《Chasing love / MxM (completed)》chapter 4🖤


I get so tired, I can't walk anymore. My legs are shaking and my body is not communicating with me.

I know for a fact that I've been walking for a long time, because I have never seen this side of forest.

For some reason, it looks so different.

Sort of ... scary. Cold. Distant. Spooky. It has that uncomfortable feeling at the back of your neck.

Like a spider crawling on you, but you can't find it.

You can't kill it.

That feeling starts forming inside my chest. Even the air is thicker. It smells like ... elderliness and blood?!

I have no other choice that to stay here and make a small camp.

My body is quite cold even though, as a werewolf, my body is hot. I do have a jacket but I'm not used to sleeping outside.

Under the cold sky and shiny stars.

I take out matches from my bag and light up some pieces of branches and moss. I know fire attracts animals but I can fight them and ... I need light and warmth.

I spread out a thin blanket on the ground and lay down on it. I yawn tiredly.

I wish my dad was alive so he could fix everything. His death was really a curse for all of us.

My mom had to leave the pack because of the Alpha. Now we have a new one and maybe if I begged him, he would let her come back, but why?

Why would she be back? Because of me? I don't even want to stay in the pack myself.

I'm glad she is away from the toxic people. I like werewolves, as a kind they are fine. They are loyal and nice.

But they don't like fairies. Or vampires. Witches only because they are useful.


Why am I shocked? Everyone is like this.

The witches basically hate everybody and if they don't have to help you, they won't. They feel superior because they are the oldest kind and there's the most of them.

How stupid. Feeling superior. Why? What good does it do?

But I can't put the whole blame on them, because the vampires tries to be rulers many time.

Snobby blood sucking bastards. No one wants you to rule. They hate wolves with all their guts, I never understood why?

Some wars and lack of sympathy. Apparently wolves smells bad for them. What a lame excuse.

Wolves say vamps are narcissistic and rude, which ... okay, that is kind of true. That is true a lot.

Fairies are in between. Apparently they kind and sweet. Welcoming.

Hm, welcoming to their OWN kind. Everybody knows they like perfection. Beauty. Every fairy is beautiful, it's their strength.

Those who aren't born beautiful are out casted, but they don't want people to know.

Do they like hybrids? Hm-probably only the good looking ones and well behaved.

I am well behaved but I have anger issues. It's not my fault, I developed them because of people. They pushed me and pushed me until I couldn't breath anymore.

I sigh.

I wish I could stop being a hybrid. I want to be a wolf. Actually, no. I just want to be a fairy. Sit around looking pretty and drinking tea. Why can't I be that?!!!

Why do I have to be hunted down and used?

Will I ever run away and be safe ...

-after that, I fell asleep.


What will happen when he wakes up? 👀

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