《Jurassic Park: Altered LOST World: Origins /Rexy And Crusher's Love Story》Blood Transfusion


Once away from the island, which was now engulfed by the volcanic ash and pyroclastic flow from the erupting volcano, Blue was hurt from the gunshot earlier, and was being treated by Zia Rodriguez, a paleoveterinarian, as Owen, Franklin and Claire looked on as Zia was doing her best to remove it without hurting the dinosaur.

"They're not gonna take them to a sanctuary, they're gonna sell them." Owen adds. "Not Blue." Zia remarks.

"They need her for something else."

Luis was confused. "I don't understand. Why? What for?"

Until someone answered for them.

"You mean, making more of those hybrids. Clearly disdained why someone would authorize the Spinosaurus-Rex project 3 years ago." Said a voice.

Everyone turned to see what was the source of the voice, but couldn't exactly make out who it was.

A dark, cloaking figure in black with bat-like ears appeared in the truck they were in.

The voice commanded that of authority, and they knew better not to anger the vigilante.

Owen was stunned to see the figure enter the truck so suddenly without being detected. "Who are you?" He asked.

The figure turned back with a cold stare, one that sent those who do wrong a shiver of fear, before the black figure in front turned to Zia.

"How is Blue?" The figure asked.

Zia Rodriguez froze for a while, stammering.

"Uh, uhm, she is uh, doing fine. Other than being mortally wounded from a gunshot to her leg." The paleoveterinarian replied.

"They intend to sell these dinosaurs only to make a profit off of them, and make more of them. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

Luis was about to say something, but didn't, as his focus was on Blue.

Everyone nodded at the answer before they lied down to rest for a while.

Except for Zia, who focused on removing the bullet without hurting Blue.

The figure turned back to leave, to find out who or what was behind it. Then Zia interrupts. "Wait. Where are you going?" He turns back.

His cowl gave a cold stare. "Nowhere. Checking on the other dinosaurs. Sensors indicated that a volcano, once thought to be dormant, had come to life."

"Claire. Owen." The figure loomed over them. They woke up to find the bat like creature standing over them.


"Get the blood from the Tyrannosaurus, one of them, and use it for a blood transfusion to save the raptor's life. Now. Her life depends on it." The black figure ordered, turns to leave and investigate.

After he vanished off into the distance, going to sneak into the other side of the boat, to spy on the mercenaries, without them knowing.


As the former raptor trainer and senior operations park manager open the doors to one of the cages, to reveal a sleeping Crusher, who was snoring peacefully, they knew they had to hurry, as soon as possible.

Time is precious, as they slowly entered the cage.

"You got to be kidding me." Claire murmured.

Owen climbs into the cage and taps Crusher's snout.

He and Claire immediately back away but Crusher continues to sleep. Owen slides next to his massive, bulky head and exhales in relief. "He's been tranqued."

He gets on one knee and puts his hands on his neck, exposing the vein to draw the blood. And they must get it quickly, as Blue's life is on the line. "Okay, okay, okay. I got it. Come on."

Claire nods, watching the sleeping T-Rex. "Okay, okay."

She was about to walk over but the snoring Crusher moves his head to the right, pinning Owen against the wall, growling sleepily. "Oh no. Are you okay?"

Owen raises his arm and gives her a thumbs up. "I'm okay. Come on."

Claire slides to the left of the sleeping Crusher's head and sees Owen crouched down. Claire hands him the blood bag. "You're gonna have to do it."

"I can't. The skin is too thick." Owen states. "I have to use both my hands to put pressure on the vein. You gotta do it."

"I can't...I can't reach." Claire says trying to reach over.

"You're gonna have to climb up there." Owen replies nodding at Crusher's back.

Claire scoffs, as she refuses to climb on top of an animal that will eat it's prey in one bite. "No, no. I'm not gonna climb up there."

"You'll be okay." Owen assures her. "It's like riding a bull."

