《Carnivore Girl: Jurassic Park》Escaping the Island


Jenny's POV

We ran through the forest until we reach a clearing with long grass. We find Ajay's bag. Then hear the screams and raptor snarls. "Run" Ian tells us and we take off fast sticking together. Ian and Jake holding Kelly's hands. We plow ahead, the tall grass slapping at our faces, blinding us. But we stagger on.

Around us, the snarls and hisses of the pursuing raptors come closer and closer. So we run even faster, just plunging headlong through the tall grass. Until suddenly the ground disappears from beneath. We screamed as we rolled down a steep hill. The foliage tearing and cutting at us.

Until we reach flat ground again. We scramble to our feet, but it appears the raptors did not follow us over the edge. "God help us" Sarah says. As we look around in wonderment.

We're standing in a flat, sandy area lined with boulders at the sides. The flat area stretches fifty yards side to side and as far as we can see ahead. But that's not what amazes us. Everywhere, the sand is dotted with dinosaur skeletons. Some are huge, apatosaurus, sixty feet from head to tail tip. Others are smaller, herbivores of many different kinds. The more intact skeletons lie on their sides, their rib-cages arcs of pale bone. But just as many have been ripped apart, bits of carcass tossed in every direction.

"We're not far from the village" Jake states.

"He's right" Nick agrees.

"Lets get going" Ian states and goes to walk. "Ow!" he exclaims.

"If you think you can keep up" Nick tells him and runs off.

"Lets go" Ian tells us.

"No Ian, rest" Sarah tells him.

"Jake, go with Nick. I'll stay here with the others" I tell him.

"You sure?" he asks and I nod my head. He hugged Kelly tight before running after Nick. The rest of us waited a few minutes before heading for the village, me leading the way.


We soon enter the deserted village. "Where to now?" Kelly asks. Before I can answer we hear a scream and thud behind us. Ian, Kelly and I turn to see a raptor attacking Sarah. Tearing into her lucky pack.

She removes it and rolls away from the raptor. As it momentarily concentrates on disemboweling her pack, thinking it was part of her.Another raptor joins it, attacking the pack. We all run, us girls getting separated from Ian. We race inside and slam the door behind us locking it as two raptors slammed into it.

"Can't you control them?" Sarah asks him.

"Wrong pack, wrong person" I tell her. "You ok?" I ask and she nods her head. We headed to the opposite wall and start to dig. Once the hole was big enough I check to see if the ghost is clear. "All clear" I tell them. As Sarah urges Kelly to go first.

"Where do I go when I'm out?" Kelly asks.

"We'll be right behind you" Sarah assures her. I notice a shadow by the hole outside.

"Look out!" I shout pulling Kelly away as raptor tries to crawl through. "Climb" I tell them and we do so. Climbing into the rafters as the raptor continues to crawl inside. Suddenly Ian comes in through the door.

"Look out!" Kelly shouts to him.

"Up here!" all us girls shout. He starts to climb narrowly avoiding the raptors teeth. It climbs after him.

"Kelly! Kelly no!" Sarah shouts and I notice Kelly climbing down to her dad and the raptor.

"Hey you!" Kelly shouts catching the raptors attention. She then kicks it through the window. Before landing beside Ian, who hugs her. I notice another shadow.

"Get out of here!" I shout at them with Sarah. They left. Sarah and I climbed onto the roof. Then jump to another and she loses her footing. "Sarah!" I shout and slide down to her. "Oh shit" I say as I see a raptor on the opposite roof preparing to jump to ours.


I reach Sarah and try to pull her up. But end up slipping as well. We both cling to the edge of the roof as the raptor jumped onto our roof. The third under us, trying to grab us. I notice the loose tiles. I share a look with Sarah.

We start to pull the tiles. Throwing them at the raptor on the ground. However is brings the one on the roof closer to us. "Do you trust me?" I ask Sarah and she nods her head. "Then keep pulling" I tell her and she does. Me helping.

We duck to the side as the raptor passed us and it landed on the other raptor below. They start to fight. Sarah and I smile at each other. When we before fall off of the roof. We crawled away from the fighting raptors and go through a window.

Where we're meet by Jake, Ian and Kelly. Ian and Jake help us to our feet. "This way" Jake tells us and we run towards the communication centre. Where Nick is waiting. I notice a helicopter heading for the roof.

"Come on. Let's go!" Nick shouts as we get inside. We run for the stairs. We see the co-polit.

"Let's go!" he shouts at us.

"What about the others?!" I shout.

"There must be more survivors!" Ian shouts.

"There's another chopper coming" he tells us. We all get in and buckle up before take off. As we flew over the island we see they had caught papa rex.

"Oh no Buck" Jake says.

"We'll save him and return him here" I assure him.

"I hope Doe and the baby are ok" he states. Kelly falls asleep in Ian with Sarah. While I watch the scenery go by with the other two.


Picture above of them splitting up and picture on the external link of Sarah being attacked by a raptor.

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