《✔ War for me ( Yandere Jenlisa x Fem reader x Yandere Chaesoo )》Chapter 9


I've been feeling a little distant lately with my friends. Or maybe I'm just being a little paranoid.

It seems as though I'm always the one that creates an issue and we get into arguments because of me; even though I don't do anything wrong. I simply exist but things still manage to be my fault.

It's confusing, really. If it's not Jisoo and Rosé who are mad at me, then it's Jennie and Lisa. It's like we have parted into three separate groups. Jennie and Lisa are group one, Jisoo and Rosé are group two and then there is me; all alone in group three.

It's not that we don't all hang out together but whenever we do, something is always the issue regarding me. It seems as though entering grade 4 has made Jisoo much more closer to Rosé while Jennie has gotten a lot closer with Lisa.

And then there is all of them who are growing closer to me, but that's the issue. Whenever someone gets too close, one of them gets mad. I haven't spoken up about this though because I'm sure I'm just being paranoid.

" Did you do your homework Jisoo?" I ask, hoping she did. Me, Jisoo and Rosé walk along the school hallways when trying to find our classroom since our usual one is under renovation.

" I did. Don't tell me you didn't y/n." She gives me an almost warning look but I let out a small giggle at her attempting to scare me.

" I was tired so I slept early, can I please copy yours?" I ask, showing my famous eyes to her and she sighs agreeing. She stops in her steps and puts her bag on the floor, taking her homework paper out and giving it to me.

" Don't ask for it again y/n. You know you should be doing your homework on time." She says as she zips up her bag, slinging it over her shoulders once more. I nod in reply and mumble a small apology and thank you towards her.

I see Jennie and Lisa up ahead so I wave towards them, I keep waving until they notice me and once they do, they smile. But that smile is quickly replaced by a frown when they glance at Jisoo and Rosé.

Not again.

" Please don't be mad." I tell Jisoo and Rosé who are next to me. They furrow their eyes at my response before a look of annoyance is plastered across their faces.

" It's them, not us." And before I have time to respond, Jennie and Lisa are already in-front of us with their arms crossed.

" Can you all stop being mad?" I plead almost, I hated this short phase they were going through. At my pleading tone, Jennie sighs and nods her head. None of them say a word to each other before we go inside and take our usual seats in the classroom.

I just hope they stay normal, as they were before.

I don't want us to grow distant from each other. We made a pact when we were younger that we'd always stay by each other's side and remain friends. I don't want us to break that pact, I don't know how much I'd break apart if we were ever to split up.

I love them.

We promised never to leave each other and I want to keep that promise. No matter what the price may be. I've come to realise it's one of my biggest fears to lose them. I can't ever living a happy life without them. They are basically my whole world.


And I as I say this, I look towards my left where Jisoo and Rosé are sitting and see them already looking at me, giving me a warm smile which I return. I look towards my right next and see Jennie and Lisa, both of them staring back at me too with a warm smile.

It feels weird to be in the middle. Or to think our small group is seperating.

I don't like it.

Not one bit.

" Leave me alone, all of you! I'm tired of you guys." I yell at them angrily. At this point, I'd be concerned if a passing student didn't hear me.

All four of them looked like hell had just overcome them. They were absolutely pissed, but I didn't care. I've had enough of their attitude, it was getting too much.

I walk towards the door once again but all four of them cross their arms while blocking my way, their height towering over my figure.

" Let me leave." I demand with a soft tone. They only scoff but don't move an inch from where they stand. Once again, I try to walk around them but they block me, infuriating me even more.

" With that attitude, you aren't going anywhere." Jennie spat at me. The whole room was radiating bad energy from all the anger everyone felt. If anyone else was here, they'd run from all the angry looks on our faces.

" And you aren't my mother so you have no right to dictate me. So once again, move out of my way before I scream for someone." I cross my arms and stand in-front of them. They don't seem the least bit intimidated from me and I don't blame them. They are four and I am one. They have the upper hand. The next thing that happens is what shocks me though.

My head swings to the side as the blossoming of pain on my right cheek is formed. I can feel my cheeks heating up as the blood rushes to the surface of my skin. My mouth is agape as I don't believe what just happened, what she just did.

Jennie slapped me.

I look back at her directly through her eyes, a huge pang of pain being felt inside my chest. The pain of the slap wasn't even what hurt me the most, it was the actions of my best friend who just raised her hand at me. She had never done that before, no one had.

Rosé has a shocked expression on her face and Lisa has a sympathetic one. The two others just stared at me with an expression I can't read on their faces. It hurts so bad that tears are starting to well up in my eyes from the thought of what Jennie just did. The singular second of her slapping me replays in my brain until I blink my tears away.

Don't break down in-front of them. My mind tells me.

Instead of making the failed attempt of walking past them to the door, I turn my back towards them and walk to the other side of the room - once again blinking any tears that are threatening their way out my eyes.

It's worse than what betrayal would feel like. I knew sometimes they were capable of harming others when someone exceeded their limits, but hurting me? Never in a lifetime would I think they'd do that.

I stop in my tracks.

