《Chasing love / MxM (completed)》chapter 23


I hold the guys neck while digging my nails into the skin.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know." he cries out.

"You didn't know he is a wolf? you let a wolf on my property and impregnant him? Really? That was an accident?

You know we have a no wolf policy here and anyone who is against it will suffer."

"I knooow, but please. Don't kill him, he is pregnant. I want my child to be alive." he cries.

"I will not kill him, I don't kill children. You on the other hand would deserve it."

He goes on his knees and sighs. "Alright. Do it, Don."

I scoff and roll my eyes. "Go. Out of the property and go live with the wolves. One of them left ... they will have empty space."

He gulps down. "Really?"

"Yes, go now before I change my mind."

"Thank you. Thank you." he cries and runs away.

Stupid vampires. How are my people so stupid?


"You should talk to him more, you know that?" Tadeo tells me.

I growl. "Quit it. I'm busy." I scoff.

"Lei, you were the one who took him here. You cannot just decide you are tired of him. That is not fair."

I sigh. "I'm not bored of him. The opposite, but I really do not have time and it pisses me off.

Why? Is he sad."

he does a face.

"Is he sad?" I frown.

"He seems a bit depressed to me. Empty, lonely, feeling useless." he looks at me worried, "you should make him... more welcomed.

he is not a prisoner is he? He is a guest."

"Yeah, I suppose he is." I shrug. Of course he is!


"Then do something with him. Don't you want to know more? Wait, do you even know?"

"Know what?"

"Poor guy. His mom left him and then he found out she is married to the fairies King.

What a pity."


"Yes, it is true. " he nods.

"Why did no one tell me!" I scream.

"H-how was I suppost to know. You are always gone. Well, I told you now. Maybe you could find something about her.

maybe why she doesn't care about her first born son anymore?"

I shrug. "She is a bitch, obviously."

he laughs. "Okay, but I'm sure it's more serious than that. you know how to find these things.

You are a mafia, aren't you?"

"Yes, don't tell me about my work. I know it well. Okay, okay. I will try to dig into it.

Where is he? In his room?"

"Your raven didn't tell you ?"

"I haven't seen him in some time ..." I think about it.

He smiles. "Bay is in the garden with Colson, Avi and Jaslyn. Fairies meet up." he giggles, "oh, maybe I should check on Avi."

"Will he ever give birth?"

"Oh, very soon." he nods.

"Are you ... excited to be a daddy?" I smirk.

"Of course! I tell you all the time!"

"Yes, but now it's soon, you won't sleep at night or drink ...you will go skinny from the stress."

He laughs. "I think it will be alright, but the baby will wake you up at night."

I frown. "It better not."

"Don't be mean."

"I need my sleep ...for beauty ...."

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