ||

Lord Henry of England - |

Lord Christian of Scotland - ||

Lord Timothy of Scotland - |||||

Lord Gabriel of Portugal - |||

Lord Martin of Italy - ||

Lord Lukas of France - |||||

Lord Dimitri of Germany - ||

Archduke Stefan of Hungary - ||

Archduke Albert of Australia - |||||


So the suitor who gets 5 out of 5 of our votes will move to another tallying. The suitors left are Prince Carter of the Netherlands, Prince Magnus of Greece, Prince Carlos of Germany, King Marco of Italy, Lord Timothy of Scotland, Lord Lukas of France and Archduke Albert of Australia.

Okay, so 7 out of 21. I decided to let them stay for awhile so that I could get to know them. Most of them decided to rent a chateau near the castle to stay for awhile. So in one week, I'll get to meet each of them daily. That'll be exhausting. Honestly, it'll drain me.

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