《✔ War for me ( Yandere Jenlisa x Fem reader x Yandere Chaesoo )》Chapter 6


Jisoo and Rosé's words still go through my mind, it still scares me a little and I'm pretty sure mama sees that when I don't touch the food on my plate for dinner.

" Sweetie, is something wrong?" Mama asks me, her voice laced with concern. I know she's worried about me since I'm always eating my food lovingly, but today I've barely even touched it.

" It's nothing" I mumble, using my fork to gently stab one of the roasted baby carrots before putting it in my mouth.

" You know you can always tell us anything." Papa speaks up too once he realises himself that I'm not acting like myself. Do I make it that obvious?

It's probably best if I tell them, maybe reassurance is something I need right now or else I won't be able to sleep at night.

" Well, when we went to the butterfly park today - Jisoo and Rosé said something that scared me a little" I confess to them both. They both have encouraging looks on their face and signal for me to go on.

" Rosé had asked us what we'd name our butterfly if we had one as a pet and Jisoo said how she'd never let it leave because she'd want to keep it all to herself and not let other people admire it. And I find that weird because why wouldn't you want to grant a trapped animal freedom? And right after, rosé says how in order to do that - they would tie their wings together so the butterfly would never be able to leave them." I blurt out all at once, taking a sip of my lukewarm water when I realised my hands were shaking a little from reliving that memory.

It shouldn't be a big deal but it is to me.

Both of my parents have this weird expression plastered on their faces, one I can't tell what they are feeling.

" Honey, you have every right to be scared of what they said," Mama speaks up first, plastering a comforting smile on her face. " But, I think they just phrased it wrong. You know, it's kind of like me and mama" Baba added on after, confusion making its way to me quickly as I want to eagerly listen to his explanation.

" How so?" I ask, curiously.

" Well you see, sometimes people get jealous when their loved one gives special attention to others. If I see mama giving more attention to another man rather than me, I will feel jealous. But jealousy is normal, everyone feels it some way or another. Now, even though you feel jealous - you don't do something you will regret later on. Instead, you talk with your lover and compromise on how the jealousy can stop. So I think that's why Jisoo would want to keep the butterfly all to herself, because she would be jealous if other people admired it" Papa explains to me with me listening intently. He was making lots of sense, if what he was saying was true then it's the explanation I really needed to hear.

" But, me and Jisoo aren't lovers." I tell him

" Jealousy can happen within friendships as well, even with special bonds like she would have with her pet butterfly. Although, what rosé said was a little dark but I'm pretty sure she just accidentally phrased it wrong" Mama explains this time. I nod in understanding, finally realising that there was nothing to be scared about.


They were my friend's afterall.

Once the fear went away, I began to quickly eat my dinner - finally tasting the food after the fear being gone.

" Mama food is delicious" I tell her happily. She chuckles before smiling " that's my y/n"

It's not long before we all finish dinner, I help mama with the dishes before we all go into the living room - ready to have family movie night.

" Can we please watch 'the parent trap'?" I begged them with a pout

" But we watched that last time as well" papa groans out loud which makes me laugh

" Oye escucha a tu princesa" Mama yells from the kitchen making me laugh in joy while papa once again let out another groan.

" Fine, parent trap it is" He huffs before sitting on the couch and clicking on the remote buttons to play the movie.

I stand there until papa gestures for me to come over to him, which I quickly do - snuggling up into his arms beside him as we both watch the movie once again.

If they want to stay mad at me, then go ahead. I'm not mad at them but I've realised that I need new friends - I've always clung onto only the 4 I had since I was little and it's time for me to expand my social circle.

" So, what's your name?" I ask the girl who's smoking her blunt next to me. I managed to rant about everything I had on my mind to her and she just listened patiently - not giving me any advice but was a good listener, it's something I needed badly.

" Ashlyn, what about you?" Ashlyn asks, getting up from the ground and holding her hand out for me.

" Y/n, mind if I have lunch with you?" I ask her, she lets out a chuckle and nods. I take her hand with a smile and get up - both of us cleaning ourselves up a little before we walked out the bathroom doors.

The bell for lunch had already rung so students crowded the hallways. The half an hour I spent in the toilet with Ashlyn was one of the best I've had in the past 3 days and deciding that going to sit at my usual lunch table with the other 4 would be a bad idea since they would ignore me or kick me out, I'm going to eat with Ashlyn instead.

" The more the merrier" She replies.

My locker came by and I told her to stop for a second as I put my books inside and grabbed my sandwich before I locked the locker and followed Ashlyn again.

It would've been useless to try and make a conversation now because from all the students in the hallways, it was way too noisy.

I tried spotting the others to tell them about my new friend and where I was going when I realised that they were still mad at me.

I also realised how It was like an unspoken rule for me to tell them everything about my life - I had never realised that before up till this second.

They don't own me.

" Hey, where's your group of friends?" I ask the girl once we're outside in the school garden. She just shrugs before looking back at me.

