《Reign: The Diary of A Princess》Truth Shall Set You Free


By the time I woke up, I had the courage to read the letter until my grandmother went in unannounced, and she didn't even bother to knock so that her presence would be acknowledged.

"Grandmother! You know, there's this thing called "knocking.""

"I know, Alex. Nevertheless, how are you, poor child? "

"I'm already a bit fine."

"That's good."

"I was just checking." She left.

And she busted inside my chamber again and said, "By the way, the food is ready."

"My God! Grandmother, learn to knock on the door. "

"I want us to eat altogether."

Then she left again, and I hoped that was the last time she'd bust my door unexpectedly. I got ready for breakfast, so I hadn't got the time to read the letter. I headed downstairs to eat, and then Lord Marcus was there, walking in the hallway. I decided to say hello before proceeding to the banquet hall.

"Lord Marcus"

"Princess Alexandra"

"Hey! How are you? "

"I am fine, my princess. How about you? "

"Well, a bit fine"

"Oh, why so?"

"Ah, sorry, I'm in a hurry. Shall I talk to you soon? "

"Of course, your grace"

I smiled and then left him because I thought they were already waiting for me. I arrived there exactly at the moment when King Charles arrived. We ate together as a family, which is really wonderful because we only eat together like once a blue moon.

It was a bit strange, somewhat awkward because of what happened yesterday. I think they all know the reason already, because literally no one mentioned it, or maybe they just don't want to make me feel bad again. Nonetheless, after eating, I went horseback riding for fresh air and to clear my mind. For my safety, guards went with me, including Lord Marcus.

I asked Lord Marcus to accompany me, and we might also continue the conversation we had awhile ago. He seemed like such a nice guy to be a trusted friend.

"Lord Marcus"

"Princess, how are you feeling now? "


"Well, we are on a hill with a nice view up here. I might as well say that I am already feeling good. "

"That's good to know. I got worried and a bit curious awhile ago. "

"Ah, I'm sorry. I was in a hurry. I happened to see you while I was on my way to eating breakfast with my family, so I went to you to say hi"

"No need to explain, Alexandra. It's fine. By the way, why were you feeling uneasy? "

"Ohh, Uhm. Well, I just found out that the person I love with whom I shared intimacy is already engaged to someone. "

"I am sorry to hear that. Alexandra, I am here to listen. I can give you advice if you would like as a friend. "

"It's alright, thank you, but I'm already fine with it"

"Do you know why that happened? May I ask who this man is? "

"Prince Casper of Sweden"

"Oh yes, I heard that news."

"But we are not officially together. We didn't make it official. "

"Ah, that's kind of hard, but what are your plans now? Will you ask him the answers to your questions? "

"No. I might not need it. "

"Well, I don't need it anymore."

"Your choice, Alexandra."

"But he did deliver me a letter with the invitation"

"What did he say?"

"I don't know"

"Wait, you haven't read it, have you? or you just didn't understand all of it? "

"I haven't read it yet. I was planning to but "

"But what?"

"I have no time."

"Well, I think this is the time. As your friend, I advise you to go back to the castle and read his letter because, without clarification and closure on your affection for him, you won't be able to move on because you're still stuck at the part of searching for the truth behind the pain you're experiencing"

"I think you're right."

I told my men that we'd be going back soon.


"Thank you, Marcus."

"No problem, Alex."

I really think that he's right. In order for me to forget him and to move on, is to know the truth and to accept it. Maybe the reason for it was for his country. If it is, I would certainly understand why, because if it was me, I would do it as long as it was for my country.

We got back to the castle, and I immediately asked for a bottle of wine to be delivered to my chambers, and then I prepared myself before reading it. I'm a little bit scared and nervous because I don't know what to expect from it.



If you're reading this, I bet you already know the reason why I left Scotland to head back to my country. At first, I had no idea I was going to be arranged to marry a lady. They only told me that I was being summoned immediately back to the Swedish Court. I wasn't expecting any of this either, but I'm sorry I have to wed her for my country. I know you'll understand my situation because I know you'd do the same if you were in my position right now. I am truly sorry, my love. Yes, I do love you, and everything that happened between us was real. I do hope you will forgive me. My love for you will never fade away. It's too strong that it's fine if I don't have you, and even if we're not together, always remember that. I grant you the right to have a great life without me by your side. You will find the right man for you, my princess. Make sure that he will not hurt you. If so, you can always come to me for help. I'm named as the Dauphin of Sweden. I'll soon be king of my country. Scotland can count on Sweden, and I promise you that. It's okay if you don't go to my wedding. I understand, but I am still hoping to see you there one last time. I love you, Alexandra.



Wow, wine did great work while reading the letter. I am currently in tears because of it. Somehow, I felt good knowing the truth and the reason for my heartbreak.

My mother and grandmother went to my chambers at the time I finished reading and sobbing. They asked how I was feeling now. They found out that I'd already read the letter given to me. I told them that I was feeling relieved to know the reason for my broken heart.

I told them that I would rest for awhile, but they decided to have more wine bottles because they'd be staying in my chambers for awhile. Of course, I granted them permission to, or I think they weren't even asking for my permission, but whatever. I closed my eyes to relax, which they thought I was sleeping already. I was only resting, but instead of waking up, I just listened to them while resting.

"She seems fine already, Mary, which is a good thing."

"I don't want to see my daughter crying, especially because of a man, but I understand she loved him. She's a princess. She has many suitors. "

"She does have many suitors, and I know all of them. They all went to me. Well, I am her mother. "

"See? You can let her pick her man from among her suitors. "

"Good idea, but you do realize she's still broken, don't you?

"I don't want to hurt my daughter's feelings, but it'll be good for her and maybe for Scotland."

"You can always arrange an agreement with a man before marriage. Plus, it'll also be good for her reputation by socializing with peers and showing that she's doing her obligation as a royal. "

"I should ask Alex before deciding."

So my mother and grandmother are planning to let me meet my suitors, which I think will be fun and actually fine for me. At least I'm trying to have time for myself too. I do hope one of them is my future husband. I don't disagree with their plan, though it would be hard to get to know them. I don't even know how many there are and who they are. After hearing their conversation about me, I decided to sleep.

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