《Chasing love / MxM (completed)》chapter 19


I sit on the bed reading a book. Brantley's head is on my thigh as he is sleeping and Colson is sitting next to me, doing his make-up.

"Honey, you don't have to do too much make-up. You know you are beautiful without it." I smile.

"It's not about that, I know gorgeous." He puts blush on his cheeks, "but I have a competition now.

Baylor is half a fairy, I have to be more stylish and put together."

"Even though Baylor is very pretty, he doesn't seem to care about looks. In fact, he has to wear Avi's old clothes here.

Don't worry about it."

"What? He fits into Avi's clothes? Nooo, you know how skinny Avi is, so Baylor is skinny too. Great." He closes his mirror.

"What are you talking about? You are skinny too."

"Not like Avi."

"Avi is pregnant, honey. He is fat. Oh," I cover my mouth.

"He doesn't hear us." He giggles.

"You never know, you NEVER know." Avi's mood swings hunt me. "but you are beautiful, you don't need to make yourself look different."

"Okay." he kisses me on the lips and I kiss him back.

"Don't you want to put the book away." He whispers and smirks. He pushes his tongue in my mouth.

"Bran is sleeping on me." I say.

"Yeah? His loss." He keeps kissing me.

There is a knock on the door. "who is that? I swear if it's Avi."

Colson gets up and goes to the door. "Oh, .... Hi." He says.

"I need to work. Make him company." He pushes Baylor into the room and leaves.

"Hi guys." Bay says and I smile at him.

"Hello, how are you today?" Bran wakes up and yawns.


"Hi, Baylor." He says but lays his head on my shoulder.

"Sorry, I'm here. He didn't give me choice. I hope I wasn't interrupting."

"We were making out, but it's fine." Colson says.

Baylor blushes and panics a bit.

"Oh, ehm, ..."

"No, no, it was just a small kiss. Stay here." I say and nod.

"You were making out without me." Bran frowns.

"No, just one kiss, promise." I pack his lips too.

"But if you are busy, I can go to my room. I was just hoping someone will show me around.

It's fine if you don't want to."

"We can all show you around, right?"

"I'm kind of tired babe." Brantley looks at me.

"Don't you want to make a friend?" I whisper. "he's a fairy, like Col- he needs friends."

"What are you whispering there?" colson asks.

"Nothing, babe. We will go," I get up from the bed and walk to them, "Bren?"

"Alright." He yawns and walks to us. He is the tallest and strongest out of all of us.

He also has the 'oldest' features, but that's what I like about him.

He has a protective aura.

omg, Henrik

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