《Chasing love / MxM (completed)》chapter 1 💙


Baylor's pov

I knew it will be dangerous to live like a ever since I was little. You soon realize which position you hold in the society and hierarchy.

By the way they treat you or simply look at you.

I was never like other kids and I know how stuck up that sounds, but trust me, being like others was my biggest wish.

Sometimes being unique is the biggest curse you can get from your parents.

When it comes to them, I don't think they were bad people. I say were because my father died when I was eight years old and my mother had to re-marry a fairy and left me with my uncle.

But I don't blame her, because I know it wasn't her decision. She is a fairy and my father was a werewolf.

They lived in a werewolf territory together, so she was allowed here, but after my father's death, the alpha didn't like a fairy running around.

The alpha himself didn't leave her with various choices. No, they were simple. Either she leaves with me or she leaves alone and lets me stay with the wolves.

I may be hybrid, but I still have wolf blood in me.

She decided, it will be better for me to stay with my uncle, my father's younger brother, because of the full moon transitions and animal instincts I have.

Because I'm a hybrid, I don't transform every full moon, but once in two months. Not that it makes it much better.

It's hard to decide whether she was right about leaving me here. Would my life be better living with the fairies or would be even worse?

I heard fairies are very kind, but ... I was not a pure blood after all. I was a mixed child.

I did inherit both sides of the kinds. The fairies beauty and elegance. At least from what people say.


But wolves' strength and intelligence. You could say I'm the perfect mix, well, but not for others.

I remember kids at school bullying me, because I was a hybrid. Telling me I will never be like them.

Gossiping and spreading rumors that I don't even shift.

And then, when the bullying stopped, and I thought I'm finally free, the worst part happened.

As I was changing through puberty. My face, my body, my mind. People started to view me differently.

Like an object.

Like a prey.

All of those men's eyes on me like a magnet. Their mouths watering, eyes flashing, evil smiles appearing.

Everyone wanted to get into my pants and it stayed this way.

Luckily, I haven't met any vampire yet. Wolves hate vampires and they never allow any in our territory! Only under circumstances.

But someone told me that I need to be careful around vamps, because they will want me for my blood. Apparently hybrid's blood is better than humans or other supernatural.

It always sends a chilly shiver down my spine. Imagining it. I honestly don't know which is worse.

I've been trying to avoid anyone who tries to assault me in any way, but it's hard when the whole community cannot behave.

Once I borrowed a book about hybrids. Well, I stole it from the library, but I doubt anyone would ever look for it. Who knows why it was even there.

But if taught me some important things about me. Everyone's attracted to my appearance and drawn to my smell.

Hybrids are sex objects, but they also have a high-sex drive, so some don't mind. But so can become a-sexual due to trauma.

I wouldn't say I'm either of those. Or maybe I haven't discovered it yet.

Well, ... I'm not a virgin anymore.


I'm not sure if that information is shocking or not. I lost it with my good friend that I trusted and it was mutual. We weren't in a relationship. We just both wanted to try it.

He never judged me for being a hybrid and never over sexualized me. It was great and I wanted it this way. I'm grateful to him.

But ... not even my uncle or my friends can make me stay here. I already made up my mind. I heard there are going after hybrids.

I don't want to be caught, I must disappear somewhere. I doubt anyone here would fight for me.

I must go.


Hi❣️ This story is a mix of everything and I'm sure you will love it, because it can satisfy anybody (I hope). I'm sure you won't regret reading it. 🥰

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