《✔ War for me ( Yandere Jenlisa x Fem reader x Yandere Chaesoo )》Chapter 15


Finally, it's break. And finally, I've convinced all of them to go out with me. It wasn't easy, I'll tell you that, but they agreed in the end. All four of them practically avoid each other at any chance they get. They share a few classes but pretty much don't speak to each other.

It's like I'm the glue of the group.

The only reason they all sometimes talk to each other is because of me. If I didn't exist, then they would probably kill each other. Kidding. They would never do that. I get that they are starting to dislike each other, but it won't ever go to the extent of them killing each other.

The reason for their sudden dislike for each other is still a mystery to me. Splitting up with our subjects doesn't give them any reason to hate on each other, which only makes me confused, but every time I bring it up, they get mad. We don't even hang much anymore due to the amount of work we get from school, so whenever we do, I try not to upset them.

It's a lot of pressure on me, pressure that I'll be the reason our promise breaks, not that it isn't already starting to break. This can't help but make me feel a little guilty that this is my fault. It's my fault that they suddenly don't like each other. It's my fault that we're splitting up. It is my fault that our promise is breaking.

With all this guilt consuming me, spring break was the perfect opportunity for me to rewind the hate for each other we hold. Make them remember the good times we had as kids, which is why we are here right now.

At the butterfly park.

We came here more than once with our mothers and always had a great time. This might be their awakening call. Hopefully, at least. I don't know how much longer I can go with this guilt constantly eating me up.

"Stop standing so close to her." Jisoo grits out as Jennie scoots closer to me, only giving her a smirk in the process when she hooks her arm between mine. I quickly pulled my arm away, making Jennie glare at me and Jisoo smirk. This is supposed to be a day where I am stress-free. I will not let them bring their petty attitude here. I'm here to fix things, not be the problem. I didn't sign up for that, or anything like this for that matter, but here I am still.

"Enough all of you. If you want to continue acting like bitches, then leave. If not, then spread a smile across your face and drop the attitude. We're here to have fun, not argue. " My stern voice has all of them stop the daggers they are sending to each other and take a sigh, nodding and looking back at me.

"All right. Now hug each other. " All of them groaned in response. Expected. Nonetheless, I stand in my spot with crossed arms and watch them. I'm not leaving until they do. They all finally give in and hesitantly hug each other in a group hug, clearly uncomfortable with the angry looks on their faces. Once they pull apart after a literal second, I pass them the tickets for the park and head for the entrance with all four trailing behind me.

I instantly ran towards the grass field with all of them running behind me, making me let out a few giggles. They were like little ducks following me. I loved it.


I laid down on the grass field, panting. Damn, I haven't ran in a long time. I should start jogging more often; I did it everyday before school started becoming a pain in the ass. Everyone else sat around me, clearly not out of breath since they all maintained fit bodies. I mean, I did too, but not as seriously as they did. Once I caught my breath, I smiled, remembering a memory before propping up to my elbows. All four of them had smiles plastered across their expressions while they looked at me with eyes only showing love.

"I remember being scared of you, Jisoo and Rosé, when we came here as kids." I laughed at the fear I had of them, but my confession only made the two furrow their brows as they told me to justify what I meant.

"Well," I sat back up and scooched myself back so we were all sitting in front of a circle instead of me being the centre of attention. "I remember you telling me if you had a butterfly, you would never let it leave." I tell them, remembering their words once again as kids.

" If I had one, I'd never let it leave." Jisoo replied making all of us look at her curiously.

" Why is that, don't you want the butterfly to fly away and have it's freedom?" I asked, that's what I would do at least, why would she want them locked up like that?

" The beauty should only be seen by me, what's the point otherwise when there are others admiring it, I want to keep it all to myself...I just don't know how I'd do that." Jisoo replied, making us all nod in understanding. I thought about how she said she didn't know how she'd keep it to herself and realised that there wouldn't be a way to do that - since butterflies are small and with their wings they can fly.

" I'd tie it's wings up jichoo, make it mine to see forever." Rosé said all of a sudden. I looked at her in shock, not believing what she just said but she seemed to think it was normal. None of the others were as shocked as I was at what rosé had just said and I thought maybe I was the odd one out and this was a normal thing, it's four of them and one of me after all.

" That's perfect rosie, I would definitely do that if I owned a pet butterfly." Jisoo replied, agreeing.

They were giving me the chills all of a sudden so i told them I'm going to find our mothers and tell them where we are, Jennie insisted on coming with me in case I would get lost but I told her I'll just ask someone around if I do lose my way.

I laughed at my fear and continued telling them how Rosie said she would tie the butterfly's wings up so it would never leave them. If only I knew they were just joking and not serious. My fear is laughable now. They would never hurt me and will never hurt me.

"Well, that's just so insanely stupid." Lisa spoke up again, this time making the rest of us look at her, telling her to clarify through our eyes.

"Why would you tie the butterfly's wings? That's just stupid. It would be much smarter to kill anyone who came close to the butterfly. Scaring the butterfly to never leave its owner would be much smarter than simply locking it up." Jennie continued Lisa's sentence. While Jisoo and Rosé hummed at their replies, I was left with my jaw agape and eyes widened.


No fucking way she just said that.

