《Chasing love / MxM (completed)》chapter 6


My whole world is spinning.

The sides of my head hurts like it's been cut in half. I've never been in so much pain my life.

Maybe it's both physical and psychological.

"I think he's waking up." I hear a muffled male voice.

It's really hard to open my eyes. My eyelids are glued to each other. Open, damn it!

I part them a little and see a very blurry image. I blink one. Twice. Three times.

My sight starts to get slowly more focus and brain is realizing what is happening.

What happened last? I was sleeping in the forest. I heard some loud noises.

I was running as a wolf ... the guy ... oh, shit, Vampires kidnapped me!

I open my eyes and stare at the person over me with terrified look.

It's a tall skinny man with long platinum blond hair and dark eyes. His face is hovering over mine, almost in a creepy way, with a big smile.

"Hi." He says happily.

I shake my head and sit up, gulping down.

"Who-who ...what is ..." I stutter words , my brain not being able to form a proper sentence. I look at the guy's body and see a ... baby bump?

What? I'm sorry if he only likes food, but it really looks like he's pregnant. It such a small, round cute belly.

"Oh no, it looks like they hit him pretty hard. He's so confused." He says in a sad voice.

Who is he talking to? I blink and catch onto my head.

"Are you okay?" they guy catches my shoulder, "what if he's going to die." He start crying with tears coming down his face.

I look at him with wide eyes. Isn't that a bit dramatic.

"I-I'm not dead." I whisper.


"I'm sorry, I'm pregnant and the hormones." He says while crying. He wipes his tears, "I'm just emotional and ..."

He says while opening a fan. Woah, where did he get that from?

"Honey, why don't you go to the window. To catch some air." Another man appears in my sight. He is a bit taller, but he has black hair and dark eyes.

Also a lot of tattoos.

"Sorry about my boyfriend. He is pregnant." He smiles happily, "I'm Tadeo and that's Avi.

Are you feeling okay? Do you hear us?"

"I- what the fuck?" I blur out while sitting on the bed. I look around quickly. It seems like I'm in an old ancient caste.

"Who are you? Where am I? What is happening?"

"No, calm down." He raises his hands, looking at me, "We don't want to hurt you. Or," he thinks for a bit, "I think we don't .... Hmmm," he smiles warmly, "it's okay."

I get up from the bed, trying to run, but my head gets to dizzy, I start falling on the ground.

"He fell on the ground." Avi says while crying. But it seems like such a fake cry to me.

"I- I'm fine." I say while holding on the matrass.

"Hey, slow down. You might want to sit down. There's no point in running, trust me."

Tadeo says and helps me to sit up, "it is impossible to get out of this castle.

Even If you were a witch with a teleporting ability."

"Guys, you don't have to worry about me. Really. I'm okay." Avi says from the window. Blowing air on him with the big fan.

"We weren't ... it's okay, honey," Tadeo smiles at him, "just let the tears out." He turns back to me, "as I was saying, running is not an option.


And you shouldn't do it. Leif will be mad."

"Leif?" I say confused. Who is that.

"About that later. You are ... a hybrid, aren't you?" he asks me.

"Obviously." I sigh tiredly.

"That is so majestic. I've never seen one in my life, but I always wanted to.

You are extremely beautiful. Such beauty. Almost like Avi, he's a fairy."

"I'm more beautiful than him." Avi throws the fan on some arm chair and walks our way.

"Baby I knoooow, I said almost. Right, I said almost." Tadeo looks at me panicking.

"He said almost." I admit and nod.

Avi smiles, no tears in sight, and catches onto Tadeo's sleeve. "Well, in that case." He giggles and blushes.

"I'm actually half fairy." I say.

"That explains the looks. Wow."

"Yeah, it's nice to see my people." Avi pinches my cheek and I frown. I'm not some child.

"What's the other half?" Tadeo looks down on me.

I furrow my brows. "Can't you smell it on me?" I ask him confused.

"Ehm, not really," he tilts his head.

"Oh, well ... it's true that some people say they don't smell it on me." I bite my lower lip. Wait, he's a vampire! They hate wolves! "Are you- a vamp?"

I say with a beating heart.

He's going to suck my blood and kill me.

"Yes, I'm a vampire. We are on a vampire territory." He chuckles.

"What?!" I scream with a beating heart. What the fuck.

"Yeah, don't worry your head about it now. You are a wolf aren't you? You are scared of me." He comes closer and sniffs my neck, "Yeah, ...wolf." He smiles, "it's okay.

I won't hurt you.

I am a vamp, but ...I'm progressive. That's why my boyfriend is a fairy." He kisses Avi on the lips, "our baby will be a hybrid. Just like you." He says and rubs his pregnant belly.

I look at it and pity the unborn baby. They have no idea what pain it will feel.

Or maybe ... it's different. Maybe it's just the wolf hybrids who suffer. It's true that vampires live in luxury.

"I c-can't stay here. Please let me out. I don't want this." I beg them.

"Oh, it's not up to us." Tadeo smiles, "sorry, but – we are not the ones who kidnapped you,"

"Don't say kidnapped, that's mean." Avi fixes him and plays with his long hair.

"Right, sorry. We just live in this castle and wanted to know about the new visitor, but it's not us who want you.

It's Leif." He explains.

"Then .... Who the hell is Leif?!" I half scream.

They both smile and nod at the same time.

I faint and fall on the bed again.

What do you think about Avi?


And Bay being kidnapped by vampire mafia?

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