《Chasing love / MxM (completed)》chapter 16


Calm down. It's no big deal. That asshole doesn't deserve your stress. It's fine. Just ... breathe.

Lord! He's so disgusting! I can't believe he kissed me.

Yeah, it was barely a kiss. Actually, I didn't even feel it much, I just saw his face right in mine.

Like-how dares he kiss me? Who allowed him to do that?


And to think he drank blood before doing it. He has so limits. Gross vampire. I hate vampires!

They are so snobby and into themselves.


After I calm down, I have nothing to do, because what would I do here?

I have none of my clothes or things here. Not even a computer. We had a big table one together with my uncle, but I don't see one here.

Wolves don't really use modern technology much, but ... I heard vamps like it.

Even though, a big computer would ruin the aesthetic in this castle.

But seriously now, what am I supposed to do here? I don't even know WHERE I am. I didn't make it outside this castle.

Is there a garden? Forest? Desert? Another castle? What is out there?

After long thinking, I decide to sleep. Yes, I know it's not much of a decision, but who knows when they will wake me up and what will I have to do!

I need as much sleep as I can get!

For some reason, I guess my body was exhausted, I sleep through the night and morning.

When I open my eyes again, it's dim in my room, but the sun is slowly rising.

I yawn and stretch on the bed. Chills go through my whole body.

Wow, that was such a good sleep. Best one in weeks. I get up from the bed and look out of the window. I don't see much.


Just fog, some dark green trees and a part of orange Sun 'waking up' too.

I yawn again, but I'm actually not tired at all. I realize the air here is not really good, so I try to open the window.

"What?" I move with a handle but nothing happens. "how do you- ...huh ..." I talk to myself, until something cracks and the window opens.

I look around the room but it's obviously empty. The window didn't fall on me so I open it and my nose is hit with such fresh air.

I even close my eyes from how great it smells. But it's a different air than in my wolf pack.

More ... luxurious? I don't know how to explain.

Everyone imagine money and luxury when you say vampires. Maybe the money is in the air.


I dress into another clothes from Avi and do something with my hair.

I stand there looking at myself.

What would my father think of me? Being captures by vampires. He hated them with his whole heart. A vampire once tried to kill him too!

And my mom. She never talked nicely about vamps. Only in a bad light.

My uncle didn't mention them much, but he would if they were nice. Right? He mentioned fairies and witches? Not vampires ...

Every red flag is pointing at them.

But they aren't as bad so far. Tadeo is really sweet. Brantley seems kind and Henrik is funny. The three fairies are also nice and gorgeous.

I don't know Lue, but she seems badass and cool.

And then there's ... Leif.

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