《Chasing love / MxM (completed)》chapter 22


"Babe, will you scratch my back?" I ask Tadeo as I lay on the bed.

"Of course." he kisses me on the lips and starts scratching me. I close my eyes and almost purr like a cat.

"Do you think Bay is happy here?" I ask him.

"Ehm, I don't know honey. He is a wolf and we are vampires. he probably hates us."

"Correction. He's half a fairy and I'm a fairy, so he likes me. But he definitely hates Leif."

"Oh, he hates Leif."

We both laugh.

"No offence to my best friend but we know how he gets." he says.

"Moody, rude, agressive, possesive, selfish, defensive, narcissistic beast. " I name probably just the half of it.

"Yes, but he can be nice. He jsut needs a little push. It's the boss nature in him."

"He's a cruel boss."

"Hm, he probably is, but not a cruel vampire." he kisses my neck and rubs my belly, " will be so beautiful."

"I know, I can't wait to have a baby girl. Do you think she will have my hair or yours?" I go on the other side, my long platinum blod hair on my back.

"I hope she will have yours, because I love them." He brushes his fingers in my hair.

"But she should have your nose. it's nice." I kiss his nose.

"She should have your smoking hot body." he squezes my thigh and puts his lips on mine.

"Wait, we shouldn't. I'm so tired and ... I'm due in a month. Not even."

"Who said I want to do nasty things to you? don't have such unholy mind." he wiggles his brows and chuckles.


He kisses me and pushes his tongue in my mouth. Why is he doing this to me?

I tell him all the time I'm more horny when pregnant.

"Seriously, I'm going to give birth here." I say.

He packs my lips and frowns. "Hm." he huffs and sits up. I go to a sitting position too.

"So, I have a new baby name." he says.

"Nooo, we've been over this. don't give new names." I whine, "we alredy have so many, I can't pick."

"No, but this ones really good." he smiles brightly.

"You said that about the last ten ones."

"No, but THIS ONE is really the one!"

"Tadeo, really." I whine.


I find Baylor in the library. He sits there silenty and it surpises me.

"Hi." I smile at him, "why are you here all alone? Where is Leif?" I ask.

"I don't care where Leif is. He always tells me he goes to some meeting, then he tells me not to run away, I have to eat meal with him.

He super annoying." he huffs.

"I know it seems annoying to you, but I wish he did that with me." I feel the tears coming, "hm, it's just - I'm sorry," i sniff, "it's the hormones."

"I know, it's okay."

"I wanted to." I cry and wipe the tears, "he just never asked me to have a meal with him. I don't even know what job he does.

it's- and we've been friends for so long." I cry. "it's so saaaaad."

He gets up and goes to hug me. "It's alright. Trust me, it's not worth it." he smiles.


I wipe my tears and smirk. "You are right, such asshole. He doesn't deserve my company." I frown and put a hand on my hip.

"Exactly!" he giggles.

"But really, why are you here alone? You could have told me."

"Oh, but you are pregnant. you must be so tired."

"I am." I admitt, "I have to sit down."

"Yeah, of course."

I sit next to him on the cough. "You look really sad, Baylor. Is it only because you are in this castle? I know you were taken against your will, but ... I think we've been kind to you."

"No, you were. YOu were-it's." he looks at me, "Avi,"


"How long is it since you left the fairies?"

"Phew." I think about it, "I'm not sure. I secretly dated Tadeo when I still lived there, but ... I would say seven years." I tilt my head, "Yeah, it's been tough but Tadeo is my love.


"Well, Colson mentioned. Ehm ... do you know the fairy king?"he asks me.

"Which fairy doesn't." I laugh.

"I don't. I lived with the wolves my whole life."

"Yes, but that's different. Don't beat yourself about it." I pat his shoulder.

"No, no you don't understand. The king is apparently ... married to my mother? Magnolia?"

"Magnolia is your mother?" I stare at him shocked, "but - how? Wait," I look him up and down, "You do have the same eyes ... and hair ... okay, you look a lot like here!

How did I not notice?!

But why are you here and not there?"

"Because I haven't seen my mother in twelve years and she never contacted me. I think she forgot.

I learnt this information like two three days ago." he shakes his head and sighs.

"Oh wow, ... do you want to contact-,"

"NO!" he frowns.

"Okay." I whisper and bite my tongue. Why is he yelling? I'm gonna cry ....

"Sorry," he rubs my belly and it feels nice. "ouch, it kicked me."

"Yeah, she is a fighter." i look at him with wide eyes.

"Don't worry, I won't tell others the gender. But I thought it was a girl. She will be so lovely."

I nod. "Is it hard? ... being a hybrid?"

he bites his lip. "Well, ...depends on the company you have around you and-and I think she will have a lovely one here. It will be okay for her."

"And you?"

"... I have no choice."

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