I'm not going to let them do this to me. I turn on my heels and storm towards her angrily. If she hurt me, I have every right to hurt her back. Even if it means it breaks my heart to do so.


But just before my hand is able to touch her cheek, her fast reflexes come in hand and she grips onto my wrist tightly with full force making me let out a small cry as my face winces from the pain. She squeezes my pulse point even harder and I start begging her to let go.

I should've thought it through. She's taken self defence.

She finally let's go of the grip on my wrists and the tears finally leave my eyes, not controlling to stay in for any longer. I hold a painful expression and so do they. At this moment, I just want to be left alone.

" Leave me a-alone please" I sniffle my sob in and speak. I hated how weak and vulnerable I was being right now. I was always strong and resilient yet at this moment it's one of the first where I'm left vulnerable and weak; and I hated it.

" Let that teach you a lesson." Was all Jennie said right after, another pang being felt in my chest. She didn't even feel any remorse whatsoever.

She didn't care she hurt me.

I heard their footsteps leave as the unlocking of the door was heard, but before they left; I felt a hand on my shoulder as I stared down at the ground, hiding my tears. Unconsciously, I flinched to their touch and I looked up to see it was Lisa.

An expression of hurt plastered across her face and she opened her mouth to speak but instantly shut her mouth when a voice was heard standing at the doorway.

" Come here now Lisa. Leave her alone." Instantly Lisa looks like she was about to break down but nonetheless, she turns and walked away from me and towards Jennie who then closed the door behind.

Leaving me all alone.

Jisoo looked between me and Rosé until finally understanding what Rosé meant. I tried to get up since I was laying down but I was denied when Rosé placed her hand directly on top of my lower stomach, pushing me back down.

" Get me the cuffs." Rosé instructed Jisoo who then nodded and made her way to the bedside table, pulling out metal handcuffs that made a metallic noise when she threw it over to Rosé. I had absolutely no idea what they were planning but from the looks of it, I wanted to get away.

And so I did.

I removed Rosé hands from me quick enough to roll off the other side of the bed, standing up and regaining a stable stance. I could see how Rosé grew angry at my reaction, but on the other hand - Jisoo seemed somewhat impressed. There was no object around that I could use as a weapon, and there were no windows, so it seemed like they had spent a long time planning what they were going to put in this room.

Rosé started to crawl on the bed and headed towards my side, the handcuffs still in her hand as she looked infuriated. I tried backing away only to realise I had hit a wall. Fuck.

Rosé was off the bed now and she was already walking towards me which triggered more fear into my body. And one thing people do when they are scared is act without thinking; which is what I did.

I ran forward towards the door and once I reached the door handle, I pulled it down and pulled but it didn't budge open. The door was locked. My heart was beating fast and I didn't have enough time to process anything when Rosé hugged me tightly from behind making me struggle in her grip.

" Let go of me!" I yelled out loud, trying to remove her hands from around my waist but she was strong, way stronger than me. Instead, she tightened her hold on me and I didn't have any more time to use my legs to kick the front of her knee because Jisoo was already here and she grabbed the cuffs Rosé was holding. Jisoo was quick to attach the metal cuffs onto my right wrist and started dragging me towards the bed with Rosé walking me from behind, her arms still tightly around my waist.

" Stop it!" I squirmed under her hold but none of them budgged nor did they say any words. Soon I was thrown onto the bed and before I could have any time to get up again, Rosé straddled my waist and reached for my cuffed hand; she grabbed it and cuffed the other end to the bedpost. I tugged on the bedpost with my hand cuffed and screamed while using my legs to start kicking, the mattress bouncing up and down from the impact of the kicks. They didn't seem bothered by my screams or kicks as Rosé got off me; leaving me still pulling at my cuffed hands only to feel pain as the sharp metal was cutting through my wrist.

Rosé reached into the bedside drawer again and pulled out another pair of handcuffs, and came back to the left side of the bed. I flew my hand in all directions away from her but she didn't even struggle to get a hold of my hand and cuff it to the bedpost like she did to the other. I was terrified and only wished they'd find it in their hearts to let go of me and not rape me.

Jisoo on the other hand was busy trying to get my legs to stay still as she attempted to cuff my ankles to the bedpost. But as soon as Rosé saw, it took them no time when Rosé used her hands to get my legs to stop kicking around - giving Jisoo the chance to get exactly what she needed, done.

Both of them had smirks plastered across their faces which I only wish I was able to slap it off. I continued struggling through the bounded position I was in even though I knew that there was no way I was going to get out of this position.

I was left laying on the bed with my arms hanging on either side and my legs spread wide open for them. I screamed once more which was only stopped when Rosé walked over to me and slapped me harshly across the face - making my head swing to the side as pain blossomed on my face. A huge wave of fear rushed down my body as I gulped, meeting my gaze with Rosé's.

" If you don't want me to touch you, then fine, so be it. But you'll wish you wanted me to. Your actions are going to have consequences." Rosé's stern voice echoed throughout the room. I glance at Jisoo and see see her walking towards the wall in-front of me, where there is a small couch but she pulls it out and to my surprise, it turns into a bed.

