《I Dare You》Chapter 11- The Weirdest


Carson's rambling was the first thing I heard when I walked in the house. "I forgot. I forgot. I forgot and I'm sorry. The truth is I just fell asleep, it was a pretty good nap actually, and then I woke up to your missed calls and messaged threats and oh my god I feel awful, truly."

Actually, when I thought about it, I was glad he forgot to pick me up. If he hadn't, Tristan would have never given me a ride home.

I just smiled at him, "it's okay Carson, no big deal."

He stopped dead in his tracks and started at me. After a moment he slowly walked over to me, lifted his finger, and poked me in the cheek a few times.

I swatted his hand away, "what are you doing?"

"Checking to see if you're real. Who are you and what have you done with my sister? The real Ada would never let me off that easy."

His eyes widened in fear, "unless you're already planning something. Sneak attack? I just have one condition. Please Ada, don't put syrup in my shoes again." He begged.

I just laughed at him, "Carson, you seriously need to chill. We're fine. I'm not mad."

And I felt his suspicious gaze on me all the way up the stairs.

"Hey honey, how was tutoring today?"

Carson covered for me by telling dad I stayed after school everyday tutoring my classmates. As far as covers go, he did a pretty decent job of having my back. Of course, I had to do his chores for a week in return.

I felt super bad about lying to dad about it, but I had a feeling I would feel a lot worse if he found out I landed myself detention for almost an entire month.


"It was good, I think i'm really getting through to them."

I was a horrible liar.

"Why are you being weird about it?" Dad asked me, his brows furrowed in suspicion the way Carson was looking at me just a few seconds ago.

"I'm not being weird about anything." I tried to sound casual but it came out higher pitched than I meant to.

"Yeah you can cut the act now, I already found the detention slip in your bedroom."

My jaw dropped, "So you knew this whole time?"

"Sure did kiddo." and he ruffled my hair.

"Are you... mad at me?"

"No, I saw the teachers name on the slip. I had him during my senior year. Everyone knows Mr. Pennded is anal on monday's."

He walked back to his office before shouting from the end of the hall, "Lie to me again and you're grounded until senior year!"


Friday's meant no detention, which meant less Tristan. I saw him in the hallways at the end of the day and smiled at him, but he just kept walking

I tried not to let that bother me too much as I went to find my friends. I found Maylan first who was talking to Carson, the two of them laughing at something Carson must have said.

"hey," I greeted them, "where's Leah?"

Carson jumped and stuck his hands up in defense and I rolled my eyes at him, "relax doofus, I said I'm not mad."

"she's saying hi to Tate." Maylan replied to my question.

"Tate's here?"

"Yeah I guess he gave Tristan a ride today and he's here to pick him up."

"Hm. I think I'm gonna go say hi too." And I left the two of them to carry on with their conversation.


I stepped outside to see Leah leaning against a car window. It must have been Tate's car. His car was a two-door coupe like Tristan's was only his car was red and it was a different model.

I saw Tristan there in the passenger seat and he saw me as I walked over.

"Hey Tate." I said.

"Adelaide!" he said enthusiastically, "it's good to see you again."

"Yeah you too!" I matched his enthusiasm, "what are you guys up to this weekend?"

"Well I'm going out of town for the weekend, but Tristan here will be fighting on Saturday ni- OW!"

Tristan had punched his shoulder. He quickly looked up at me and said, "He means my landlord. Hasn't been by to fix the radiator and Tate here keeps joking that I should fight him when he finally shows up this weekend."

I lifted my head slowly in a nod, "right."

I looked over at Leah and she shrugged her shoulders. Tate just gave me a grin that kind of reminded me of my brother, and Tristan mirrored my head nod.

"So we're gonna go." Tristan said after a moment of silence and then turned to glare at Tate.

"Right," he said and started the engine with a roar, "it was really good seeing you girls."

And then they drove away, leaving Leah and I standing there looking after them.

"That was weird right?" I asked Leah.

"The weirdest." She agreed.

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