《Panta》Chapter Ten- We are friends


We managed to find our way to class and past the multiple explosions and nonsense that usually comes from Hope's Peak Academy including teachers trying to drag their students to class with Ouma behind me.

"Is the explosions and chaos normal?" Ouma asked me when we reached our classroom "pretty much" Ouma just shrugged "well then this will be interesting"

"Yeah it took me a while to get used to the school but it warms up to you for all it's parts" Ouma just nodded to me, I guess understanding "reminds me of my friends..." I heard a small mumor to I guess himself.

Oh yeah....I guess it would be kind of sad returning to school with all your previous friends being gone...maybe I can get Momota and him to warm up to each other along with the others so we can hang out and potentially help him.

Once we got in Ouma just headed straight to Yonaga for some reason and said "thank you for your Atua nonsense" and I just stared confused while Yonaga seemed happy that her Atua thing managed to connect to someone or help them. Since when was Ouma religious? He never appeared like that before.....

"Why did you thank Yonaga?" I asked and he quickly answered "no reason, also your fly is down" I felt my face heat uo and then realized he was lying, "that's a lie" I said and Ouma grinned "you still turned into a tomato though"

"Really Ouma?" He just grinned at me and I smiled despite my attempts to stay mad at him.

"OUMA! SHUICHI!" I heard someone yell and noticed Kaito coming over with Rantaro, Kiibo, and Kaede. And they were all crying over Ouma. Ouma glared at me as they pratically tackled him as Maki just sort of stared at them like they were crazy.


"Oh my gosh Ouma what happened to you was horrible!" Kaede said in between tears as I dragged Kaito to the side "did you tell Rantaro and Kiibo?!" Kaito looked embarrassed and guilty "well...they asked...and they threatened to collect my strawberry short cake dvds so of course I had to tell them" I nearly smacked myself in the face at that last comment.

He sold Ouma's biggest secrets for Strawberry Shortcake Movies...i'm questioning our friendship...

Ouma looked overwhelmed with how they surronded him asking questions about what I guess is his personal life and looked at my with a silent plea in his eyes. It clearly said 'get me out of here' and I obliged going over and dragging him out of the classroom as the rest stared at us confused.

"Your friends suck" Ouma said as he sat down against the wall. I shook my head "they just want to help you, just get used to them and I'm positive you'll become friends with them" Ouma shook his head "I don't want new friends" I sighed.

Just have patience..he's been through a lot...his friends died and he thinks it's his fault for atua's sake.

"Don't worry these guys are the guys you will want to become friends with" Ouma raised his eyebrow "you promise that?" I nodded "ok but if you end up breaking my heart you owe me" I nodded.

"Ok then...guess I'll go back into the lion's den...yay" I laughed as Ouma and I headed back in.

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