《✔ War for me ( Yandere Jenlisa x Fem reader x Yandere Chaesoo )》Chapter 20


I felt powerful like I had never felt before. I felt in control. I felt..on top of the world. Four of my worst nightmares standing in-front of me yet I have them wrapped around my fingers for just this one single moment.

I'm not messing around and they know. And they are terrified. Scared that they are going to lose the person they were fighting their love for. Fighting for me.

Well all fights come to an end, don't they?

" Please put the gun down, y/n." Lisa begged, none of them taking another step forward and frozen in their tracks.

I chuckled, completely ignoring her question as I glanced at them all one by one. All their expressions filled with fear, it was probably the only satisfaction I have ever felt.

" Why did you all go so crazy after me?! Why were you so obsessed with me?!" I yelled loudly, knowing perfectly well no one would be able to hear me except the four devils in-front of me. Their lips pursed together, shutting tightly that the outline of their rosy lips started turning white from the pressure.

" Y/n please-"

" Fucking answer my question or I will shoot myself!" I yelled, cutting off whatever Jisoo had to say. I was tired of all their lame excuses. They were beating around the bush and I wanted them to get straight to the point.

" We love you," Jennie started " So much." Lisa finished.

" That doesn't explain how you all split up into two groups and began fighting for me like I was a sack of potatoes!"

They all looked at each other and I knew they were hiding something. Something they had never told me before. It was obvious since we all split up when choosing our subjects and they just so happened to be together and me alone most the time.

" It started off as a stupid thing, all of us arguing over who loved you more." Rosé said, ruffling her hair with her hand in the process " Then it got serious. We all wanted you and we had different ways of wanting you too."

" It was them who started it. They started pulling you away from us and we felt the feeling to fight for you. They wanted to keep you all for themselves and spoil you, but also remain somewhat strict." I huffed, almost surprised at Lisa's reply.

No shit, sherlock.

" And they had different ideas. They wanted to lock you up, tie you and hurt you. They wanted to treat you like a pet, mark you as theirs. We didn't like that idea." This time Jisoo added on. Pieces were clicking together into place but it still didn't add up, how did they just suddenly start this war. This war for me.

" And my friends, my fucking parents, you decided to kill them!?" Anger rose upon me, tears threatening to spill from my eyes at the mention of them killing those I loved all because of this stupid claim they wanted to have on me.

" It was Rosé's idea, she showed the possessiveness and did something about it. We killed Jihyo, all of us, together. And then we kept killing more, your teachers, your f-friends and it became a competition over who could kill more." This time Lisa replied.

I couldn't hold back the tears anymore and they began spilling from my eyes. This wasn't how I wanted my life to be, I didn't choose for it to be this way and they completely destroyed my life. I had no one, no one left to love. And no one left out there to be loved to.


" What made me so special, why couldn't you just have done this to someone else?! Ruin someone else's life, but not mine?!" I'm being selfish right now and insensitive in some measures but I don't care anymore. I've never done something this bad to deserve what they've been doing to me. I've never done something this bad to be ripped of my life and freedom.

" Because you were unique y/n. We knew you since children. We had a special bond with you, one that can't be forced upon someone else. We always wanted you as ours and only ours, it was always you, and always will be you." Lisa replies. I shake my head, not believing them. I can feel the tingling when snot threatens to leak down my nose but I wipe it away with my shirt, still keeping my eyes on them.

I hated the thought of me crying in-front of them. It showed weakness and I did not want to show that in-front of these beasts. I wanted to keep my head high and shoulders straight, showing I'm confident but I just couldn't. My grip on the gun lightened but nonetheless, I still pointed it at my temple, tears rolling down my cheeks as I stared at the four of them unbelievably. I couldn't believe they were my best friends. The people who I'd trust my life with were now the people who wanted to fight for my life, to have my life and claim it as theirs.

" So that was all? A petty argument that it started with and lead to this. Lead to you all injured and me holding a gun on a mountain in the middle of somewhere." I'm pissed, " You all fucking ruined my life for this. Then fine, have it your way."

I remove my gun and stop pointing it at my forehead, instead point it at them, specifically at Rosé first who just shakes her head.

" There are 3 bullets in that, even if you possibly shot at all of us. One of us would still have you as ours. Just give up, drop the weapon and come back. Be ours again, like you were always meant to be." I can't believe it. I can't believe Rosé's words. After everything they've just confessed and all my yelling, she still won't leave the thought of making me theirs. I'm trapped in their minds and I'll never be able to escape it.

My throat hurts from all the screaming, begging to have some warm liquid to relish in. But of course, you can never have anything you want, right? Or well, in my case at least.

Lisa falls down on the floor, holding her wound where she got stabbed and pressing her hand tightly against it, moaning slightly in pain. Jennie took her blazer off, bunching it up and pressing it on her wound as Lisa slowly cried in pain.

I think carefully about what to do. I have nowhere to run anymore, they will catch up. I have three bullets, I can't shoot them all, one of them will have me in the end.

And only one other option rings in my head.

Jump off the cliff. My brain says. You've got nothing to lose, no one left to love. End it, end this misery.

