《Chasing love / MxM (completed)》chapter 24


I see them talking in the garden. A feeling of jealousy hits me.

Why is he laughing with them? With the men! I don't care about Jaslyn, but Colson ...

I'm not saying he would cheat, but he clearly doesn't have an issue with having more partners.

"Hello," I walk to them and they all go silent.

"Oh, you're not in work." Baylor eyes me up and down, "that's new."

I scoff. "I came here to be nice and you are rude."

"Me?" he half screams.

"Guys, don't argue." Avi puts his hands on his hips. the belly poaking out, "but if I do have to choose a side, I would choose Bay."

I open my mouth wide. "You traitor. You better me on mine or I'll outcast you to the fairies."

"You wouldn't." he sniffs.

"Yeah, you can take your sister and Colson with you." I add.

"Well, if they are going , then so am I." Baylor steps in front of me, "I'm also a fairy."

I cleanch my jaw.

"You aren't going anywhere." I look into his eyes.

He shrugs. "What you're gonna about it?" he says in a sassy tone.

My eyes flash red and his flash yellow.

"Don't use your stupid wolf on me." I show him my teeth.

"I will rip your stomach to shreads if I have to."

"Okay, lets go somewhere else." Colson takes the siblings by shoulders and pushes them away, closer to the house.

"You think you're stronger than me?" I ask him.

"Ehm, yeah. YOu're just some blood sucker." he looks deep in my eyes.

"Blood sucker?" I raise my brow, "and what are you then? Some doggy ..." I laugh.


He jumps on me and move so he falls on the ground.

"Your wolf senses are useless."

"I'm not using them yet." he looks up to me. He wants to hit me but I catch his hand. He pushes me on the ground and I fall on him.

We are rolling on the grass together untill I catch his wrists and put them above his head.

"Let me go!" he screams and tries to get away.

"Not a chance. You want to attack me and I should be the nice one. No way." I frown at him.

"Stupid vampire!" he yells, "I hate you!"

I smirk. "Yeah, yeah, lie to yourself wolf pup."

"Stop calling me a pup! I'm not a pup!"

"You are definitely acting like one." I laugh at him struggling under me. "You are really easy to make mad Baylor."

"You would be too having my life."

I scoff. "And you think mine was easy?"

"Clearly. YOu have this big castle. I barely had a room."

"There's still blood on the walls here. Not litterally, but ... it wasn't for free." I look at him. He kicks my stomach with his knee a bit.

"Let go."


"You are an asshole."

I move my face closer to his and he slowly starts to calm down. He breaths heavily onto my face.

I let go of his wrists but let my hands in the same place.

"Let go." he whispers.

"I already did." I answer and he gulps down.

We stare into each others eyes.

"Why are you always gone?" he whispers.

"I don't want to be."

He looks down on my lips and licks his.

"Then don't be." he puts his hand on the back of my neck. I hear his heart beating fast. I'm almost worried about him.

He slowly moves his face closer, untill he puts his lips on mine and starts kissing me agressively.

So hungrily.

His one leg wrap around my lower back, keeping me in place.

He moves my head closer to his, stealing such intimate kiss.

I want to stop but he keeps going untill he pushes me away and breaths heavily.

He lays his head on the grass closing his eyes.

I get up looking down on him. He looks at me back.

"I still think you're an asshole." he whispers.

I smirk. "Okay, that's fine ..." I chuckle. What a surprise.

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