

For a moment silence passed but then it was filled with mechanical speaking and mad shouting into microphones that sat on the surfaces of various desks. Aletheia stood in the kitchen with Lauren and Kelly. The small baby was the youngest in the room.

"Where did Scotty and co say that they were going?" Shrugs hit Aletheia as she walked the kitchen nonchalantly. Not paying any attention to the space around her or what was going on.

"I need to go shopping. Do you two fancy it? I did ask Tyler but he went to play games. I feel like he wasn't listening yesterday." The two looked at each other and nodded in a silent agreement.

"Jaren has your keys. Brock was doing some stuff and didn't want to lose them. I will go grab them for the baby seat?" Lauren gave her a thanks and went to grab a coat for the baby while Kelly mentioned something about meeting them out there.

Aletheia walked up the hall and found the room they called their bedroom but he was not there. Looking around again a loud set of shouts could be heard from another room and Aletheia walked in. They were playing CS:GO and they appeared to be losing.

"Oy. Smit. Where are Moo's keys?" Without looking back at her a hand slipped into his pocket and a set of keys were removed and thrown in her direction. Clearly, he was far too busy to pay much attention but they had landed on the floor just in front of her so she crouched and grabbed them. His laptop showing that he was still playing.

"Thanks, Bitch." Was shouted calmly over her shoulder before the door closed behind her and she set off for the front of the house where she had to look for a while before she found both of them. Stood and talking about not much to mean anything.


"Thanks," Lauren cast while she took the set of keys and Kelly took the baby from her arms. The three found the time flying until they were minutes from the shop. Aletheia heard Lauren's phone ring.

"Hey, we just wondered where you had gone to. Kelly and Aletheia have gone as well. We assume they are with you." Brock almost gave his all as he was shouting from the other side of the room.

"Yeah. We have gone shopping. Kelly needed something. What do you want?" As Lauren had said this Tyler audibly swore in the far corner of the room. Clearly, he recollected the day before when Kelly had asked him to do the shopping.

"Nothing. See you later." Brock sent his love and then the two hung up. All the while a silence had claimed the car as Aletheia kept her head down and reread a case. It wasn't until she was asked a question that any of her surroundings came to her. An apology and a small explanation of being preoccupied let them repeat the question about being in a relationship.

"Smii7y is nice. I mean, he can be messy but I don't care much. It feels like we have known each other forever." The two seemed to be pleasantly surprised by her answer.

"His past girlfriends didn't say that. We got a blend of how good he was in bed. How he was attractive and how good his money is. I mean with YouTube these days money isn't as good but it is good enough." Kelly made the snappy comment and Aletheia felt the underlying cause to her words.

"To be honest he isn't the best in bed but it isn't fair to judge on like two times and he is pretty fit but Will is my standard so not much to go on. I mean, Will reminds me of Mr Sandman but still I earn more than a YouTuber of his size does on average. A lot more though he doesn't know that yet." In one sentence everything had been slammed down and Lauren only just seemed to relax a little more. Kelly looked sceptical still.


"Why did you agree with going out with him in the first place?" Aletheia smiled and let a shade of red hit her face.

"Well, he invited Lilly and me over for a meal but Lilly felt the jetlag and timezones get the best of her. She told me that she was tired. I went for the meal still because I had agreed to it and he was up for it. Then when I was leaving we kissed. It just happened in a couple of seconds." Aletheia could still see hesitation from them both. Clearly, Jaren had quite the protective friends. And for Aletheia, she was glad. He deserved to have friends like that.

When they managed to get to the shop there was a sound from a phone and Aletheia saw it was Jaren. She wanted to excuse herself but decided against it.

"You cock sucking slut." Was shouted down the phone and Aletheia was baffled by the words of Anthony. Shouts and also laughter filled the room behind and Aletheia stood completely baffled.

"Sorry. That wasn't meant for you." Jaren had finally spoken after his own laughter had died down. The room began settling to a comfortable level of insults as they spoke on the games that they had all just played.

"I had hoped not. I am just glad Anthony doesn't see me as a cock sucking slut. Now, how can I help you?" Jaren gave a short reply of some of his favourite ice cream and Aletheia only complied.

"All right. I love you...and? No, Smii7y what do you need to say to me? I don't care if the boys are still recording. Fine. I will see you in a moment. I know you do and that is why I wanted you to say it. All right, bye." Aletheia sighed as she hung up and the girls seemed to become quiet.

"You two have told each other that you love each other?" Kelly asked as her finger was held by the small bean in the trolley. Not a problem in the world.

"Yeah. I think he is really shy or doesn't love me because he won't say it in front of the boys but oh well. We are all different and have different comfort zones." A small and pleasant agreement had come from the pair.

"You aren't like his other girlfriends. I mean, they were all punching with him but you two seem pretty good. If anything he is punching just a little. I hope you two work. I like you." When Kelly had finally said that a large smile took to her face.

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