I want to do it, I really don't have a singular reason left to live. There is no meaning for me or my life anymore. But another big part of me denies it because then, I wouldn't be putting the four of them through enough pain. They deserve more torture compared to what they did to me. Losing me to them simply isn't enough satisfactory for me. I need more.


We all stand there in silence, only Lisa makes noise as she moans in pain and cries softly. Killing them all would just be showing them mercy, that is not enough torture. And then again, a few moments later I finally have decided what to do.

" You claim that Jennie and Lisa were the opposite of you, am I right?" I ask, particularly Jisoo and Rosé. They nod, agreeing.

" And you guys claim that Jisoo and Rosé didn't match with what you wanted to do right?" This time I ask Jennie and Lisa. Jennie nods while Lisa doesn't have the energy to do anything but cry softly.

" So both of you duos were never meant for each other. Different ideas and different persona's." They all look confused as I mutter to myself, smirking when I looked at Lisa.

Taking a step forward, I slowly start to move the gun away from pointing it at Rosé and aim it lower and lower and a little towards the left and there it is, pointing it at Lalisa.

" See you in hell." And then there it goes. A small flicker of light after I press my finger on the trigger and the bullet goes straight to her heart. The impact of the gun makes my arms shake and my hands tremble. The ringing continues, the loud bang of the gun echoing inside my ears loudly.

Lalisa, she was always the one I was the closest to. Even with everything that has happened, she was the one that showed me some sort of care. I decide it then and there to end her misery. To show her mercy.

Jennie screams, loudly. Immediately shaking Lalisa while Jisoo and Rosé look at me shocked, taking a step back as I shot her, but not running away. They were still scared I'd shoot myself.

" Jennie, of course I don't want you to be underpowered. So I'll make it fair for you, how about that?" It's a friendly tone that I'm speaking in, giggling softly as I pull the reload back and start aiming it more towards the right where duo two stands.

" You bitch!" I don't do anything about Jennie who yells at me, crying as she shakes Lisa's body, doing CPR on her at the same time.

" One bullet gone, two more left." I hum, shifting the aim from Jisoo and Rosé again and again, giggling softly at their fear. Even now, they choose themself over the other. They want the other to die instead of themself.

Fascinating how humans stab you in the back so quickly.

" Don't-" Jisoo begins but I raise one of my hand, shushing her immediately with the action.

I think carefully about what I want to do next and then I am quick to know. I keep shifting the aim from Jisoo and Rosé and love the satisfaction I feel when the fear takes their expression more and more and just when they least expected it, I say,

" You can join Lisa in hell too." And then I pull the trigger once again. Jisoo falls to her knees before falling forward on her stomach, arms spread apart as her body lies there. Her white T-shirt slowly blossoming with the dark red colour of blood. The ringing is louder in my ears this time, like a siren. I wonder if the city could hear the gunshots but probably not.

Rosé starts crying now, her hands already up in the air to show her surrendering to me. Showing that she is truly scared of me, I can see her about to go on her knees to beg but as soon as I lift my hand and beckon her to stand up, she does exactly that because of how scared she is.

" One more bullet, who shall I kill?" I pace around, gun still pointing at the two as I reload the gun. I know exactly who I'll kill next, but I like to see their fear.

I'm now almost as bad as them and I'm not afraid to admit it, unlike them. I admit, I've got blood on my hands. I admit, I'm almost equally as bad as them for taking another life.

" Is it going to be you?!" I yelp, pointing the gun at Jennie who is sobbing uncontrollably on the floor with Lisa's body close to her.

" Or you?!" I jump, pointing it at Rosé. Rosé is crying too, but silently. They both are in so much mental pain right now but I could care less.

I'm amused and I giggle.

" You guys were not meant for each other at all. Jennie, so strict and so sadistic. Rosé, so playful, lenient and lust driven and in some matters, sweet. Total opposites, I see it now." I tell them, walking a few steps backwards, away from them.

" You guys will live with each other for the rest of your life, as enemies and forced to remember what happened this day whenever you see each other. It is your punishment. You despise each other but will be forced to tolerate, maybe you guys just might find another person to obsess over and team up." I shrug my shoulders, walking more back and then they realise what I'm about to do.

" Y/n-"

It's that one second, the one second their eyes widen. Jennie stands up and Rosé starts rushing to me, but with a smirk on my face, I only say one thing.

" I hate you." And then I lean back, gun falling down the cliff and my body hugs itself, watching as Rosé and Jennie tried to grasp for my hand while they screamed. My hair sways upwards and I smile as I continue falling.

Most people would say that dying is something of sadness, that it's torment and painful. But no, it really isn't. The few seconds I fell felt like a good two minutes. I continued going lower and lower and that was the most peace I had ever felt.

I was happy. I was beyond happy that they would live their life in torture and I'd find my peace while dying. I didn't care about what happened to me afterwards, if I went to hell or if I simply became a nothing. All that mattered was I wouldn't be with them anymore.

Dust began entering my eyes and I screwed my eyes shut, but opened them once more to look at the dead night. The sky will always remember what happened on this day, but it will never be able to share it's secret.

With a smile on my face, I hit rock bottom and darkness consumes my vision in a matter of a second.

I found myself fighting the darkness before, keeping the shadow away. But now, I freely give into it. Walking into the dark and shadow.

And with my own will.

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