《His Downfall☯︎》Chapter 33


Esme pov

I felt like I was suffocating, I couldn't concentrate on anything around me,

My chest hurt and I felt like I was going to die,

"Breathe, Breathe", I made out Kaylee's voice, I also felt hands on my back rubbing in a circular motion.

I tired to speak but no words came out as I stared infront of me trying not to die, I was freaking myself even more.

"Look at me", Kaylee moved my face to hers and I saw the worry and sadness in her eyes,

"That's it... In and Out", she continued until, I could breathe better but my chest still felt like it was on fire.

Tears streamed my face as a sob finally left my lips, I was rocked back and forth by someone,

"Shh shhhh, it's okay", Rin whispered in my ear, I guess it was her who was holding me.

I felt the car stop and looked outside seeing a hospital, there is nothing more , I hate...

My anxiety started to kick in again and more tears started to fall from my eyes knowing what was behind the doors and what lays for others..will you either make it out or stay there forever.

The girls helped me out of the car as I still had a death grip onto Rin's hand.

I took in the waiting room just scanning the people around use or looking at anything just to not let my mind wonder to the phone call I had minutes ago,

"receptionist said he is in surgery now for his head and that a doctor will be out after", Kaylee said while walking back to where we were.

My eyes closed as I took a deep breathe trying to calm myself so I wouldn't cry, the door busted open revealing a frantic looking Lottie, Cleo and Enzo, once they saw us the rushed towards us.


Two bodies crashed into me holding me tightly, I buried my face in between them.

"Es", I heard Enzo said, looking up at him I saw him trying to keep his tears back as he stood and look at him ,

letting go of the girls, I pulled Enzo to a hug,

"He will be okay", he said trying to convince me and him, nodding my head I pulled away from him and focused on the wall infront while playing with my fingers.

"Family of Matteo de Santis", a young doctor said while coming into the waiting room.

We quickly stood up to meet him half way, he held a neutral expression on his face, which didn't help to calm my nerves,

"Mr.de Santis has suffered a hard blow to head from the incident..", he paused to see our faces before continuing, "We tried what we could to help but unfortunately.."

My vision started to become blurry and my heart felt like it was be ripped out of my heart.

"...Coma", the doctor finished,

"What?", I asked timidly,

"He has suffered significant trauma to the head and we need to put him in a coma, unsure of when he might awaken.....seeing as the most damage was to his head, we expect that he may...be a bit lost in terms of who you are"

"You're saying he might not remember me", I asked and received a meek nod in return before a sob fell from my lips, my feet started to tremble as I came closer and closer to the ground.

"C-Can I see him?"

"Yes, yes of course", he leaded me towards the room where Matteo is, once I told my friends I was okay to go alone.

He moved aside so I can walk into the dull hospital room, that made a shiver run down my spine as to how many have never left this same room.


"I will leave you to", as soon as he said that he was out the door, closing it behind him, I looked down at Matteo seeing his head wrapped in bandage and a tube stock in his mouth,

A small cry left my lips as I looked down at the one I love, I took a seat at the side of his bed examining his face, he looked pale and drained of life, even with his eyes closed he looked tired and in pain.

Bringing my hand to his face is started to rub his cheeks that felt so cold, a cry left my lips as I think of the next time I will see those fierce green eyes, and those dimples that showed anytime I said one of my dumb jokes

or when I fell of the bed from rolling too far

or when next I might be able to hear his rich deep voice, singing melodies to me, or shouting at me for nearly destroying his kitchen,

I didn't even realize I was full on crying until I see my tears on his hand that I held,

"You were supposed to be here with me", I smiled sadly at him still gripping his hand,

"You promised.... you'd always be here, b-but your not", I cried out.

"But, you better come back to me, or ill unalive you then kill you myself, you understand", I looked at Matteo's eyes still not opened.

"I love you, my love...please wake up", I left a lingering kiss on his forehead.

Stepping away I took one finally look at Matteo and walked out the door with one thing on my mind.


"Do we having any leads?", I asked as I leaned back in a chair in Matteo's office while sipping on the alcohol in my hand,

The dark born drink burned my chest as a swallowed.

Enzo looked at me strangely trying to understand my harden facade,

"umm, yes we believe it is his father and brother who are be hind the incident"

"Do we know where they are?"

"Yes, they seem to be in the country not to far from here"

"What about men"

"Our men are arriving sometime tomorrow so we can make a plan and attack"

"Prefect, we will discuss when they have arrived"

"Esme... are you sure you are um okay... these guys are rough and I don't think they would like to be bossed around by.... a um female"

"Then they will learn"

"okay, how are you", he tried to change the conversation.

"Fine", my voice stiff as I hissed at the taste of the alcohol

"You're not-"

"You can't tell me how I feel, no you know nothing of how I feel, if I say I am fine I am fine",, I shouted while standing up,

"He won't like this"

"WEll HE'S NOT HERE", I shouted at him ignoring how he flicked,

"He's not here, okay..", my voiced cracked as I cried smashing the glass on the ground, I felt arms around me holding me close,

"He will be okay, he will be back soon...shush, shush", Enzo rubbed my back as I continued to ugly cry on him,

Wiping away my tears, I pulled away looking up at seeing he hand unleased tears in his eyes.

"Yes, he will, he will", I spoke up to him reassuring him as too myself.

"Get some rest, well will plan in the morning",

Nodding my head, I moved to go into Matteo and I's room...... not knowing if I can sleep without him beside me.


I felt like crying while writing this.......

Anyway... who is excited to see Donna Esme ;)

I have school tmr:(....

Vote and Comment!!!!!

See Yall Friday

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