《I Dare You》Chapter 27- A Familiar Face pt. 2


I watched as people gave a few passing pats on the shoulder and I was thrown off guard when someone tapped my own shoulder.

I turned around to see who it was and confusion racked through my every fiber I recognized who I was now starring at.


"Adelaide!" He said in shocked surprise.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were in Florida with mom."

"Yeah well as it turns out college wasn't really my thing. I got a new job though."

"what, don't tell me this is what you do now." I said and looked at our surroundings.

"Actually yeah." He said proudly.

"Okay, what about mom? And dad? Does he even know you're in town?"

"No, dad thinks I'm still in Florida and mom thinks I moved back in with dad. I'd like to keep it that way if you don't mind."

"Who's this?" I turned to see Tristan come up from behind me, his eyes trained on Braedon in front of me.

"Braedon Beck." He held his hand out to Tristan and he took it hesitantly, and then recognition slowly sparked in his gaze.

"Wait, you're her brother?" Tate asked.

"Right, you're the oldest, aren't you?" Tristan clarified.

"Yeah man, I think we met once or twice back in the day."

"I remember now. I've seen around some nights. You fight?"

"Hell yeah I do, maybe one day I'll get to go against the infamous Tristan Presley. You're big talk around here."

Tristan let out a breathy sort of scoff at that. He clearly didn't enjoy having the reputation.

"Where are you staying now?" I asked Braedon.

"I have an apartment around here. This pays pretty well."

I was going to say something else but I was interrupted as someone came up to Braedon and slapped him on the back, "time to get prepped."


"You're fighting now?" I asked.

"Yeah, I wish you could stay and watch me, but if I remember correctly dad has still has a curfew, doesn't he?"

I checked the time on my phone then and cursed. It was almost 1am.

"Maybe next time though," then turned to the other guy that approached him, "let's go Nolan."

I watched as he walked off and didn't miss the look Nolan was giving me. He shot me a wink as he followed my brother towards the ring.

I felt Tristan's hand on my lower back as he guided me back towards the exit. I didn't think he noticed Nolan, but he was glaring daggers at him until Nolan turned around.

"Let's get you home then." He said and Tate followed us out.

"Catch you guys later." Tate announced as he walked off to his own car. Tristan and I climbed into his car.

"Did you know he fought there?"

"I've seen him a couple times and I knew his face was familiar, I just couldn't remember why. Makes sense now."

"It doesn't to me. I had no idea he was into all that."

And then the more I thought about it I guess I didn't really know him that well at all. Braedon only hung out with me and Carson growing up when he was forced to. He was almost never home on the weekends when we all used to live together.

I wonder if this was how he spent his weekends back then too.

"He's new here, that much I know. I only started seeing him this fall."

"Are there any other secret fighting rings?" I asked.

"Yeah sure, they're not as big but they're around."

I went quiet after that. I know we weren't close, but it still rubbed me the wrong way that he never even mentioned to dad he was in town. I guess he just wanted to move around without having to worry about it.


We made it to my house at exactly 12:51.

"Thank you for bringing me Tristan. You were really amazing out there." I smiled at him.

He lifted the corner of his mouth in response and I reached over to kiss him on the cheek.

"Hey." he said in a slightly offended tone as I moved to climb out of the car. I looked back at him and he simply tapped his lips twice, indicating that he wanted another kiss.

I let out a laugh as I leaned for him again and kissed him on his lips. I felt him bury his hands in my hair as he pulled me closer and kissed me back.

"Goodnight Grumpy." and the tiny smile on his face melted my heart a little.

I walked into the house as quietly as I could, but my attempt was useless as I heard dad speak from the couch.

"Twenty one minutes late kiddo." he said disappointedly.

"I know dad I'm sorry, I just lost track of time." The truth is I wasn't even thinking about the time, but he didn't need to know that.

"How was your date with Tristan?"

"It wasn't a date dad, we just hungout."

His only response to this was a low "hm" from the back of his throat.

"Goodnight, I love you." And I blew him a kiss as I climbed the stairs to get ready for bed.

I was under my covers thinking about everything that happened and all the emotions I went through tonight.

But most of all I recognized how happy I felt as I buried myself farther into my sheets. I attempted to fall asleep, but something was keeping me awake. I reached for my phone suddenly and called Tristan.

"Ada? Everything okay?"

"Yeah I just wanted to make sure you got home okay."

"I did, just got in bed." And his voice sounded sleepy.

"Did I ruin your sleep?" I asked.


I smiled at that, "hey do me a favor?" I asked.


"stay on the phone with me?"

"Of course." And that was the last thing either of us said as I let sleep draw me under.

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