《Carnivore Girl: Jurassic Park》Prologue: Grandpa


"Thanks again dad, for agreeing to watch Jenny" Tim tells her dad John Hammond. Tim and his wife Lila were going out for their tenth anniversary. "I would ask Mary, but with Lex still being a baby. I can't ask her to look after a five year old as well" he states.

"I understand, don't worry I'll take good care of Jenny" John assures him. "Now you go enjoy your weekend remember I spared no expense organizing it" he states. John wanted to do something special for his eldest child and organized a weekend holiday for him & his wife.

"Again Dad, you didn't have to pay for the trip" Tim reminds him.

"Stop harassing your father or we'll be late for the plan" Lila states as she enters the room. "Now I just put Jenny down for her nap, she should be asleep for an hour or so. Her bedtime is at eight thirty, no later. And..." she starts to explain.

"I know Lila, now go both of you before you miss the plane" John says cutting her off. Tim went and said one last goodbye to Jenny before getting into his car. He drove himself and Lila to the airport. While John went to the kitchen to make himself a cup of tea.

(An hour later)

"Grandpa!" Jenny cheers as she hugs him tightly. "Where are mummy and daddy?" she asks pouting. John chuckles picking her up and placing her on his lap.

"They left for their holiday sweety, your dad went to say goodbye to you. But you were already asleep so he kissed your forehead. Don't worry, they said they'd call when they reach Brazil" John assures her.

"Ok can you tell me apart your new project?" Jenny asks. "The one with dinosaurs" she adds.


"Of course, it's well on the way the enclosures are being built now. Soon the first dinosaurs will hatch on Isla Sorna. Then once the enclosures are built they will be moved to the park on Isla Nublar. But the park isn't scheduled to open for an other eleven years though" John explains.

"Will I be able to see some of eggs hatch?" Jenny asks.

"If it's ok with your parents, then of course you can" John tells her smiling. "Besides I would love your opinion on the park when it is up and running. You can be one of the first visitors to the island and be able to see all the exhibits without the crowds. Would you like that?" he asks.

"I'd love that!" Jenny exclaims bouncing up and down. "Can we watch unicorn movie?" she asks. John agrees and puts the movie on for her before sitting back down with her on his lap again. Suddenly the phone rings and John puts Jenny on the couch alone to go answer it.

"Hello, Hammond residents John Hammond speaking" he says. Jenny was to busy watching the wizard trying to free the unicorn to pay attention to her grandpa.

"Are you the father of Tim Hammond?" an officials voice asks.

"Yes, I am" John states. "Is something wrong with my son and his wife?" he asks. This grabs Jenny's attention and she looks at her grandpa.

"I am sorry to tell you sir, but there was an accident concerning your son and his wife. A drunk driver collided with their car near the airport half an hour ago. Your daughter in law died immediately on impact. Your son died before he could be freed of the car. We need someone to come down and identify the bodies" the officer explains.


"I can't just leave, I'm looking after their five year old daughter" John says as he tries not to cry.

"Is there no one else who could look after her for a few hours?" the officer asks.

"My daughter could, I'll give her a call and be down there in an hour or so" John states before hanging up. He puts on a pained smile turning to Jenny. "How would you like to go see your aunty and Lex?" he asks. Jenny cheers and John helps her with her shoes before driving them to his daughter's house. Once there Mary answered the door and told Jenny to go play with Lex.

"Is it true Dad?" Mary asks.

"I'm afraid so, and thanks for agreeing to watch Jenny while I deal with this" John tells her. Mary said it was no problem and John leaves heading to the hospital near the air port. Meanwhile Mary went into her lounge room to see Jenny playing with Lex and her dolls.

(Few days later)

John was made Jenny's guardian according to Tim and Lila's will. They left everything to their daughter including Tim's shares in InGen. Which John is in charge of until Jenny turns eighteen. John had a room prepared for Jenny so that she could move in after her parents funeral.

Mary helped her father plan her older brothers funeral. It went smoothly, but Jenny had a breakdown during it. John calmed her down and held her close for the rest of the ceremony. Afterwards they said goodbye to Mary and her family before going home.


Picture of little Jenny above.

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