《✔ War for me ( Yandere Jenlisa x Fem reader x Yandere Chaesoo )》Chapter 2


" Remember y/n, this is your last playdate before the summer holidays end, okay? After that, playdates will only be allowed on weekends." Mama reminds me once she helps me wear my small pink backpack.

We all are meeting at Jennie's house today, she invited us all for a playdate. I'm sad that the holidays are coming to an end but at least we will be starting first grade now, all of us - together. Mama said I have to study hard so I can be successful in my life and I want to make all her wishes come true so I will listen to her.

" Yes Mama, I know." I turn around and smile to her before hugging her tightly. She giggles a little making me smile wider knowing I caused my mum to laugh. She leans her upper body down a little and kisses me on my head, smelling my hair as she rests her forehead on my head.

" Aish, you're growing up so fast" She says before returning her position and I pull away from her hug. Giving her another smile. I never understand what she means when she says that, I feel the same as I was all the time - I don't know why she thinks I'm growing up, I'll always be the same.

" Dada said I will always be your little girl no matter how big I am" I tell her proudly, she gives me a chuckle before giving me another warm smile.

" Dada is right, you will always be my little girl" She says before holding her hand out for me to take, I quickly intertwine my hand with hers. The size different in our hand being so visibly seen making me giggle to myself.

" Now, let's head over to Jennie's house before we are late" She adds and I just nod as she opens the door for me and I jump down the few steps of the porch, hearing mama scold me for not being careful. She locks the door before coming to take hold of my hand again, both of us now walking across the different streets to Jennie's house.

I kept jumping and kicking the rocks on the floor while I told my mama what I wanted to be when I grew up.

I wanted to be a rock-star.

Rock stars look so cool in their outfits and electric guitars. Mama says that I'll change my mind when I get older but I don't think so. She says that I will be a doctor for animals because I love animals and know so much about the different species.

I do love animals, but rockstar seems cooler.

We make it to Jennie's house and I look up to see her huge white and blue mansion. She even has a swimming pool. And she has so many animals - she has 3 dogs, 2 cats and even some rabbits, I love spending time with her pets.

" Alright, we're here. I'll just go drop you off and say a quick hello to Jennie's mother" Mama says as we both walk to their front door, the guards letting us in without asking when they saw us.

Mama rings the doorbell and we wait for a couple seconds before the door opens with Jennie's mother standing, a huge smile plastered across her face.

" Ah y/n! Y/m/n, lovely to see you both!" She greets us happily, my mother saying the same thing to her. I just stare at my shoes while my mum and her mum talk to each other, laughing loudly.


I love mama but I want her to go so I can see the others quickly, I hate waiting.

Before I can even ask her mother if I can go see Jennie, I see a little bit of her from behind where her mother is standing. She's wearing blue shorts with a white shirt on top. As soon as she sees me, without wasting another second - I run past her mother and into Jennie.

Both of us giggling as we hug each other tightly like we hadn't just seen each other two days ago.

" Awh" I can hear our mums say in adore at us hugging.

We both continue giggling and we stay in our hugging position, squeezing each other with more strength until it becomes painful that we have to pull away - laughing out loudly again.

" You're excited for the party right?" I ask everyone eagerly.

There is going to be a huge party today at one of the student's houses and I mean it when I say everyone in our school is going. There are parties quite often but none of them are ever fun, they are just boring. But since the student's family is leaving town today, she decided to throw a huge party and everyone is hyped about it.

" Of course, I can't wait! I'll pick you all up in my car and we can go there together" Jennie replied and we all squealed. All our tests just finished so all of us really need this party to celebrate their hard work and have some fun after all that stress.

All of us have been talking about it the entire day, it's been so long since we've all gathered up together and did something. We plan on getting super drunk and having the best night of our lives, I simply can't wait.

" I have to go home and help mama with spring cleaning so I can't go after school to the mall with you guys. I'll see you all at the party though" I tell them, once we've walked out the school gates. All of them pout sadly but I just chuckle, we say our goodbyes before I go in the opposite direction they are walking since my house and the mall are different ways.

My house isn't really far from our school so it does not take long at all for me to reach home and once I unlock the house with my keys, I call out for mama. She immediately comes out of the kitchen wearing an apron and some dirt smudged onto her cheeks making me giggle.

" How was your day sweetie?" She asks, smiling at me while she walks over to me. I give her a hug and tell her all about my day and how relieved I am for my tests to be over. I tell her about the party too and to be honest, she's more excited than I am.

My parents have never restricted me to do anything that teenagers do. They have never told me not to do drugs, not drink alcohol, never get tattoos, don't get piercings, anything like that - they just tell me to be wise about my decisions and make sure I won't do something I will regret later on.

And honestly, it's smart.

