《✔ War for me ( Yandere Jenlisa x Fem reader x Yandere Chaesoo )》Chapter 18
Everything has been weird for me. Most of all, everyone has been acting strange or maybe it's just me who's being paranoid. Either way, everything feels different. Like I don't belong in this world anymore. Friends have been leaving the country for their studies or some have just dropped out of school.
The only four people that I considered my best friends are acting like someone they aren't. It's almost like they all are snakes and shedding their skin, letting their inner self come out.
They've been growing this weird possessiveness around me and I absolutely hate it. Duo one and Duo two hate each other now so it's like we never hang out anymore. To be completely honest, I stopped hanging out much with them.
It's not that I don't like them but there is this part of me that doesn't feel safe around them anymore. They give me these weird chills that I get creeped out by, it's their persona that's changed and it gives weird vibes, like they are some sort of danger. I'm a horrible person for thinking like this of my best friends but I can't help it. Emotions are the one thing no one can stop or control.
But still, I've grown more worry of them. Jennie and Lisa have straight up disappeared for over a week now. No one has heard anything from them, not even Jisoo and Rosé. I went to their houses a few times but no one answered. I've left them thousands of texts and voice messages but I haven't gotten a response. I'm just beginning to get so worried of them.
I look up to the sky and see the grey clouds, it might start raining soon. And with that, I fast walk towards my home not before my phone buzzed in my pocket. I took it out only to see a message from Jisoo and Rosé in our group chat so I open to read what they need to say.
Hopefully that Jennie and Lisa are found and they were just playing some sick prank on us. They both are rich so it is like hard for them to be put in danger as they sometimes have guards around them, but I am still worried.
I open the text message only to roll my eyes at it.
Don't go home.
Y/n, listen to me. It's not safe.
I know you are reading this, I see you online.
Oh fuck, come on, please.
Listen to us this one time.
I'm tired of this possessiveness. It's getting extremely annoying and I just want them to stop. They probably don't even want me around my parents anymore. I mute my phone and put it back in my pocket. I'm not listening to them, I'm not theirs and they should know that by now. They might always claim me as theirs, but I am not. I'm my own individual and I don't belong to anyone.
I notice the grey clouds once again and fast walk home to home again, running the last few feet until I'm unlocking the door to my house. I place my bag on the ground and take my shoes off.
" Mama, Papa, I'm home!" My voice echos out the house. I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion when no one responds. Usually, mama would be showering me with kisses the second I entered the house. She is probably just in the shower.
I drop the keys on the counter top and make my way to the living room, about to jump on the couch when I yelp in surprise.
" Lisa, Jennie?!" I run up to them and give them the tightest hug. I haven't seen them in a week, how the hell are they just showing up at my house right now.
" Where have you been, you just ghosted us for a whole week without a note!" I yell at them, pulling away. But what confuses me is how they both remain silent with a small smile on their faces. Now this is weird. They don't say anything so I clear my throat, " I'll get you guys some snacks, just give me a second." I tell them, going around the couch and making my way to the kitchen.
This is what I'm talking about, they are giving such creepy vibes. No 'thank you', no 'please', they haven't even uttered a word out. But maybe I'm to quick to judge things. I turn at the hallway and enter the kitchen only to freeze on spot as I let out the most deep hearted scream. My palpitations rise and I quickly rush over to my parents dead body on the floor. Blood everywhere and no sign of any weapon. A huge slit of a cut on their necks and smaller cuts plastered all over their arms and legs. Bodies turning pale and the smell of blood intoxicating my nose.
Their eyes are opened and their mouths are widened, like they died screaming. I let out another scream and shake their bodies, begging them to wake up as tears slide down my cheeks. I place my index and middle finger on their pulse point and find no heartbeat, no pulsing.
They're dead.
" Please no! Mama, Papa, wake up! This isn't funny!" I scream out loud, I quickly get up to run and call the police with my phone that I left in my bag beside the door when I freeze on spot. 3 feet away stood Jennie and Lisa, both of them smiling at me. Both of them held a knife in their hand each, the blood dripping down their knife.
" Y-you-"
" Jihyo, Momo, Mina, Emily, Godwin," Lisa sings the name of my friends. All of my friends who dropped out of school or went missing. " We killed them all." Lisa stops singing. I slap my hand against my mouth, shaking my head.
" You're ours now." Jennie adds.
No, they can't. They didn't. They- They fucking killed my parents. I take a step back into the pool of blood as they start walking closer. I can't think of anything, I don't know what to feel, I don't know what to do. I look behind and see the back door entrance. Quickly, I run out the door, not before hearing their footsteps behind me and their yells.