I don't have enough time to understand what Rosé meant and what my consequence would be when she pulls out a small vibrator from the drawer. My face is instantly expressed with shock and I scream once more, only to feel the same slap across my face. Everything that comes out of the drawer is all locked safely with a key, one that can only be opened through a fingerprint and I wonder how they even managed to get that piece of furniture.

But I don't have time for my wonders.

Rosé sits beside me on the bed and I turn my face away from her, looking the opposite direction. That's not until I hear the sounds of vibration which makes my eyes widen, and a loud gasp leaves my mouth when the vibration comes in contact with my clothed nipple. Unconsciously, a loud moan leaves my lips as the vibration pleasures my right nipple. Rosé spins the small vibrator around my bud which only makes me bite on my lips to keep my moans and gasps in.

I was disgusted.

And even though I wanted her to stop, my body didn't want it to. They say there is a thin line between love and hate but they always forget to mention that the line between hate and lust is far thinner and more dangerous. Rosé moves to my other nipple and gives it the same treatment. My back arches up from the bed at the dangerous pleasure I'm feeling and from the corner of my eyes; I see a smirk plastered across Rosé's face.

Rosé then proceeds to do something I wouldn't ever expect. With one hand pleasuring my boobs, her other hand goes further down and pulls the shorts down to my knees. With that, I'm exposed and I hiss as the cold air meets my core. I attempt to close my legs from the shame but my body seems to forget that it's cuffed and forced wide open.

Rosé then stops the vibrating making me let out a relieved sigh as I hope it might be over.

But I thought wrong.

Rosé rips my thin tank top apart and throws it to the other side of the room, leaving me with my upper body bare and exposed. Anyone could visibly see my swollen and hardened nipples from a mile away, the fault being the vibrator.

Rosé proceeds and moves down, ripping my shorts as well easily due to the light material and throws it somewhere in the room as well. It's only then that I notice that Jisoo is naked and on the other side of the room, where the couch is. Her legs are crossed as she looks at me, her perked up breasts on full display without any shame.

" We won't be touching you sweetie," Rosé trails as she turns the vibrator back on again making me struggle from my bounds yet again only to realise I'm stuck once again. Rosé brings the vibrator to the left side of my labia and as soon, as it connects, a loud moan rips from my throat as my back arches.

" S-stop" I barely manage to let out, my voice in the tone of a whisper. She only smirks while she circles the vibrator around my pussy, I could already feel the wave of arousal rushing over me as my pussy started becoming lubricated with my own wetness. I bite into my lips once again when more moans threaten to leave my lips from the pleasure.

But it's only when she directly makes contact with my clit and the vibrator that I get lost in the pleasure and arch off the bed, more moans and pants leaving my mouth as she circled it around the swollen bud. My wetness was already dripping down my inner thighs and I wasn't sure I could take any more. Surely I've touched myself before even if I'm a virgin, all teenage girls explore their body at one point.

Rosé kept going on with a smirk on her face as she hummed in satisfaction. Occasionally she would increase the speed of the vibrations and once I felt my body unconsciously jerking and my thighs shaking, I knew I was close. My eyes twitched so I just tightly shut them as I felt my body jerk multiple times, signalling I was close.

Tingles were running up my body and soon, a whole explosion of tingles were felt and my body shook from the orgasm. I cummed on the vibrator but Rosé didn't stop there, my body was already sensitive only be the single orgasm but she didn't pull the vibrator away, instead she increased the speed once again.

She then removed the vibrator from my pussy leaving it throbbing and swollen but it was soon replaced by the vibrator being inserted inside my hole making me almost scream as I felt the vibrations inside me, the pleasure beyond the world.

Rosé then gets up with the vibrator still inside me and she gives me a smirk as she pulls her T-shirt over her head; leaving her in a black bra.

" We're not extremely cruel. If you don't want us to touch you, we won't," Rosé trails off as her fingers dance around my bikini line, making my hips involuntarily lift up to her touch, a dark chuckle leaving her lips.

" You will cum, over and over again until you are pushed to your limits. As your punishment of using your hand to stop me, your hands will stop you from taking the vibrator out." Rosé smirks making me only whine as I feel another orgasm coming closer to me. I can't even concentrate on her words as the pleasure is taking over all my senses. She walks to where Jisoo is and strips of her trousers, while also clasping her bra off. Her smooth ass showing itself to me. Both of them are now naked. Both of them lay themself on the couch in-front of me, and prop onto their elbows - spreading their legs wide open as their hands go down to touch their own pussy, all while keeping direct eye contact with me.

Moans are leaving my lips continuously and a small scream leaves from the deep parts of my throat when my second orgasm hits me, making me arch off the bed high as I pull on my restraints when I cum on the vibrator.

" We'll be having our own fun right here, bitch." Rosé spits at me from the other side of the room while sending a wink. And right after, they proceed to touch themselves as they watch the live porn in front of them; me.

Both of them toying with me however they want to because that's all I am right now, a toy to them. And I can do nothing to stop it as they have their way with me - putting me in my place.


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