《Chasing love / MxM (completed)》chapter 9


Leif's pov

I slam my hand on the table and show my teeth a little, annoyed.

"Lei, it's okay. He just said he's not hungry. He will join next time." Tadeo says next to me.

If he was someone else, I would snap his neck, but he is my best friend for a long time.

On top of that, he's having a baby.

"It's not okay, it's a big deal. He's doing it on purpose to piss me off." I grit my teeth.

"And it is obviously working. Look at you. This is not you." He eyes me up and down, "you never let people mess with you.

Okay, you have some serious anger issues. Actually, huge anger issues and ...well, you hold grudges for months , also you always need to be right.

- you just handle stuff well. You can do so much better. Don't let some young hybrid twist your mind." He smiles happily.

"Guys, why do we have to fight," Avi says brushing his long blond hair, "I-," he sniffs. Oh, here we go again, "I just wish we could all get along, you know."

He says in a whinny crying voice, "why can't you be nice to Baylor." He sniffs.

I roll my eyes. "Do you really have to be emotional over everything?" I ask him in a neutral tone.

"Why are you yelling at me?" he screams with tears.

I only blink.

"Babe, c'mon, we will discuss it with Leif alone, okay? Why don't you go talk with the ?" Tadeo touches his shoulder.

"You don't want me here?" he cries.

"No." I say and he snaps his head to me.

"Now listen to me. I'm not scared of you just because you are a vampire Mafia." He points his finger at me, "you are a loser.


You let some twenty year old reject you like a high school crush. That's pathetic, even on you." He snaps at me and gulps down.

Tadeo looks at me terrified. "He didn't mean it." he says in a low voice, "he's pregnant." He rubs the stomach.

The thing is, Avi was always honest like this, the pregnancy just made it worse.

"I didn't let him reject me I just ... I." I shake my head, "it's my decisions and I can guarantee you he be on the dinner!


"Okay, Okay. I know." Avi walks to me, "I'm sorry." He hugs me while I'm sitting and I give him a side eye. My nose scrunching up.

"Please." Tadeo mouths at me and I roll my eyes.

"Fine, just stop talking okay? Or actually-why don't you go talk to my prisoner? Find out why he was on our territory?

Why was he alone? Where is his family? He's a hybrid and partially wolf," I scoff. I hate wolves, "so does he live in a pack?"

"Actually, I'm really tired." Avi says, "I need my baby to rest, but like you said Leif-it's your prisoner.

I think you should have the honor of investigating him." He whispers the last part and smiles, "Babe, will you bring me a chocolate to our room.

Actually, two. Please."

Tadeo kisses him on the lips and I scoff. I cross my arms on my chest. I'm not going to lie, I'm a bit jealous of them.

Perfect couple. Boyfriends. Baby on the way.

So cute I would throw up.

Tadeo looks at me after and sighs while smiling. "Why is he actually here?" he asks me.

I shrug. "He was on my territory." I look at my nails.


"C'mon, Lei. A lot of people cross the territory and you don't care about it."

"I can do what I want." I look at him.

"I know, I know." He mumbles.

"My raven told me about a cute hybrid and ... I just wanted to know more about him. Hybrids are rare."

"They sure are." Tadeo agrees, "and a fairy? He's absolutely gorgeous."

I want to growl at him with jealousy. Actually, no, what jealousy? I don't care about Bay ...lor. He's my prisoner and that's how it stays.

"I just want to find out the truth about him on my territory." I drink blood from my cup, "let's move on to another topic."

"As you wish, boss." He mocks me.

Leif is a mafia boss and a lot of people call him that. But him and Tadeo are good friends, so he's boss for him. He just calls him that sometimes in a 'funny' way, to make fun of him, mock him, make him smile. Like a silly 'nickname'.

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