First time I smoked was out of curiosity and I did my first time with my dad. I've never done drugs and never want to, I just don't want to get addicted to something that can be harmful to me.


I like how my parents taught me when growing up. Since they never restricted most things - I got the privilege to do whatever I wanted and this way - I got the understanding myself to never get myself into situations I wouldn't be able to get out of.

I will also parent my kids like this.

" Alright, so what dress have you picked out?!" She squealed and I just shrug, laughing at her excitement. She almost seems disappointed in me when I tell her I haven't decided. She practically drags me up to my room and I sigh, opening my closet to take out a couple dresses and laying them on the bed.

" Wear this," She picks up the midnight blue dress with a fitted halter neck, a satin gown that finishes in the end with a tulip hem so it can expose some legs. The back is bear and it shows off the arms and back in a sexy way, I got this as a gift from my aunt.

" Are you sure I'll look good in it?" I ask as I take the dress from her hands, placing it in-front of my body while standing opposite the mirror. Mama comes from behind and places her hands on my shoulder, smiling at the site of us in the mirror.

" Oh my beautiful baby, you'd even look good in a trash bag. Now come on, leave the spring cleaning to me - go take a shower and get ready for your party!" She squealed making me laugh, I turn around and bring her into a hug - not caring if some of the dirt and dust is getting on me.

I love my mum so much and no words can describe how grateful I am that she's here, she'll always be a best friend to me.

" Alright mama" I pull away and kiss her on the cheeks

" Yeah, you better go shake some ass!" She yelled out loud, making my eyes widen as I covered my mouth with my hands. Laughing hysterically, not believing what she just yelled.

" What? I heard Jennifer Lopez said that, kids these days like to hear that." She tells me, I laugh even harder and once I finally stop laughing - I make a few jokes with her before going into the shower.

I'm all too excited for the party.

My muscles are tensed. My body feels like it's stuck to the floor, the thin layer of sweat on my skin and the cold floor making me feel sticky.

But, that's not what was important at the moment.

Even though my eyes feel heavy and my body feels weak, I push harder and flutter my eyes opened - noticing a dark ceiling.

It takes a while but the pounding in my head hits me hard, making me let out a loud groan as I bring my hands to hold my head only to feel sharp, cold metal cutting into my right wrist.

I sit up straight and find myself leaning against a wall, looking to my right I squint to see my right hand cuffed onto a pole.

I scream.

My throat hurts already and all the memories hit me hard, reminding me why I'm in this situation.

The way the blood dripped down the knife, the things they said to me, the sadistic look in their eyes.

I scream once more, hoping that out of some miracle someone will come and help me.

And I almost think the miracle has come true when a door opens in-front of me, shining white light coming from behind the door - creating a silhouette of a girl standing there. A sharp blade in her hands.

I bring my knees to my chest and I attempt to move backwards when the figure starts walking towards me, but all I do is push myself harder against the wall.

Fear trickles from the back of my neck and sending a shock all through my body until my toes are curling, my heart feeling like it's going to explode out of my body any time soon.

Once the figure is close enough, she crouches down and that's when I see who it is.


I scream again only for her hand to cover my mouth while the hand that holds the blade comes under my chin, the tip of the blade poking against my skin.

I stop screaming instantly and panic goes through my body. My breathing picking up the pace as I only stare at the hand that holds the blade.

She removes her hand from my mouth once I've stopped making any noise and she hums, almost in satisfaction.

" Look at me." And I so badly don't wanna listen to her, I don't want to look into those eyes of terror - fearing her presence was enough already but looking her in the eyes is something I'm afraid I can't do.

But I obey.

I raise my gaze and look her in the eyes, another wave of fear rushing across my body.

She smiles at me, one that always warmed my heart before but now It only creeps me out - makes me scared.

" We're not going to hurt you, that's something none of us want to do." She speaks, in attempt to reassure me but how can anyone reassure me in the state I'm in.

The blade that's poking my skin under my chin says otherwise to her sentence. I can't and won't believe anything she says.

" But," she trails off, leaning closer to me until our faces are only centimetres apart from each other. " We will if you make us." She finishes.

Tears already build in my eyes and I can feel my hands shaking uncontrollably, something fear is doing to my body.

She leans in closer and kisses the corner of my right eye, the kiss lingering longer than it's supposed to.

I feel disgusted. But, I don't have the strength to push her away, I don't hold that courage in me - I wouldn't dare.

She backs away after and stands up, the blade finally leaving my skin, allowing me to feel like I can actually breathe. My pants are heavy and I can feel a panic attack coming.

She walks away from me and towards the door, the door where the light comes from. She stands there for a few seconds, glancing around the room before she nods to herself.

" I'll be back soon." And then she shuts the door, the only source of light going away with her and leaving me in the darkness to consume myself with.


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