《BBS Smut Book》BasicallyIDoWildcat



( Basically's POV )

I working in a coffee shop. It was located at the south side of town. The bell on the door rang. I looked up to see a man much taller than me. He had dirty blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. He wore a shirt that had a pig on it, with a jacket over it, some blue jeans, and pink converse.

I smiled as usual and took his order. He carried a note book and a laptop. I wrote the name he told me on his cup and set it on the counter. "Tyler?" He stood and grabbed the cup. I went on with work thinking about the guys name. How it matched so perfectly to his looks.

I swept around the tables and booths. I soon found myself sweeping around his table. I took a small glance at him. He smiled at me, making my heart skip beats. I smiled back and continued sweeping.

After work, I put my apron up and headed to my car. I saw a shadow standing by my car. "Uh.. can I help you?" I tried not to sound scared. They faced me and smiled. The person took their hood off. I instantly recognized him as the guy from before.

"Uh.. hey. I just uh.." he got flustered. I looked at him confused. "Wanna go out sometime?" He finally blurted out. I smiled wide and nodded. He smiled too and hugged me. I stood on my tippy toes and took in his scent.

We soon separated. "Uh. Tomorrow at 6?" I nodded again and unlocked my car. He waved bye and got in his.

Tomorrow came and I was getting ready for me and Tyler's date. I wore a white t-shirt, some nice but ripped jeans, and some black and white vans.


I soon heard my doorbell and raced to the door. I fixed my composure and opened it. Tyler stood there with some flowers. He was wearing a black shirt, light blue jeans, pink converse, and baseball cap with a pig on it.

I smiled and took the flowers. I set them in a big vase with some water. "Thank you. Now shall we?" I said. He nodded and headed to his car. I followed. He opened the door for me and I gladly sat in the passenger seat.

We went to a wine factory then got snacks at a 7/11. It was great. We ended up cuddling on the couch while watching a movie.

I couldn't believe I was cuddling with a guy I had met while working at a coffee shop.


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