I pump my arms and legs faster and leave the small gate to my house, the grey clouds now exploding and making it rain heavily outside. I run along the quiet night streets of my neighbour hood, not daring to look back. I don't know what to process, I don't know how.
I don't know what's happening. My throat is dry, my voice is aching. I need water. But I can't stop.
My legs are shaking as I'm running, running from the people that I'd never even think could do such things.
I'm traumatised.
My tears don't stop running from my cheeks, it's raining as well. My tear drops combine with the rain water and I taste the salty water on the corner of my lips.
The picture of the knife flashes in my vision again, and I scream. I scream so loud that my throat feels like it is ripping from it already being so dry. I want to cry for help but my lips tremble and I can't utter a word out.
My body is soaking, my feet hurt from running but I don't dare to stop. I keep running for my life. I want to look back to see if they are behind me but I'm too scared to.
They told us as children that monsters don't exist, to make us feel safe. But that's a lie, monsters do exist - they just aren't in our closets or under the bed. Monsters are people, we are the monsters. We all are monsters, just in our own ways. Monsters are real, we might not see it - but they live inside of us. We fight those monsters and try to keep them in, but sometimes, they win.
I'm a monster for being around these people, I'm a monster for not protecting the ones I was close to. They all died because of me, I'm a monster.
I glance to the alley in my left as I run past it, seeing one of the figure I was running from. I screamed loudly again as I looked at the figure with a knife in her hand and an umbrella in the other. Her eyes piercing through my body as a huge smile plastered across her face. The blood on the knife dripping into the rain water and turning clear as it is absorbed into the clean rain water.
My legs start sprinting faster, away from them.
I keep telling myself it's in my head, that I'm in a dream and I'll wake up soon. But the things I saw are saying otherwise. They were too real to be fake. The emotions I felt and am feeling are too strong to be something of my imagination.
My legs are trembling as my body is slowing down, not having enough stamina in myself to keep running. I don't stop completely though, I still run.
I turn right on the block as a dead-end appears in-front of me and instantly I scream when a needle pricks into the side of my neck. I grasp at her wrist and attempt to pull the syringe away from me, it doesn't work.
Fear. Fear starts to crawl in me. No, it can't happen.
I use my knee and raise it to kick her in the stomach, it works. She stumbles away with the syringe in her hands. I start walking backwards when I notice the liquid in her syringe is emptied. I continue walking backwards until I feel my head shake.
The darkness crawling from the corner of my eyes. I try to scream, but I don't have the energy anymore - barely a whisper leaves my mouth.
My body doesn't have enough strength to carry me anymore as I stumble back and fall on my butt, crawling back with my eyes fighting to stay awake.
I'm scared. I freak out.
I keep crawling backwards, but it seems like I slow down. My body is starting to give up. I can't.
" Good night" That's the last thing I hear before my body completely gives into the drug and my head falls back to the ground as my body lays there and the rain spills all over my body.
Help me.
My muscles are tensed. My body feels like it's stuck to the floor, the thin layer of sweat on my skin and the cold floor making me feel sticky.
But, that's not what was important at the moment.
Even though my eyes feel heavy and my body feels weak, I push harder and flutter my eyes opened - noticing a dark ceiling.
It takes a while but the pounding in my head hits me hard, making me let out a loud groan as I bring my hands to hold my head only to feel sharp, cold metal cutting into my right wrist.
I sit up straight and find myself leaning against a wall, looking to my right I squint to see my right hand cuffed onto a pole.
I scream.
My throat hurts already and all the memories hit me hard, reminding me why I'm in this situation.
The way the blood dripped down the knife, the things they said to me, the sadistic look in their eyes.
I scream once more, hoping that out of some miracle someone will come and help me.
And I almost think the miracle has come true when a door opens in-front of me, shining white light coming from behind the door - creating a silhouette of a girl standing there. A sharp blade in her hands.
I bring my knees to my chest and I attempt to move backwards when the figure starts walking towards me, but all I do is push myself harder against the wall.
Fear trickles from the back of my neck and sends a shock all through my body until my toes are curling, my heart feeling like it's going to explode out of my body any time soon.
Once the figure is close enough, she crouches down and that's when I see who it is.
I scream again only for her hand to cover my mouth while the hand that holds the blade comes under my chin, the tip of the blade poking against my skin.
I stop screaming instantly and panic goes through my body. My breathing picking up the pace as I only stare at the hand that holds the blade.
She removes her hand from my mouth once I've stopped making any noise and she hums, almost in satisfaction.
" Look at me." And I so badly don't wanna listen to her, I don't want to look into those eyes of terror - fearing her presence was enough already but looking her in the eyes is something I'm afraid I can't do.
