《Chasing love / MxM (completed)》chapter 10


I wonder around the house. Wait, . I really cannot get used to calling it. Who lives in a fucking castle?

Oh, hm... vampires ! Bloody vampires- okay, that was kind of ironic, but seriously, this place scares me.

It's like a hunted house and I'm scared about what's going to jump on me behind the corner.

"Hey." I hear and voice and scream.

"Not again." I scoff , holding my chest.

"Hey, sorry. Wait, aren't you a wolf?" he sniffs the air, "shouldn't you like hear me coming?" a guy with very pale skin, sharp jawline. Black and red hair. Fox shaped eyes and dark lips smiles at me.

"I g-guess so, but you came quiet like you're a ghost. Did you use your speed? You know what, never mind.

I don't care anymore. Who are you though? people live here?

I already saw three."

"Oh, I'm , I'm vampire. Well, obviously, this is vampire territory." He smiles, "I live here with my boyfriends."

"Boyfriend ...?"

"Yes, I have two," he nods proudly, "they are really hot. Oh, sorry, you probably don't care." He giggle, "I just love to tell everyone.

Especially, Leif because he gets jealous. He's ... you know ... single." He raises his brows.

"Right." I roll my eyes annoyed remembering him.

"So, he lets you live here. Isn't he a mafia?" I gulp down. He's dangerous.

"Oh, me and Leif are kind of cousins. Well, not really but- let's say distant cousins, but we get along.

And my boyfriends live with me, because this castle is big.

Hm, don't tell Leif I told you, but I actually think he hates being alone, so that's why he allows so many people to be in here.

This castle gets really ... dark and lonely at night."


"Yeah, tell me about it." I laugh ironically.

"So, you live here now too? But- who are you? I hear they found you in the forest, but you're a wolf."

"I'm a hybrid, actually." I gulp down.

His pupils grow wider and for a second, I'm thinking he will suck my blood. "Right. I thought you smell so good.

Makes sense. Wait, are you a fairy? You are so beautiful."

"I am." I blush a bit.

"That is so cool! My boyfriend is a fairy.. He is so gorgeous. I mean- so are you but you get it. He's ..."

"I understand it." I nod, "so, wait, fairies are allowed to be here? Cause I met some pregnant one and-,"

"Oh, you met Avi. Yeah, he is Tadeo's boyfriend. Soon, fiancé. They are dating ," he says it in a long tone, "now. And Tadeo is Leif's best friend.

They are always together. Hm, now that you say it, I forgot what month Avi is." He shrugs, " but he's really moody.

Once I told him that his hair looks good and he started crying, because I didn't say it's : amazing." He explains.

I blink. "Right."

"So, I don't want to be rude, but are you supposed to be walking around the castle? I'm pretty sure, you should be in your room and ... not make Leif mad."

"Well, I got lost and I already made him mad. I refused to have lunch with him."

He looks at me terrified. "Are you out of your mind? Wait. You're ?" he frowns, "strange, but don't ever-ever do that.

You don't know how angry he gets."

"I don't care." I scoff, "he kidnapped me and keeps me a prisoner here. I don't know why and I need to get away.


I don't need to end up like some slave full of tasty blood."

"I don't think that's why you're here, but please don't run away.

I'm sure we can make it work. If you are here and not in the prison," they have prison? "then you must be special.

There is a reason why you are here and ... maybe you'll like the castle."

I frown. "I'm a wolf and a fairy , you guys are vampires. Wolves and vamps don't work together, everybody knows that." I say.

He shrugs and smiles. "We will see. Do you want to see my boyfriends?"

"No, I want to see my room but I don't know where the hell I am. And," I sniff my shirt, "I could use a shower."

He sniffs me and blinks. "Hm, no offence but you are right. Let's get you together, fairy cutie."

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