《Chasing love / MxM (completed)》chapter 13


I stuff into the clothes annoyed. Who does he think he is? I'm not his dog to listen.

I'm still trying to find my way out. I should have stayed with uncle or ran to the fairies.

Being captured in a vampire castle is a living nightmare!

But ,for now, I don't have choices, I must listen to that blood sucker to survive.

Who knows how much patience he has. I definitely don't want to be turned into a sex and blood slave here.

My dignity and will to live would disappear.

Since I don't know where is the dinner, I just wonder around the castle. Like is it hard to put a map here?

Or at least give me instructions?

"Hello, gorgeous fairy," a hand wraps around my shoulder and a beautiful ginger haired woman smiles at me.

Woah, she is so gorgeous! How is that possible?

Wait ..." another fairy?" I say out loud.

"You are absolutely correct. I'm one, I'm guessing you are the fairy hybrid. You are really so pretty.

Your skin is magical."

"Thank you, but how come there's more fairies than vampires. Isn't this a vampire territory?"

"Oh, no, trust me. There's more vampires!" she frowns a bit, "I'm Jaslyn, Avi's brother. The pregnant fairy."

"Yes, I've met him." I nod.

"Great." She smiles brightly, "I visit brother regularly. I don't live here all the time, but a lot of times." He giggles, "especially now that he's pregnant and well, ... I have some personal issues with certain fairies at home.

I just prefer it here. Shocking, I know. But you get used to the house,"

"castle," I say.

"Right, it is castle." She laughs, "It's scary, isn't it."

"So, you are not here for a long time."


"no, I was kidnapped and I would like to go home."

"And where is your home?" she smiles.

I tense a bit and gulp down. I look away. "I don't have one anymore. I left, because the hunters are going after hybrids again.

But I was hopping to make one somewhere. Definitely not here though."

"Oh, poor you, you are on a run. Well, the castle is big enough. I'm sure you can squeeze in, even though you are a wolf.

Be careful, rather present yourself as a fairy. Vamps love them."

"Do they?" I raise a brow.

"I think so." She shrugs and smiles warmly. "my brother will have a hybrid baby. I'm so excited.

Aren't you glad you will have an ally here?"

"I'm hoping I will be long gone by the time of birth."

She frowns. "I doubt Leif will let you leave. You know Leif right? The owner, the ...mafia." She whispers.

"Sadly. He was the one to take me here."

"Oh, no, honey, then you're not going anywhere.

If they let you leave the house, than only as a vampire or ... dead." She gulps.

My eyes widen.

"So, are you excited for the dinner? I'm so excited. Leif told everyone to be there. Well, not everyone, but the closest people.

I'm so-so excited. But word of advice, do. Not. Sit. Next to my brother." She looks into my eyes, "save yourself." She whispers.

"O-kay?" I nod but scrunch my brows.


What will happen on the dinner ?

And do you like Jaslyn? (Yaass- Lyn)

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