But I obey.
I raise my gaze and look her in the eyes, another wave of fear rushing across my body.
She smiles at me, one that always warmed my heart before but now It only creeps me out - makes me scared.
" We're not going to hurt you, that's something none of us want to do." She speaks, in attempt to reassure me but how can anyone reassure me in the state I'm in.
The blade that's poking my skin under my chin says otherwise to her sentence. I can't and won't believe anything she says.
" But," she trails off, leaning closer to me until our faces are only centimetres apart from each other. " We will if you make us." She finishes.
Tears already build in my eyes and I can feel my hands shaking uncontrollably, something fear is doing to my body.
She leans in closer and kisses the corner of my right eye, the kiss lingering longer than it's supposed to.
I feel disgusted. But, I don't have the strength to push her away, I don't hold that courage in me - I wouldn't dare.
She backs away after and stands up, the blade finally leaving my skin, allowing me to feel like I can actually breathe. My pants are heavy and I can feel a panic attack coming.
She walks away from me and towards the door, the door where the light comes from. She stands there for a few seconds, glancing around the room before she nods to herself.
" I'll be back soon." And then she shuts the door, the only source of light going away with her and leaving me in the darkness to consume myself with.
I hear thumping from the stairs, footsteps running across the house as I continue screaming for help. I try everything I can do to get the handcuffs of my wrist but they don't work. It's a failed attempt.
The footsteps come closer and I scream another time when I see the two figures in-front of me.
Jisoo and Rosé.
They lied, they fucking lied to me and made me feel all that regret for something that didn't happen. Jisoo stalks up closer to me and in a matter of seconds, has my cuffs unlocked and tightly hugging me in her arms.
I don't hug her back.
The blade cuts into my breast in the poison and I wince slightly in pain. Now's my chance, I can hold it firmly and slice their throat. I just need to hold it right, swing it with the right amount of force and-
and there will be a Rosé.
I only have this blade for one. I won't be able to kill them both with a singular blade without them trying to stop me. They are stronger than me.
" Oh my fucking god, are you okay?!" Jisoo basically whisper screams into my ear, releasing a long sigh.
" We need to leave, now. They're going to break down the door soon." And with that, just like a bag of potatoes. I'm being thrown around the two duos once again. I'm not cuffed, I'm not threatened, I'm just ordered. Jisoo is in-front of me while Rosé is behind as they rush me out of the huge mansion I was in.
It's night outside and there is not even a single star in sight, like the night is dead.
There is a black car in-front of me and I know I wont be able to make any moves to run because they are two compared to me. They are stronger and faster than me, but I may be smarter than them. I won't try to escape now, it would be a wasteful attempt. I have one chance at this and I need to be smart.
I'm ushered into the car, Rosé sitting next to me in the back seat while Jisoo takes takes the driver's seat. She starts the car quickly and immediately starts driving away but we don't make it far because the next thing we know, we hear air being released.
" Fuck." Rosé curses, looking out the back window. I do the same and see Jennie and Lisa standing there, rage taking over their expression as they hold multiple knives in their hand. I'm basically pushed out the car by Rosé and Jisoo is quick to get out too, taking her knife out.
" Wait-"
" Shut up." Jisoo cuts me off, continuing to walk backwards with the blade pointed towards the direction of Jennie and Lisa. The both of them were quite far and the blade would certainly miss them since it's a hard shot but nonetheless, Jisoo points the blade all the while Rosé pushes me out the gates and tells me to run, her running behind me.
It appears to be that we are in the forest, in the middle of nowhere surrounded by tall trees and crickets chirping into the dead night. With all my wounds and bandages on my body, I slow down, feeling the pain rise up. This is my chance to kill Rosé, we're alone and she won't expect it, I think.
I take a look behind to see her holding a knife.
Hold that thought.
I stop suddenly, the pain shooting all across my body from the excessive moving. I panted heavily, stopping to take a breath in the forest but Rosé nudged me slightly.
" Keep fucking running"
" I-I can't, it hurts." I reply, almost wheezing when she touches one of my worse wounds accidentally. I hear another pair of footsteps from behind, rocks being thrown across the floor. Me and Rosé look behind to see Jisoo, running towards us.
" They are here." And right after that, she walks with Roseanne behind me both of them holding knives while Jennie and Lisa stalk up to us from the other side. Both of the duos on either side and me in the middle, finally catching my breath.
Everyone had eyes filled with rage, holding onto their knives tightly in their hands - knuckles turning white.
This was one of the first time we all were in the same place and made no move to run. The first time in a week.
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