" My friends are older than me and they don't go to this school. I prefer to sit by myself and eat my lunch in peace." She replies, walking further back to an area which wasn't crowded at all. There were many students eating their lunch on the grass field and I never realised this place even existed for that purpose.


It was nice outside as well, a slight breeze and a clear sky - I should really come out more often.

Ashlyn took me to this huge oak tree where not many students were seen around the area, it was peaceful - like she said.

She threw her bag onto the floor and leaned back against the tree with me following in her steps.

" Close your eyes." She instructed, making me confused but nonetheless - I still did it. Leaning back against the oak tree, I closed my eyes.

" Now breathe," she said softly. I wasn't sure where she was taking this but I did it anyways. Inhaling deeply and holding it before I exhaled.

As I repeated the breathing, my body felt so much more light weighted. Any stress that I had wasn't the thing I was thinking of, I only focussed on my breathing. My hair flew slightly towards the left - following the direction of the slight breeze.

I can't remember the last time I felt so free.

" Now open your eyes." She instructed and I did so, all the faint noise from the campus finally entering my ears. I hadn't heard it a few seconds ago but now I felt so much more alive.

" Damn, have you never done this before?" She asked me as she took her wrap out, unwrapping the plastic before she took a bite.

I shook my head no.

" You are one stressful person." She commented making me chuckle as I took my own sandwich own, taking the plastic off before biting into it.

I thought about her words for a second and truly realised it.

I am one stressful person.

They didn't stop me or hold a gun against my head. I left the car before Jisoo - as she instructed me to do and I stopped in the grass field. In-front of it was a house but I didn't really care about that.

I have never been so grateful to breathe in the fresh smell of grass. The sky was pitch black with stars scattered all around them.

Stars. Mama used to tell me that they were the souls of the dead human bodies, that in the afterlife everyone becomes a star. A star that will look above on the earth and see all the humans, giving them hope.

All the fear that tensed my body seemed to fly away when I touched the grass underneath me, completely forgetting that there were still two monsters standing behind me - watching me with their piercing gaze.


My brain told me, but I knew better. From what I could see, there was a huge gate if I wanted to exit this area but with the two humans behind me who held guns - I knew I'd die in a heartbeat.

" Let's go inside now, shall we?" Rosé spoke, the crushing sound of grass telling me that she was walking towards me. It sounded like a question but it was evident that I had no other choice.

I looked at the grass once more, scared that this is the last time I would ever see nature with my eyes. I regained my posture and rosé took my hand, guiding me towards the house as Jisoo followed behind.

The same hand that was once red before was now something that I held.

This house didn't belong to the both of them, or well it didn't before. I've known them both since my childhood - if they got a new house, I would be the first to know.

Rosé entered a pin on the door which I couldn't catch fast enough but the door soon opened and I was met with the lavish furniture of the house. Everything was in marble or white, a few things in black but that was it. The house didn't hold much colour - it just screamed rich and modern.

Different from where Lisa and Jennie held me.

" Follow me." Jisoo instructed again, more like demanded. Without hesitation, I snapped out of my gazing and followed her up the stairs.

The walls were empty.

This place had lots of furniture, but it had no memories. Nothing that was valuable. No portraits, No pictures, No souvenirs.

Just plain empty.

I followed Jisoo through the hallway and entered the first room on the left, the room sending a sort of shiver down my spine.

Everything was in black. The curtains, the bedding, the desk, even the fluffy rug was black.

It was so different to how the rest of the white house was.

" This is our room, we will be sleeping here with you." Jisoo spoke.

I got a little confused from what she went. There is no chance I would ever be able to fall asleep between two murderers, my thoughts will keep me up.

" You can go shower now. There is nothing inside there that you can use against us or to escape, so that will ensure us that you're still here. Go shower, we will rest afterwards and in the morning we'll go through the rules." Jisoo adds right after, pointing to the door on the far right of the room - the bathroom.

They appeared to be so much more gentle than how I was treated with Jennie and Lisa. Jisoo and Rosé were gentle and strict whereas Lisa and Jennie were rough and demanding.

It was like two different auras but either way, both sides were controlling.

No one told me there would be rules, I always just listened to their demands but now I'm going to be treated like a prisoner with rules.

The idea wasn't something I liked, but it's not like I got much choice.

I walked inside the bathroom and saw some clothes neatly folded on the countertop. The bathroom was huge. It had a shower as well as a bathtub. Another dresser and a huge countertop with two sinks. It was something like you'd see in a royals bathroom.

I closed the door behind me to realise there were no locks, they were prepared about this. Almost like they were certain they would kidnap me from the other two.

I turned the shower tap on and put it on the hottest setting, hot showers are something I've always preferred and I can't remember the last time I had one. There was so much dirt on me that I was disgusted by it and wondered how they weren't.

I slowly stripped off of my clothes and threw them on the floor before entering the burning hot shower.

And as easy as it was before everything started, I let all the tension in my body go as the hot water consumed me alive. My stress washing away from my body for the time being of the shower.


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