《Chasing love / MxM (completed)》chapter 12


"I don't know if I want to borrow my clothes to you. Why would you even want it?" Avi eyes me up and down and hits one leg on the ground, "don't take it personally, but -you kind of have a fat ass."

He comments.

I smirk. I go to gym for that. "So do you," I say. He opens his mouth shocked. "I swear to lord, if you start crying, I will choke you on the shirt."

"Why are you so mean." He whines.

"Will you give me the clothes or not ? It's not for me, it's for Baylor." I say.

"For Bay?" he smiles, "you should have said that." He snatches few shirts, hoodie, sweatpants and jeans. "here, here, give him this.

Oh, and underwear, but don't look at it perv."

"Like I care about your panties." I roll my eyes. "thank you, I will give it to him." I say.

"No problem. If it's for Bay."

"Baylor." I correct him.

"Well, we are friends." He looks at me, "are you two?" I growl at him. "Are you some dog? Ew. Go away, please."

He takes a fan and starts waving air on him. "I need to rest for the baby." He rubs his belly.

"Do you know the gender yet?" I ask.

"You care?" he raises a brow.

"Avi, of course I care."

He sniffs, "I know you do." He says in a whining tone, "I just-," he gets up and hugs me, "I feel so shittyyyyy," he whines.

I pat his back and roll my eyes. "Don't forget to come to the dinner. I want it to be for .

Even Baylor."

"He will come?" he asks.



Baylor is sitting on the bed waiting.

"Here are some clothes from Avi. He was more than happy to give it to you." I tell him.

"Avi is kind." He says, "I only saw two men pregnant, I was a bit shocked seeing his baby bump."

I smile , but put on a poker face right away. "Well, he's a fairy. It's easy for him to get pregnant."

"But ... Tadeo is a vampire."

"Let's say they tried ."

"Hmmm" he blushes a bit. How old is he? Is he maybe a virgin?

"Enough about them. Get dressed. I will see you at dinner and you must come there. It will be for everyone.

Well, everyone in this house important."

"What if I won't come?" he asks me.

"You will." I frown.

"And If I don't?"

I scoff. "I will personally grab you by the neck and drag you there. I would just prefer to be ... less violent."

"Less violent? You kidnapped me!"

"You were trespassing on the vampire territory! My territory!"



"FUCK YOU !!!!!!!"

We both keep staring at each other. "so," I fix my clothes calmly, "do you want to have a serious talk before or after dinner?"


"Okay, then I will decide myself. After."

"What's for dinner? Blood?" he says annoyed.

"If you want to , but I think it's supposed to be steak."

"I'm tired . I'm want to sleep."

"Too bad. Sleeping is at night and it's the day."

"Yeah, well, I was running through the forest all day and then you woke me up at like ...four? Or five. How am I supposed to be alive!"


I sigh. "You were sleeping for many hours after. Just – get the dinner and then you can go rest.

We will have a talk tomorrow but I'm not happy about your complains."

"complains. I'm sorry I'm not happy in a house full of vampires." He frows.

I smirk. "C'mon, hybrid. Don't be too snobby and think you're better than us."

"I'm better than you." He looks at me.

I raise a brow. "Okay."

"do you want to drink my blood?" he says scared.

"Not now." I mock him. He looks up, "not ...ever, okay? I don't care about your blood, even though you smell amazing.

Don't wonder around the castle too much, I don't want your smell everywhere.

It will make my vamps confused.

Also, ...is there any way, you will stop the wolf sense? It's gross."

"You just said I smell good."

"Mostly, but- the wolf still reeks from you. Hm, I'll try and find something on it.

Oh, and if you ever yell at me" I look at him, "it won't end good for you. I guarantee you." I warn him in a dark tone.

Don't mess with me, pup. My patience has limits and you are right on my nerve.


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