"That's just a joke, right?" My laughter had died down now and I only stared at Jennie with confused eyes. A chill even went down my spine, probably the same shiver I felt all those years ago. The moment was almost nostalgic.

"No, I'm not. It's just common sense." She replied. Yeah, that was it. I stood up abruptly and told them she was acting weird before I started walking away from their direction with Jisoo and Rosie trailing behind me.

I didn't mind them. I think I preferred them right now rather than Jennie and Lisa, because they were acting like psychopaths.

And not like humans.

I can't believe it. I think the drug is speaking on my behalf when I say " Okay."

I don't hear any lies in her voice. But then again, her whole existence was a lie to me after discovering the real side of her.

" Okay..?" She questions for me to go on, clearly biting the insides of her cheek to hold in any smile she wants to plaster across her face. At this point, I'm too tired but at the same time too awake to do anything. Not that I can even do anything, I'm literally glued to the couch because of this stupid drug that they injected me with. But I'm thankful I don't need to feel the pain of the glass shreds because of that drug.

There is always a pro and a con to everything.

" Okay I'll accept it. Accept reality." I choke out the words, finding my eyes start to tear up leaving me with a blurry vision.

No one is coming for me now. No one is going to save me, I can't even save myself; the only thing I can do now is just give in to them. Give into all their commands and obey them like a lost dog cause that is what I am to them right now.

An obedient dog.

There is no escape and I'm only just realising that. Realising that instead of making things so much harder for myself, learn to live with it. My heart still aches for the death of Roseanne and Jisoo and I will have to live with that guilt of the murder of another two souls because of me. They might have been souls turned dark but they were still souls. They died because of me. It's all my fault and it will always be my fault as long as I'm alive and in their grasp. It's time for me to accept it. It's time for me to be an obedient dog. Their obedient dog.

It's time for me to be theirs.

" I'm glad you came to your senses. Shall we discuss the rules now?" I scoff at what Jennie has to say, in response she sends me a glare so I bite my lip to prevent any insults that might slip.

" These rules won't be kept forever, just as long as you've earned our trust." Lisa chimes in quickly, the smile on her face never leaving. I wonder how she got wrapped up in this huge mess. She was always the sweetest of them all, the happy go lucky person who has now turned into a psychopath. She doesn't show it, but I remind myself she is one.

" Mhm, go on. Not like I got a say in this." I reply, resisting the urge to roll my eyes. Jennie lets this one go and continues,

" Let's start with your bitchy attitude, drop it. Start showing respect towards us." I'm almost certain my lips are about to bleed with how hard I'm biting them. Who the fuck does she think she is telling me to respect her? Is she mentally okay? Fuck no, she isn't, and I know that. I feel like I'm the only sane person here.

" You are to stay inside this house at all times unless you are accompanied by either me or Lisa, if not, you need our permission." She continues and I hum, showing her I'm listening.

" The next one is clear, don't try to escape. If we find you acting suspicious or making an attempt to escape, you will be punished severely." Jennie continues, grabbing a glass of wine in her hand, swirling the liquid around before she takes a small sip. I know what she's capable of and I don't think anyone would be stupid enough to try an escape if they are not 100% sure they will be able to succeed.

" Anything else?" I ask, contemplating if she has a list or something cause my goldfish memory will not remember all of this despite my life being on the line. Or others life.

" Just one more, you aren't allowed to harm us in any way whereas we are allowed to do anything we want to you however we please and whenever we deem." Hypocrite. Fucking hypocrite. I'm a literal toy for them to play with, they'll probably throw me away when they grow bored of me. I hope they do.

" What? None of that ' don't let others touch you' bullshit?" I definitely need to work on my attitude cause the next thing I know, I'm slapped across the face by Jennie. My cheeks quickly getting heated and flushed from the sudden impact. I groan a little in pain when I accidentally move my upper body and feel my wounds stretching by a hair.

" That's a warning and the last you will get, y/n. Show some respect." She grits out, taking a big gulp of her wine and finishing it before setting the glass down and standing up, going behind Lisa and placing her hands on her shoulders - gently massaging it, making Lisa close her eyes.

" And to answer your question, you don't need to worry about others. If they touch you or if you touch them even slightly, then we'll kill them. So remember, your actions have consequences." Lisa is leaning her head back on Jennie's chest from the relaxation and I notice how she lets out a deep sigh.

" Just like how all of this has been stressing my Lisa out too much. She hasn't slept in days and it's finally time she gets some rest now that you're ours." She says, kissing Lisa's temple all the while keeping her eyes on me. I want to feel guilty for this, but I just don't. If anything, they brought this down on themselves. I did nothing to them.

" Come on Lali," Jennie removed her hands from Lisa's shoulders and a pout makes a way to Lisa's lips before she stands up, placing her chair in the corner before she comes back with a blanket in hand; placing it over my body and tucking me in, making sure every part of my body is covered with the blanket from neck to toes. Lisa walks up closer to me and crouches down, placing a soft, gentle kiss on my forehead before she whispers " goodnight." And then she takes Jennie's extended hand with a smile on her face, disappearing behind the couch where I can't see.

The lights turn off and just before their footsteps completely fade away, Jennie says one last thing.

" Oh and, the rules will continue adding on if we notice more things needing to be changed."

Isn't life so fucking great?


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