《The Match ✓》Chapter 25💃🏻


Waking up with a headache I let out a groan as I sit up on the bed, the memories from last night flash before my mind's eye and I find myself clutching the covers to my body. When my eyes see him, see Steel I find myself calming down, knowing that he was here for me when I needed him. I can't stop thinking about what happened last night and how someone was in my apartment. I know there was someone here, I saw them and it makes me terrified to even think about it or what happened since all of those texts have been scaring me too.

Steel sits down next to me and takes my hand, but he doesn't say anything. His eyes aren't showing any judgment of any kind and that makes me feel better because he's literally seeing me at my worst which I don't want him nor anyone else to see. "You should stay home from work today" He tells me and I look up at him. "No, I have to go to work. It will make me feel normal" I speak, I know he's not going to understand this nor will anyone understand it.

"I have to get ready" I speak even when I don't want him to let go of me and even when I would love nothing more than to stay here all day with him but I need to do this. My life is already messed up as it is and I don't need to mess it up even more, I need to move on with my life and allow myself to stay alive. "Lila, you were nearly attacked and if you think I'm just going to let you walk out of here unguarded then you're wrong" He tells me and it is only now that I feel a hint of anger through him.


A hurt moves inside my heart to know that he's angry at me but I don't let it show that it aches. I stand up from him and walk towards the door. "Look, Steel. I know you mean well but... I have to do this" I say. This feeling that he's going to need an explanation is growing, but he's not getting one. "If you want me to be guarded then come with me to work" I suggest, but he doesn't seem that convinced at it. Then he lets out a sigh.

"Fine, you can go to work" He tells me but I did not need permission from him nor anyone. I give him a small smile as I go into the bathroom. As soon as the door is closes the fear starts to show itself when it was buried so deep within me that before I had a hard time finding it. Realizing that it has to do with Steel. When I'm around him I don't feel as afraid. I sigh as I take a shower to let all the fear and what happened last night wash away my body and go down the drain.

This is a new and fresh day and I should act like it so as I head out of the bathroom dressed in some fresh clothes and like it had been yesterday, Steel is cooking breakfast for us. I don't know how, but he does make food that tastes better than I have ever tasted. I sit down while he cooks as he has not finished cooking and is still at it. It's like he's in some sort of a trance when he cooks, he's just in his own little world, and he enjoys it, I can see that.

He might even be able to compete against Mark in cooking, I suppose that would be something interesting and definitely something I would like to see. My phone rings in my room and I jump from the chair and walk over there to answer it but as soon as I see who it is I let out a sigh but answer it anyway. "Hey, dad" I speak into the phone but I'm not happy about this. "Hi, baby" He says. "Why are you calling so early in the morning, you normally never do that?" I ask him.


He lets out a chuckle. "Can't I hear the voice of my baby, whom I miss so much" He says and I roll my eyes. "Dad, you never call unless you want something so out with it, so we can be done with this" I tell him or rather spat at him. My dad and I don't have the best relationship in the world or any sort of relationship at all. "Fine, there is a document that needs your signature an-" He says but I hang up the phone before he could even finish that sentence and I turn off my phone.

I walk back into the kitchen after I have thrown my phone onto my pillow to take later when I go to work I head back for the kitchen. "Who was that?" He asks me, he is plating the food and it smells amazing. My stomach is eager to get a taste and my mouth water. "No one important" I tell him as I sit down. Steel raises an eyebrow at me as he sets down the plate in front of me. "I can see the sadness in your eyes, tell me" He says and I let out a sigh.

Does this man see through everything that I put up? I suppose he does since he's able to sense what I'm feeling. "Fine, but I'm warning you, it's not the best story in the world and I'm horrible at storytelling" I tell him. He sits down next to me with a plate of food right in front of me like me and as we start eating I begin to tell him. Despite me trying to hold back on some details but I find that with this man, I'm having a hard time keeping my mouth closed.

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