《Jurassic Park: The Beginning of the End/Life Of Crusher, Feared T-Rex》JW3 Prequel MidChapter/Prehistoric Park pt 15: Trouble


Our Tyrannosaurus family had just started to eat their meal together, after the Nanotyrannus was disposed of a minute ago. They were just enjoying the moment, while the Tarbosaurus family were just also doing the same thing.

The resurrected Spinosaurus, was in hiding and made sure to not reveal himself when the time comes.

About 2 weeks later, our Tyrannosaurus mating pair have decided that when the time is right, they will make a long trek to California for a month and a half, just to spend some family time. So they entrusted Speckles and Blue Eyes to defend the territory for them while they are away.

They obliged as the Tyrannosaurus mating pair began to give their Rex hatchlings a bath.

Blue Eyes began to give her hatchlings a bath as well.

Speckles was watching vigilantly for other intruders as both families have their hatchlings some hygiene management.

Elsewhere, Spinosaurus had made a long trek to what is now Texas.

Searching for his own territory to stake claim to and rule as his own.

Though he had to stop frequently and refill with food and water before continuing the long journey to the Lone Star State.

He chose a swampy environment that no other dinosaur had claimed yet, other than some Compsognathus.

Having scent marked the borders of the swamp as his own territory, ranging from North to Southeast Texas as his own turf. Intruders are not welcome.

Once that was finished, he let out a mighty roar, that he intends to destroy his competition and wipe out the humans of their existence on the planet.

Earth, in its present state, has become a battleground.

Though having fought the bull Tyrannosaurus the last time and lost to his strength and physical superiority, as well as his experience, he still intends for revenge against him.


Elsewhere at Prehistoric Park,

Sue and her mate were busily resting a while, as Matilda and Terence played about.

As Nigel has made future plans to bring more prehistoric animals to the present day 21st Century, to have them thrive in a new environment and a second chance at life.

While the western world is ruled by dinosaurs that have gone rampant.

As well as a certain geneticist has gone into hiding after the last incident where the Indominus bone was destroyed.

Sue eventually, sniffed the air and to the direction of what appears to be food as 4 slumps of meat were thrown into the enclosure.

She gets up to sniff at the meat closest to her before eating the chunk entirely, her mate and hatchlings soon follow, and began to eat.

One early summer morning, the Tyrannosaurus mating pair and their offspring have decided to make a trek to the state of California, and taking a tour at the beach. Only to see up ahead, a black and white dolphin started to breach out of the water.

In the eastern Pacific Ocean, a pod of orcas swam about, leaping and breaching out of the water, squealing with excitement, swimming along with their families, and even spyhopping and breaching.

Hours passed, and one of them eventually found a sea lion that was swimming along the tidal pools, so one of them split and went for it's first meal, squealing. Little does the sea lion know, that a hungry predator is approaching them from behind.

And the orca apparently beached itself as it grabbed the seal and shook it violently.

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