《I Dare You》Chapter 25- Friday Night Lights


Friday night games were a town favorite. The stadium was flooded with people every weekend to come see the game.

I rode with Leah and Maylan this time. Tate didn't have a game this weekend since the team they were supposed to be playing had to forfeit, so he joined us.

This made it a whole lot easier to convince Tristan to meet with us too.

We didn't exactly support our own football team since they were a mess of stuck up assholes, but they were good at what they do, and it was fun to watch.

The very first thing that Carson said when he joined the group was, "let's get some nachos up in this bitch."

I couldn't exactly argue with nachos.

We all stood in line together so we could get our own snacks and I got hot chocolate for myself. After we payed, we found a spot with an empty area for all six of us to sit.

When the game started, we were a huddle of obnoxious cheers and pounding feet. Being loud at footballs is what made the entire experience a whole lot more enjoyable.

Even Tristan joined in on the cheering of the game. His first shout surprised me, considering he's never been the loud type, but I just laughed and playfully shoved him.

Carson got so into the game at one point that he knocked my hot chocolate right out my hands.

"Aw man, I owe you another one don't I?" He whined and I held my hand out expectantly, waiting for money.

"I'll go with you." He grumbled and took out his cash from his pocket.

The cheers of the audience stole away his attention once again as we almost left together, so I grabbed the cash out from his grip and went off myself.


Since the game had started, the lines were a lot shorter at the concession stand and I was grateful.

"Can I get a hot chocolate?" I asked, placing the money on the counter.

The worker quickly filled a styrofoam cup filled with fresh steamy heaven and I smiled at her before I turned to go back to my seat.

And I almost lost another cup of hot chocolate, all because some dude was standing directly in my way.

I looked up from my cup to say something and stopped dead in tracks.

This man looked a little older, maybe late 20's or early 30's. He had dark brown hair and even darker eyes. His face was one of those manipulative faces, the kind that looked like they can be sweet, but you knew they weren't.

And I had seen this face before.

It was Lachlan. The man who Tristan told me about from the diner.

He looked at me and confusion sparked in his gaze, "don't I know you?" He asked.

"I don't think so." And I mentally pat myself on the back for sounding so convincing.

"You look familiar." It was as if I could see him scanning over his memories to find my face.

"Sorry, I must have you confused with someone else," he says finally and I gave him an apologetic smile as I moved past him.

I managed to make it back to my seat where I had left Tristan and the rest of the group.

He must have seen my expression because he had his full attention turned to me now. I got close to him and whispered in his ear.

"Lachlan's here. He's by the concession stand, I think he almost recognized me."

And his face deadpanned completely as he gave me a tight nod.


He went over to Tate from the end of the bench and whispered something in his ear, then the two went off by themselves.

"Where are they going?" Leah asked.

"More nachos." I said and eagerly waited for them to return.

The others went back to the game but I couldn't focus even if I tried. I was thinking about where they went, what they were doing, and why Lachlan was here in the first place.

My phone buzzed a minute later and I was relieved to see Tristan's contact appear through a message.


So he was still here, that was good. Right?

Apparently Leah received something similar from Tate and she showed me the message of him saying that he had to take care of something. He also said he would see her when the game was over.

I didn't relax for the rest of the game, but thankfully the others didn't notice.

We were shuffling out to the parking lot where we had all parked close together. I saw Tristan leaning against his car, his black hair almost blending in with the night sky.

I walked over to him as soon as I saw him and wrapped my arms around his torso. I felt him tense at first, but then his arms were around me in the next moment.

"Is everything okay?" I asked quietly so the others couldn't hear us from a few cars over.

I heard a faint, "aw so cute." That must have been Carson.

I pulled away from him slightly and waited for him to respond.

"Yeah it's fine." He assured me in a calm voice and he rubbed his hands up and down my arms in the chill of the air.

"He was there to tell me he wouldn't be in town tomorrow, that he had other business, but he still expected me to be there."

"He couldn't have texted that to you?"

"That's not his style."

Tate came over to us while the others were having a talk of their own, something happy that had Carson joking around.

"So you're fighting then?" I asked Tristan.

He nodded his head in response.

"I wanna see you do it."


"Tristan come on, I wanna see what you're like in the ring. Please?"

And I hoped he would say yes. Tristan has been so open these past few days about everything and I wanted to see this side of him as well. I had thought about what he looked like fighting in the ring since the day I found out.

"You're not going. I'll be too busy to keep an eye on you."

I immediately turned to Tate, "Tate will be there, won't you Tate? You won't be fighting each other will you?"

"Nah, I don't mind it man." Tate said shrugging his shoulders.

"Your main concern is Lachlan isn't it? And you said it yourself he won't be there."

He glared at me for a moment that seemed to last forever and I just looked back at him, waiting for his answer. Then he shifted his gaze to Tate.

He looked back at Tristan and gave a slight nod of his head, a private message passing between them.

"Alright. You can come tomorrow, but only for one night."

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