

As soon as the phone was down a chair was heard and a man walked over to the table of men and Aletheia.

"Hey, Thia, what happens when you burn things? What goes into the atmosphere? I don't know the answer but if you do, perks." John had asked as the man who had just stood up got a little closer.

"I studied Chemistry at school. The only two possible products of complete combustion are carbon dioxide and water vapour. Also in incomplete combustion, carbon could just be formed. Soot or pure carbon and also carbon monoxide. Good question John." She knew why he had said it, to delay the start of what was about to happen.

"Hello, Thia. How lovely, how are you today? I suppose we can chat now?" Will was just about fuming. He had the audacity to look angry at her.

"When you stop fucking married women I am up for it but I don't see that happening. I am also led to believe you are trying to disrupt the peace. I have the right to ask you to leave. Thank you, Will." He stood still for a second.

"I have the right to an explanation. You have no right to do what you did. I can always call Lilly. I have a way of getting her mobile number." He was stood and the table was so busy talking suddenly it was only her paying attention to what he had to say.

"She has never liked you. She also knows I have ended it with you. I have yet to tell her what you did but she is going to be pissed. Anyway, can I ask you to leave or do I have to talk to you in a way you will understand? I mean I will fuck Alison's husband." He huffed and made a move to his table.

"Aletheia, I still love you." A smile came to her face as he said this as she just nodded. A hint of wanting to be with him washed into her but it was forgotten.

"You and I both know you don't love me all that much. Not enough anyway. Goodbye Will." He sat and ate, flirting with the whore beside him.

"So, Aletheia." Jaren's eyes went wide with disbelief at what had just happened and he was starting to smile. "I could give you so much loving. I won't but good for a lot more than you think." He gave a suggestive look to his crotch and gave a wink before making a clicking sound. She couldn't hold back a laugh as he teased her.

"I am aware of the fact you have a micro-sized penis. All right Jaren." Anthony began to laugh dramatically beside her as she had said this. His laugh set her off and the bill was brought to them. Suddenly the laughing grew as he turned to Aletheia with a flirty look.

"Stop," She let out as they laughed. It was given in cash as they all had the maple notes to use. Still, light laughs were sent and then they stopped, slowly. They got into the cars and directions were given. When they got back the door was opened and all men walked in but Aletheia went into her room before any could notice. She figured that they wouldn't see her but just in case. As she had just opened the door a hand caught her hand.


"Hey, do you want to come to mine?" The question was asked and no answer was said for another few seconds.

"Look, I had a shit ton of fun. I did but, I am a boring lawyer who sits and sends people to prison not laugh and have a good time. I am really grateful, really, but you have some fun." As she said this he pulled her handle shut and locked it. He then took all the keys and Aletheia was too weak to stop him but she tried. Finally, he picked her up and held her as he walked her into his flat. It was a little darker naturally as there were fewer lights and window. They both fought as Aletheia tried to get her keys and then leave the room. It was obvious that Aletheia was losing.

"You know, this is the definition of kidnapping and I could sue you. The unlawful removal of a person from one room to another with the person being removed not having given their consent. There are witnesses and also lying in court can cause a hefty fine and it is possible to serve prison time for perjury. Seeing as most of you are American the punishment can be up to three times harsher than in Canada and five times harsher than in Britain. Everyone is watching which makes you accessories to the crime." The facts rolled but they ignored her. She was on a rant but a video was being set up.

Aletheia was sat behind the camera with a man named Smii7y beside her. He was doing all of the cameras and she had a phone that was once one of their phones. They set up and a somewhat eccentric intro was given by the one they called Mini or Craig.

"We have a friend behind the camera, not a YouTuber, who will be asking all the questions. We will not announce her name to keep her privacy. She will probably sue us all if I did. Oh, and Smii7y is also behind the camera and if the video is all fucked up, blame him." He walked in front of the camera so that his chest could be seen and then he lifted a middle finger.

"Right. Go." One man called Evan announced from the sofa. It was live so if she messed up it would be known. If they slipped up and said her name it would be out there.

"Kryoz and Smii7y. When you gonna fuck?" Two pairs of eyes met and they both gave shrugs. Jaren walked onto the set and went to John. Pretending to start the scene but it cut short and Jaren walked backwards, to keep his face hidden.