"'Riding a bull'? I didn't grow up at a rodeo or wherever you came from." Claire retorts in annoyance, to which Owen retorts back with an answer of his own, but kept it quiet, as to not attract any further attention.


"Crusher's asleep now. I can't say that he's gonna be asleep a minute from now, so get up. It's now or never." Owen snaps.

"Okay, okay, okay, fine, fine." Claire sighs as she prepares to hop onto the neck of the dinosaur.

Owen grimaces to himself at the nasty smell of the bad breath of the Tyrannosaurus. "Oh, my God. Oh, dear me. This Rex stinks."

Claire grunts with effort as she hops on the sleeping Crusher's neck.

"Gently. Gently!" Owen warns but then the T-Rex slides to the right, with Claire still on top of him.

His eye twitches but he falls back asleep again.

Owen chuckles in relief. "Good job. You're making this look totally normal."

Claire fumbles, trying to put the needle in Crusher's thick skin on his neck.

"You're gonna have to jam it in there, it's really thick skin." Owen answered. "All right. Ready?"

Crusher's hatchlings, prior to Claire and Owen entering his cage, had already gotten out and remained with their father, their mother was in a separate cage.

In the other cage, Rexy and her 3 hatchlings also had gotten out of their mother's mouth and remained by her side, they too, had been tranq'd, and asleep.

Though, they were asleep.

From the tranquilizer.

Claire nods and stabs it in, making Crusher snarl sleepily and moves his head to the left once again, pinning Owen to the wall.

"Owen!" Claire cries. Owen then pulls himself away from Crusher, with saliva on his face.

Blood then starts deep through the tube and into the bag. "It's working."

Owen pants and smiles to himself, but then later, they both hear men laughing as the two men approached the cage with the bull Tyrannosaurus.

"That door's open."

"I got it."

The cage door then shuts, trapping Owen and Claire.

Owen turns and shudders when he sees one of Crusher's eye twitch and open, staring directly at him.

The T-Rex roars, groggily moving his head side to side.

Claire got the blood just in time, as the bull Tyrannosaurus raises his head, roaring loudly.

She pushes herself off Crusher's head and climbs through the top of the cage.

Owen was about to follow but Crusher breaks the chain on one of his feet, and slams it against the wall, preventing Owen from climbing out.

Crusher groggily roars loudly as he moves his foot against the wall where Owen was at.

Claire hops off the cage and makes her to the door.

She opens it and sees Owen trapped. "Come on, jump, Owen!" Owen then sees Crusher's scraping his claws against the wall towards him, denting it. "Owen, jump! Now, and hurry!"

The Rex roars loudly in his face as the massive foot claws inches closer to the raptor trainer, who begins to turn around and barrel roll, out of the way.

Owen then jumps through Crusher's mouth before the bull Tyrannosaurus could snap at him.

He climbs out of the cage and Claire slams it shut, locking the door.

"Did you see that?" Owen pants, narrowly escaping death from a T-Rex. Had he not moved, his life would've ended right there.

"Uh-huh. Yep, I definitely did. You escaped the jaws of death at the last second. That was brave of ya." Claire nods.

"Please tell me you got the blood."Owen murmured, hopefully that Claire didn't lose it in the cage with the angry Rex wanting to eat them.

Claire then holds up the bag full of Crusher's blood, Owen sighed in relief as the mission was accomplished just in time.

They now return back to where Blue was being treated.

Once the bullet was removed carefully, Blue shed a tear as it happened, but felt relieved as it was finally gone.

The blood from the T-Rex, was now transferred as the needle was jabbed into her body.

"She's going to be okay." Zia answered.

A sleeping Owen then smiled to himself, next to Claire, who was also sleeping, smiling to herself.

Luis runs over to Zia and hugs her, feeling thankful.

Zia started to faintly blush bright red, surprised at first, but eventually, she reluctantly returns the gesture.

'D-did he j-just kiss me? N-no, it isn't. He's just worried for Blue, nothing else.' She thought to herself.

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