《The Match ✓》Chapter 23💃🏻


"An ice cream shop?" Steel asks me as we walk over there. "Yes, I thought it would nice to have some ice cream as everyone loves ice cream... you do like ice cream, don't you?" I ask him and he chuckles. "Of course I do" He answers and I sigh. For a moment there I felt really embarrassed if he did not like ice cream. There are about four people ahead of us in the line but I knew that this was a popular place, I've gone here a couple of times this year since this place opened up a couple of months ago.

It's on a comfortable place with benches and a great view and like tonight the weather is cool yet not that cold and there is no wind and the night just makes things so calm and cool. "I would like the chocolate mint one, please" I say once it is our turn and the girl hands me my ice cream. "I'm going to have the licorice" Steel says and once he has gotten his ice cream I put the money that I had made ready in my hands over to the girl, and she takes it, before Steel could pay.

"Don't argue about this with me, I paid, end of story" I tell him when I see that he has opened up his mouth to protest about it, and he looks down at me but I just smile at myself as we find a nice spot to sit down by and eat our ice cream. Chocolate mint is one of my favorite ice cream and I always get one if I can. "Thank you, truly. For all you have done for me. It really means a lot. I know I'm not the person that people think I am" I say.


A pang forms in my heart. People always expect me to be perfect, and they have this image of me which they want me to be but I'm not that. I'm messy, clumsy and a bit lazy sometimes. "I think you're perfect, anyone disagrees they will have to go through me" He says and I find myself looking up at him with a shocked look. Judging by his eyes I could tell that he meant every single word that he said and it brings the familiar blush to my face that I'm sure is starting to make itself at home.

"Why?" I ask him all of a sudden, I truly did not mean to ask that question but I had been thinking it. The ice cream melts in my mouth as I lick it but a drop lands on my cheek and as I was about to wipe it away his thumb runs across my chin and wipes it. He brings it to his mouth and licks his finger but his eyes are on me at all times. I gulp when he does this and I find myself feeling hot throughout my whole body. For a moment we just stare at one another.

The moment so long that I think it was hours but it was only seconds until he starts to lean in and I feel myself doing so too. It is not until his lips have captured mine that I feel fireworks burst within me and the joy that my hydrant experiences is something that I have never felt before in my life. This is the first kiss that I have ever felt and it is perfect in every sense that there. I close my eyes to allow myself to enjoy it even better, ignoring the shivers running up and down my entire body.


The kiss was so gentle and sweet and while his lips connected to mine like they belonged I felt myself longing for more but I settled with what I had for now. Our lips moved in sync for a moment until he breaks the kiss and when I open my eyes I know that while he might have broken the kiss the moment is still there. I find myself smiling at him with my bright eyes and feeling as nothing could be more perfect right about now, my first kiss was the best of my life.

Neither one of us say anything but as I eat my ice cream in silence there are these things that I want to say but I'm afraid I will ruin the moment. Our hands had joined and I'm a blushing mess and while I'm shivering I don't let him know because I don't want this to end. I feel happy and I don't think I have ever felt these feelings before. It can only mean that the crush that I have for him is starting to become something more, something greater than I even know.

I let out a sigh of happiness as I finish my ice cream, the chill present in my body. I look around the view and while it only has houses and stores to be seen there is a certain beauty that most people don't even realize and I wonder if they will ever be able to see it. The sky is so dark and while it's impossible to see the stars when there is so much light from the city I know that they are there, smiling down at us and protecting us with their sparkles of hope and light.

Leaning closer to Steel I put my head on his arm, I could not reach his shoulder because he is much taller than me but I still liked it and being around him and smelling his cologne which I don't know what is but I know I like it, it makes me feel like I'm dreaming and a part of me thinks that I am. However, I don't want this to be a dream. This magical night has been everything and it has been perfect to me, I never want it to end and yet at the same time I know it has to. But the memories will always remain in my head and those I will cherish.

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