"When you going to fucking grow up?" Was shouted from behind the camera from Jaren as he pretended to look furious. Clearly, he was not but it caused a laugh.

"I have just taken Media Studies as an A-Level. What advice would you give?" The words hung until John asked what they were all thinking.

"The fuck is Media Studies and the fuck is A-Level?" They turned to Craig and he just left a shrug to answer. He had forgotten. As they looked ready to move on Aletheia spoke up.


"Media Studies is like English Literature but about the media. They evaluate movies and videos. A-Levels are the step between 16 or secondary school and university. Basically, it is the years that tell you, this is wrong and this is almost right." They all nodded and a 'constructive' degrading of calling the person a piece of shit took over. They all gave a laugh and couldn't stop until Anthony had finished. As her eyes glanced over the questions an all too familiar name came up. Lilly. She had to.

"Smii7y, if you have done a face reveal why are you hiding behind the camera? I mean, this commenter has a bloody good point." At this he let his face be seen by sitting with a thud onto Mini's lap. A squeal was released in pain as this was done. For a solid three minutes, Mini was on all fours but one hand cupped the oh so sensitive places. Jaren had returned and stood behind the camera.

"Who sent that?" As he said that she showed the phone and he read out her name and Aletheia felt her face grow a smile. Her own phone began to vibrate and she had to try and cover it up. She got her phone out and turned it off. It was Lilly.

Two whole hours later the button was then pressed and they all relaxed a little. The buzz of energy lessening and they all began to read their phones. Thia handed the phone to an outstretched hand and smiled slightly.

"Oh. I have the intermediate tomorrow. I will have loads of clients coming to see me. Can I ask you just don't film the hall at all until twelve?" They all agreed and let her go on with her life. As she got to the door a faint voice caught her.

"Not just a snack. A fucking main meal." It was Anthony and they all laughed. That was when he looked at the door and looked a real image as red took over. Thia had no clue what he spoke of and so laughed and left to go home. As she left though Jaren met her.

"Hey, I had fun today but I must warn you I may be awfully loud tomorrow." She waved it off and went to leave again. As her blonde was almost out the door he spoke up once again. "If I give you my number you can tell me if I am too loud." She smiled but thought it to be unnecessary as she could do it in person and save the hassle of an unknown number and he would be too busy to check his phone. All this she explained and he was completely silent. As she said this though she smiled and turned her phone on.

"See you tomorrow, Smithers." He was not in any way expecting that as she spoke to him. Maybe she did know more than he knew. It was unexpected though. When the door was almost closed John smacked Jaren's back and asked if any numbers were swapped. The room laughed when he told them the truth.

"Shut up." Was given and they began to all work away at their own thing.

Aletheia stood in her room and checked the messages. Many from her sister saying that she knew Aletheia must have been busy as the calls stopped going through. There was also a short voicemail.

"Hey, Alison here. No phones can reach you so I assume you haven't blocked my and Will's numbers. I just thought you ought to know he loves you. Perhaps you two could go back to it. He told me it is over. I am also very drunk. In case you cannot tell but he did it. Something I never believed him to be capable of. He did it in that restaurant we met you in today. He fucking dumped me. Anyway, bye." The phone went silent but then it picked up a second later from the same number.

"The firm also needs you. You have a lot of loyal clients and you are almost the best lawyer we have. Despite your age and the method you had to use to join. You get results, ones Miah will never get. She is going to lose her job with you not there. She doesn't know you left yet, but she will." The phone went quiet and the voice ran through her head. Alison was in a world of pain. But so was Aletheia and Alison had been the one to cause the damage. All Aletheia did was protect herself.

Memories of Will and herself filled her mind as she sat on the patio, thinking and hating all life brought. As she sat there though a door on her left opened. She faced out still in hopes of it being a person who wouldn't pay any attention to her.

"Not tired?" The voice asked and she smiled as she shook her head. It was late but she had energy. Energy she needed to burn and normally Will would be called for that. In all her time with him, his face was one she had loved. His nose may have been excessively large but his eyes and smile could light the hearts of the untouchable. Her eyes filled and a chill caught her. She wrapped her arm around herself while the other hand played with the necklace. He had given it to her almost a year before. The night sky brought lows of single digits but the sky was a pleasure to watch.

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